Friday, August 12, 2011

FGS 2011 Conference Program - my Wednesday selections

The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) 2011 Conference, "Pathways to the Heartland,"  is September 7 to 10 in Springfield, Illinois.  i'm looking forward to attending and being an Official Blogger.

The program schedule is at  I decided that I'd better think about the presentations I want to attend.  Here's my list for Wednesday, 7 September:

8:30 a.m. W-100:  Plenary Session: How Will Our Society Survive? Do We Alter, Mutate, Modify, Shift or Switch? - David Rencher

9:30 a.m.  W-104: But It's My Family: Copyright Issues for Genealogists- Cath Madden Trindle

11 a.m.  W-113: Internet Collaborative Tools for Genealogical Societies - Jane G. Halderman

2 p.m.  W-118: Engaging a New Generation of Genealogists - D. Joshua Taylor

3:30 pm.  W-127:  Brainstorming Session - Education and Programs

5 p.m.  W-135:  Brainstorming Session - Marketing Your Society

As you can see from the program schedule, and by my selections above, Wednesday is devoted to genealogical society issues.  As the current Newsletter Editor, and former President, of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, I am very interested in all of the issues presented throughout Wednesday.  Thankfully, the syllabus should have summaries for all of these presentations (except for the brainstorming sessions, I think). 

1 comment:

Becky Higgins said...

I'll be in a couple of the same sessions, Randy. Looking forward to meeting you there:)