
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ken Aitken has Passed Away

One of the very best genealogy educators and writers I have ever known has passed away. Ken Aitken, who was a genealogy librarian, researcher, writer, educator, speaker, blogger, encourager and friend died of complications due to ALS in Penticton BC today.

You can read Ken's obituary at and find Neil Aitken's musings about his father at You can comment about his passing at both sites.

I never met Ken, but I feel like I "know" him well. I enjoyed reading and commenting on his Genealogy Education blog because his posts and opinions challenged me to think. Ken was a true professional in everything he did. His passion for genealogy research and education was inspirational. He walked the walk and talked the talk. I encourage each of you to go to his blog and read his posts - you will understand what I mean.

My heart is heavy, but I am glad that he is out of his physical pain. My prayers are with his family and friends - may they celebrate a life well lived (although way too short), appreciate him as a spouse, parent, grandparent and friend, and remember him for his goodness and love for life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so very sad. Ken was one of the first bloggers (along with you and Craig) whose blogs I ever read. But, like you, I am glad he is at peace and rest. Thanks for letting us know, Randy.
