
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Five Questions - Favorites

In honor of Family History Month, Juliana Smith on the 24/7 Family History Circle blog has been challenging readers to answer five questions from each Weekly Planner topic–or make up five of your own.

This week’s topic is favorites. Here are some questions to get you started:

1) What is your favorite book and why?

Historical fiction - the stories of real people acting in the historical settings.

My favorite author is probably James Michener - and all of his books follow the same format - a multi-generational family history that sweeps through historical events. I'm thinking about Texas, Mexico, Poland, Hawaii, Centennial, etc.

I also like Edward Rutherfurd's books - Sarum, The Forest, London, Russka, etc. These are similar to Michener and just as good.

2) What is your favorite movie and why?

We don't watch many movies. I saw Titanic again recently - it's still a great story wrapped around a fictional romance. Why? The nude scene with Kate Win - no, wait. The love scene in the car? I meant - the evacuation and sinking of the ship was dramatic.

3) Where is your favorite place in the world and why?

I absolutely love and will never live anywhere but San Diego -- even in its toasted splendor. My family, my town, my teams, my history.

I also really enjoy the New England summertime green and fall color, the Hawaii volcanoes and climate, the English countryside and castles, the Norwegian mountains and lakes, the Mexican beauty and squalor, etc. I love cruise ships too.

4) What is your favorite time of day? Are you a morning person, an afternoon person, or a night owl?

I do well in all three periods, except I usually wind down around 4 PM and take a nap then. I find inspiration in the morning, do the genealogy data entry work in the afternoon, and the reading and browsing in the evening.

5) What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas. The Christmas lights on the houses, and the Christmas tree decorations. I love to watch the shopping experience - everybody hurrying and buying, and I try to remain calm and observant. Then get something nice for my Angel at the last minute - usually jewelry or clothes. I love to watch the kids excited around the Christmas tree on Christmas morning - the sense of wonder, the frenzy to open gifts, etc. I love the reason for the season - it brings me peace.

Well, Family History Month is over, so I guess we'll do this again maybe next year. Or maybe not!

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