
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

DearMYRTLE's TeachGenealogy blog

Our blogging and podcasting friend, DearMYRTLE, has been mentoring and leading a research group near her home in Salt Lake City for several months, and has started a blog called TeachGenealogy to summarize their experiences, problems and successes. Be sure to go visit Myrt's new blog!

The post that I really appreciate is the one titled "Great sites with lesson material." Myrt lists web sites with lots of great information in many categories, from blogs to books to online lessons to software - go see what I mean. Wonderful work.

Good luck to Myrt on her new blog, and for success of her Research Group. I'll be reading every week to try and get ideas for the Research Group that we have enjoyed over the past five years in Chula Vista (last month's report is here, and the next meeting is tomorrow, 6/11). This old dog needs as many new tricks as he can find, since our group is too savvy now for my old tricks!

The really neat thing about groups like Myrt is working with is that the research skills and confidence levels of the attendees increase rapidly and quickly approach the leader's levels if they stay together for several years.

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