
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Scanfest today was on Ancestories1

We just finished the first Scanfest chat using the CoverItLIVE! web site. Some of us participated through that site, and others participated through Miriam Midkiff's Ancestories1 blog - see for the script of the chat.

I'll leave it to Miriam to describe more about it, but it was an interesting experience. One of the main reasons for using CoverItLIVE instead of using Windows Live Messenger is that some people don't use Windows, and WLM had a tendency to drop people off the live chat. In coverItLIVE! there can be up to 50 people online chatting without a lot of host intervention. Some people can upload photos or videos to the chat.

I managed to scan 17 pages of my Aunt Marion's photo album into the computer during the 2.5 hours I was on the chat - about 100 photos total.

This is another example of genealogy collaboration in action - we chatted about our photos, how genealogy societies can survive, genea-bloggers and much more. Somebody even threw some M&Ms into the chat window for refreshments. It was fun!

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