
Saturday, June 27, 2009

What I did at Jamboree - Saturday - Day 2

Whew, I'm tweeted out and didn't have time to post anything today. Here are highlights for my day:

* Went to hear Ron Arons talk on Mapping Madness - great presenter, interesting topic, good audience. Ron was substitute "teacher" for this presentation, got an A+ from me.

* Got to blogger summit room, set up my laptop and worked in Twitter to live tweet it. See for the live tweeting of the Blogger Summit meeting - 2.5 hours. Others tweeted about it too - littlebyteslife, hikari17, acoffin, several others. DearMYRTLE and other bloggers have photos.

* Lunch in convention center - talked to bloggers, readers, colleagues. Ate outside - it was warm in the sun.

* Took my flash drive to GenerationsMaps and Janet loaded my GEDCOM file, and provided a 7 foot long 8-generation chart for me. She took a picture of us with the chart - see her post here. Cool - thanks, Janet!

* Walked around the exhibit area, then went to Lisa Alzo's presentation of Murder, Mayhem and Town Tragedies. Interesting talk, a complex story, and good solutions. Lisa has wonderful stories!

* Decided to go take a nap rather than go to a 3 p.m. talk - good decision!

* Went off at 4 p.m. to go to Dollarhide's talk, but room was very full. Walking back, talked to Paul Larsen about his Easy Family History book and site.

* Time for the Facebook face-to-face meeting - talked to bloggers, colleagues, etc. Had a snack to tide me over until late dinner.

* Went up to dress for dinner. Came down and sat in the cool breeze with footnoteMaven and several others, then went to Bloggers dinner. There were 33 there. Linda and I sat with Dean Richardson and shared family and genealogy stories. There were lots of pictures taken and lots of laughs, and I'm sure others will share about it.

* Got my laptop and went to lobby to write this post. Talked to Hovorkas, Buzbees and Illya D'addazio while trying to blog. Back to room by 11:30... major yawn!

My hope had been to post pictures today of the blogger events, but I'm afraid I left my camera USB cable at home - either that or I've lost it somewhere. So - pictures when I get home!

All in all - a fun day. One more day and we go home on the train. It is so much fun to put personalities to the faces and words of my blogging colleagues. There is such a wonderful camaraderie in our Genea-Blogging community - lots of support and little criticism. We've built a fun and good thing, blogger colleagues.


  1. Sounds like a great time ! You and your blogger colleagues did a great job with the Tweets. It was fun reading them live during Son of Blogger.

  2. Really enjoyed chatting with you Randy! Thanks for coming to my talk!

  3. Wish I could come in from dinner every night and get to chat with you for a while. Love ya Randy.
