
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Roots Television's Top 10 Videos

The Roots Television / Og Blog announced today that it is Roots Television's third birthday, and to celebrate the birthday, they are listing their Top Ten most popular and intriguing videos.

The top ten include:

1) DNA: Tale of 2 Fathers
2) In Search of Annie Moore
3) Down Under Florida: Ashley
4) Unclaimed Persons
5) Cyndi’s List
6) Psychic Roots
7) Heir Jordan
8) Haley-Baff Genetic Reunion
9) DNA: Were They Sisters?
10) DNA: Did She Marry Her Cousin?

There are four DNA videos on the list, which reflects, I think, Megan Smolenyak's interest in and passion for the subject. And that of her viewers, too!

I'm happy to see the Annie Moore video on the list. The search for the real Annie Moore three years ago really sparked my interest in participating in searches of this nature as part of a group of people. I think that it is one of the very best examples of genealogy and family history research in this century.

Partly because of the success of the Annie Moore search, Megan started the Unclaimed Persons group on Facebook in 2008, and the group is working on its 145th case now, with over 50% of them solved by the energy and intelligence of the group of researchers.

If you have not watched Roots Television, I urge you to go to and select one of the channels and watch some of the videos. I try to watch it every month and try to keep current. It is FREE, and there is a lot of how-to content, in addition to interviews and public interest stories, on the site.

Congratulations - and THANK YOU - to Megan Smolenyak and her team for creating, building and sustaining a Top Ten Genealogy website (on my list, anyway!) for three years. I hope that it is many more!

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