
Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Labor of Love - the Carnival of Genealogy

Jasia has posted the 84th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy on her Creative Gene blog. I encourage all of my readers to read the posts written by many genea-bloggers on the topic of "What the Carnival of Genealogy has Meant to Me."

The overwhelming sentiments were that the Carnival provided a reason to blog about a certain topic, that it helped stimulate and improve writing skills, and that it created a sense of community among genealogy bloggers.

Jasia is the most gracious and friendly hostess for these Carnivals - read her comments about each poster in the Carnival post. We are all so lucky to have people like Jasia in our big genea-blogging crew! And after three plus years of reading Creative Gene, I still don't know her "real" name. She's a lady of mystery! But when you mention "Jasia" to any genealogy blogger (and we all know how to pronounce it, right?), and many readers, they all know who she is and what she does.

Please go read the Carnival of Genealogy post, and if the topic moves you, then participate in the next and succeeding Carnivals. Because Carnivals are usually about family stories and memories, you never know when a Carnival post will be seen by a reader who might have been a friend, neighbor, schoolmate or teacher of yours or your parents.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Randy. You are very kind and a true friend to the COG and me. I always appreciate your support!
