
Friday, August 19, 2011

FGS 2011 Conference - my Thursday, 8 September Selections

The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) 2011 Conference, "Pathways to the Heartland," is September 7 to 10 in Springfield, Illinois. I'm looking forward to attending and being an Official Blogger.

The program schedule is at I decided that I'd better think about the presentations I want to attend. Here's my list for Thursday, 8 September:

*  8:30 a.m.:  T-200: Opening Session and Keynote Address, with David S. Ferriero

*  11 a.m.: T-206: The Jones Jinx: Tracing Common Surnames, with Thomas Jones

*  2 p.m.: T-218: Reasons for not Serving in the Civil War, with Craig Scott

*  3:30 p.m.:  T-225: Online Member Trees: Ancestry's Powerful Tool Keeps Getting Better!, with

*  5 p.m.:  T-231: Pioneer Women on the Midwestern Frontier, with Laura Prescott

The Exhibit Hall Grand Opening is on Thursday at 10 a.m.
I'm sure that I'll wander through it several times talking to vendors, providers and friends.

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