
Monday, September 19, 2011

FGS Photos - the Geneablogger Lounge

I finally loaded my photographs from FGS and the rest of our vacation trip onto the laptop, so here are some views of geneabloggers doing what they do best - blog, talk, smile and laugh!

1)  There were six "regulars" who were at the Blogger Lounge every day and for many hours.  Here are five of them (from the left) - Thomas MacEntee (GeneaBloggers plus several more), Lisa Alzo (The Accidental Genealogist), Amy Coffin (The We Tree Genealogy Blog), Caroline Pointer (Family Stories), and Jennifer Holik-Urban (Generations - Piecing the Past Together):

2)  The sixth is in this picture - from the left:  Randy Seaver, Thomas MacEntee, Jennifer Holik-Urban, and Caroline Pointer.

You can see the black leather couches behind us in the photo above - these were used by bloggers and others for interviews and consulting.  There were two "studios" for this, and they were used occasionally. 

3)  Roger Moffat (Roger's Ramblings)  was a frequent visitor to the lounge - he wore his kilt one day and posed with Pat Richley-Erickson (DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog)  below:

4)  On Friday afternoon, Thomas MacEntee hosted the Geneabloggers Radio show from the Blogger Lounge:

5)  Here are Ginger Smith (Genealogy by Ginger) and Liz Tapley-Matthews (My Tapley Roots ... and its Branches) - both from North Carolina - gracing the lounge couch:

6)  Susan Clark (Nolichucky Roots) and Kim von Aspern-Parker (Le Maison Duchamp) graced the easy chairs in the lounge area:

It was fun to meet many bloggers in person (in the photos above, Jennifer, Roger, Ginger, Liz and Susan were "new" for me).


  1. I've only seen one other blogger lounge (at Jamboree), but this area looks much more comfortable. I love the comfy chairs. When I was listening to the radio show, Thomas mentioned how this area was more quiet for broadcast, and now I can see why. Thanks for showing us "behind the scenes!"

  2. I do love the photos. I "know" you all, from your blogs, from Second Life, BlogTalk Radio, ScanFest, webinars and more. It's good to see the photos and put faces to the names and ideas.
    Maybe some day I will get to a conference where I can meet my "friends" in person.

  3. Love the photos! Always nice to have a face to put with a favorite blog.

  4. Nice to see some familiar as well as some new faces. Great posts! Thanks for sharing!! ;-)

  5. Thanks for the mention Randy! FGS was so much fun!
