
Friday, December 16, 2011

Advent Calendar - December 16: Christmas at School

This is the 16th of 24 posts for the 2011 Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories, a Geneablogger tradition.

On the 9th day before Christmas,
I got dressed up as a tree
for the school play pageantry.

1) What did you do to celebrate Christmas at school?

My elementary school days were in 1948-1955, and I really don't remember much about Christmas activities at school. We must have made Christmas cards for our siblings and parents and grandparents. And paper chains to decorate the Christmas tree or the house. We probably made "hands" in clay, or paperweights with our picture on them, or some little gift like that for our parents. We probably sang some Christmas songs - especially the secular ones like Frosty the Snowman, Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, etc.

2) Were you ever in a Christmas Pageant?

Again, I don't recall (perhaps conveniently?). If I was, it was probably as a tree or a shepherd or a wise man with no speaking part. I was terribly frightened of public speaking until after college.

1 comment:

  1. Paper chains! I remember making those chains, alternating red and green paper strips and spreading paste on the ends to hold them together. After our Christmas parties we could take those home and hang them on our tree.
