
Monday, February 10, 2014

Even More RootsTech 2014 Expo Hall Photos

Here are even more RootsTech 2014 photographs from the Expo Hall.  

You can see all of my previous posts in my RootsTech 2014 Genealogy Blog Compendium at  There are over 39 genealogy bloggers work listed there.

1)  I took a photo from the second level looking down at the Expo Hall from the north side of the hall:

2)  I visited for awhile with Ed Thompson of Evidentia, the genealogy software that helps you work with the Genealogical Proof Standard:

3)  The RootsMagic software exhibit was busy every time I went by:

4)  The Legacy Family Tree software exhibit was busy every time I went by:

5)  Here is a photo of the Media Center video booth where interviews were videoed continuously, on a schedule, by media folks like DearMYRTLE (seen below talking with Saturday keynoter Stephanie Nielson):

6)  I thought that the Butterfly Kisses exhibit was especially interesting - lots of beautiful photographs, family tree charts and displays available:

7)  I took this photo of my good friend, DearMYRTLE on her iPhone (with her pink handheld attachment) so she could send it to J. Paul Hawthorne (who also has handheld attachment, as do I, courtesy of MYRT):

I hope you enjoyed all of my photos from RootsTech 2014.

I wish that I had taken more time to take more photos in the Expo Hall.  I feel like I only scratched the surface of the exhibitors that were there, and I know that I missed several that were really interesting.  Hopefully, other geneabloggers will share their photos as well.

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Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver

1 comment:

  1. Randy I did enjoy all the pictures, I am not a real crowd person, so being there in pictures was great.
