
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Attaching Hints in My Findmypast Family Tree

I received an email notice yesterday from, where I have uploaded (using GEDCOM) my own Family Tree.  The email said I had three new Hints:

I wanted to check these Hints, and attach them to my Findmypast tree if they were found for the correct persons.

1)  I clicked on the blue link on the screen above for the first Hint, for Judith Keyes born in 1662, and saw her profile in my tree:

2)  The Hint apparently is for her birth record in 1662.  So I clicked on the blue button for "Review >" and saw a comparison of information from the record to my tree entry for Judith Keyes:

The record summary above doesn't tell me very much about her, it's difficult to judge if this is the correct person or not.  I'm looking for Judith the daughter of Solomon Keyes and his wife Frances, born in 1662.

3)  I needed to see the record itself, so I clicked on the blue "See record" button on the left side of the screen above and the transcribed record summary opened:

The record transcription above still doesn't provide the exact birth date - so it's not a true transcription, it's an extract.  It does provide a description of the source, with a volume and page number.

4)   I still need to see the actual record.  There is a blue "View image" button on the top right of the screen above, so I clicked that:

There is the record for Judith Keyes, born 16 September 1662 in Newbury, Massachusetts, the daughter of Soll[omon].  Okay, I can now attach this record to Judith Keyes in my tree.

There is a blue "Attach to tree" button on the screen above (top right), and I had to type in her name and then  "Save" it to my tree.  If I attach the record from the record transcription screen (two screens above), the system autofills the name.

5)  I went back to Judith Keyes in my tree, and clicked on her "Facts and Events" tab and saw that there was now one source for her Birth.  I expanded the Sources link for the Birth, and saw the source citation:

Unfortunately, the source citation is not specific to the record - there is no reference to the volume, page, or name entry.

6)  What about the Media?  I clicked on the Media tab and the record transcription page was shown:

From the screen above, I can "Add Media" using the blue button, or I can click on the link for the one media item to see the Record Transcription page again.

7)  One more quibble - I only can see the one single page from the source document - I cannot go a page back, or a page forward, to see if there is more useful information in the resource.  This is very limiting and frustrating - most researchers look for other spellings of the name in a book like this, and I would like to look for marriages and deaths also.   I will have to go back to Search and see if there are any matches.

8)  This Findmypast Hinting system works, but it takes quite a few clicks to attach the Media to the person profile in my tree.  

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Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

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