
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

RootsWeb Site Is Back Online

Today, March 15th, was the day that the RootsWeb website ( was targeted to be restored to functionality, and it appears that this has been achieved.  There may still be segments of RootsWeb that are not online yet, but I haven't found them.

The RootsWeb home page still has the notice about the temporary downtime:

Further down are all of the home page links:

I clicked on a number of the links - especially the Getting Started, RootsWeb Guide to Tracing Family Trees, etc.  I clicked on all of the major tabs at the top of the RootsWeb page and they all worked, and I could search for persons in the Search, Family Trees, Mailing Lists, Message Boards and Web Sites.

I have seen messages start to come through on the Mailing Lists I subscribe to, but there is probably a backlog there.

As I point out to my Beginning Computer Genealogy students, there is a wealth of FREE genealogy information on the RootsWeb site, especially in the Family Trees, Message Boards and Mailing Lists.  A search for a specific person may result in finding other researchers with the same family interest, along with a contact email (which may be outdated).


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Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

  1. FTP to is down. That means that financial supporters of the original RootsWeb cannot access their unique "homepages" websites to add, edit or remove information.
