
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Two MyHeritageDNA Upload Announcements

I received this information from MyHeritage today:


1)  I'm happy to announce another industry first from MyHeritage! 

We now support the upload of 23andMe v5 and Living DNA data files, in addition to supporting data uploads from all major DNA testing services, including Ancestry, 23andMe (prior to V5) and Family Tree DNA (Family Finder).

Since 2016, MyHeritage has allowed users who have already tested their DNA to upload their DNA data from Ancestry, 23andMe and Family Tree DNA. They receive DNA Matches and ethnicity estimates on MyHeritage for free. However, previously MyHeritage did not support the upload of tests based on the chip called GSA (Global Screening Array), now being used by 23andMe (v5), and by Living DNA. Recent improvements to our DNA algorithms now allow us to support DNA data processed on GSA chips, and so we now support uploads of 23andMe v5 and Living DNA data files.

Uploading DNA data to MyHeritage is fast and simple. For users that upload now, we offer full access to DNA Matching, Ethnicity Estimates, our industry-leading chromosome browser, and more, for FREE.

Upload DNA data to MyHeritage now 

2)  Upcoming changes

As of December 1, 2018, our policy regarding DNA uploads will change: DNA Matching will remain free for uploaded DNA data, but unlocking additional DNA features (for example, ethnicity estimate, chromosome browser, and some others) will require an extra payment for DNA files uploaded after this date. We will announce the full details of the new policy once it is finalized, closer to December 1st. All DNA data that was uploaded to MyHeritage in the past, and all DNA data that is uploaded now and prior to December 1, 2018, will continue to enjoy full access to all DNA features for free. These uploads will be grandfathered in and will remain free.

So, please advise your readers and followers to upload their DNA data to MyHeritage now, while all the DNA features are free (and they will remain free for those that upload now).

Upload DNA data now

And if they haven't tested their DNA yet, we invite them to order a DNA kit today.

Please see the full MyHeritage blog post here:


My comments:  The second announcement is important - you will be able to Upload your raw DNA to MyHeritage and see DNA matches, but it will cost money to upload raw analyze the DNA data from other DNA test companies after 1 December.  However, it will still be cheaper than ordering the MyHeritageDNA test if you have already tested with another company and only want Matches.  FamilyTreeDNA already charges for an upload  analysis. 

Updated - thanks to Louis Kessler for correcting me.

Disclosure:  I have a complimentary MyHeritage Data and Tree subscription, and have received material considerations from MyHeritage over the past eight years.  

Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

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  1. Randy, it won't cost money after Dec 1 to upload raw data from other DNA test companies. That and the matching will still be free. It's just that some of the additional DNA features that they specify in their announcement will be added cost.

  2. Family Tree DNA is the same. Uploads and matching are free. Additional cost is $19 for the Chromosome Browser, ethnicity estimates and ancientOrigins.

  3. Thanks Louis, I will modify the post and give you credit for the comment. I must have not read it lcosely enough. It happens here in genea-aging central.
