
Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas to All!


There is a reason for the season! Thank you, God, for your Gift to the Earth. 

Merry Christmas to all of my Christian readers and friends. I hope that this day finds you healthy, happy, with family and friends, and that Santa brings you everything you desire.

I am home alone for the holidays - Linda is in her memory care facility, and I will take a Christmas stocking chock full of gifts for her in the morning and make our phone calls.  Tami and her family in Huntington Beach have some sickness in the house, so their trip to see us this past week is canceled.  We will talk to them on Christmas morning via FaceTime.  Lori and her boys are in Santa Cruz, and her boys have to work and participate in a wrestling tournament, so they can't come visit either.  We will talk to them on Christmas morning via Duo.  Linda's brother Paul and family are in Monte Rio, and we will talk to them on Christmas morning via FaceTime.  I will fix my own dinner (rockfish and cream corn?) and watch the rain and football on TV.  

I might even write a blog post, or work in the RootsMagic database, or resolve some Ancestry Hints. I may watch some football (who's playing? I have no clue). And read Facebook. Maybe even take a nap in my Santa hat.


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Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver

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  1. Merry Christmas Randy from Queensland. Thank you for all your posts throught the years

  2. Randy, Merry Christmas to you and your family! I love your sparkly picture in this post.

  3. Sending you warm Christmas greetings from New England, where we're having a white Christmas, and hoping your family will be able to visit with you and Linda very soon.

  4. Merry Christmas, Randy. I am almost ready to show you the myriad of ways we are related, albeit at a distance. Hope the coming year finds you blessed; you have certainly blessed others for years. Best regards, Cousin Carolyn in Florida.
