
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Denruth Lougeay Wins Genea-Musings Contest for Ancestry Subscription

 Last week, I posted Genea-Musings Contest For a FREE All Access One Year Subscription - Expires 5 March, 8 p.m. PST thanks to the offer by to hold the contest during the RootsTech 2022 conference to celebrate their new Ancestry Stories and Photomyne features.

The deadline for entries was 8 p.m. PST on Saturday (5 March).  I received only 10 entries from Genea-Musings readers, Facebook Friends and Twitter users despite the blog post and the social media exposure (of which I get very little).  

On Sunday afternoon I went to and put "10" into the "Max" field, clicked on the "Generate" button and the first random number provided was "9."

I went to my list of entrants and counting down from the top I found that #9 was Denruth Lougeay..  I emailed Denruth and told her she was the winner and she was ecstatic.  I emailed my contact with her name, email and username.

In my contest, I asked the entrants to answer two questions.  Here were Denruth's responses:

1)  What Ancestry Stories will you write?

Denruth said:  "The Ancestry Stories I will write include camping in the California Sierras with our 4 yr old and 7 year old boys in the seventies… as they fish and hike and cry when they lose their lizard and sleep in the tent."

2)  What photos will you scan or enhance with the Photomyne tools? 

Denruth said:  "These faded photos will enhance they boys experience as they are now fine men at 48 and 50 who so remember those days but have not seen the photos in years. Those trips built their character…"

I look forward to hearing how Denruth progresses in her research.

Thank you to the 10 entrants to my contest.  Many of the answers to the questions were serious and informative.  Unfortunately, there can be only one winner in a contest such as this.

Thank you to for offering the free subscription and providing it to the contest winner.  


Disclosure: I receive a complimentary all-access subscription from, for which I am thankful. has provided material considerations for travel expenses to meetings, and has hosted events and meals that I have attended in Salt Lake City, in past years.

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Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver

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