
Thursday, June 28, 2007 Launches Original RevWar Documents

DearMYRTLE provided the press release from concerning the launch of selected records from the Revolutionary War period. The press release notes:

"As part of the launch, is making a significant portion of their millions of original Revolutionary War documents available for free from today until the end of July. Included in these records are secret journals, intercepted letters from the British military and letters written by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and other founding fathers. Click here to see samples of these Revolutionary War documents."

I read that, and jumped to conclusions. Then I went to the site and tried to access some Revolutionary War Pension files and it says I need to sign up for the premium content. I am not a premium member -- yet! I'm thinking about it.

Apparently, they have selected the documents that are freely available.

They are offering a FREE 7-day trial with access to all of content - at If you can't wait to see what they have available, go for it!

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