
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Memories of 1950's Hungary

One of the wonderful outcomes of tagging games like the Thinking Blog meme is that I usually find some great blogs with wonderful, touching and informative posts to read and add to my Bloglines list.

Such is the case with one of the blogs tagged by Steve Danko - "How to Survive Suburban Life" at

While this Canadian grandmother often posts about her current life, the real story gems, for me anyway, are the memories from her childhood in Hungary (before, during and after the 1956 uprising) and the ensuing emigration to Canada.

Her stated purpose for doing this is so that she can pass these memories on to her granddaughter. The girl will be very lucky to have them.

The stories she tells give the reader the "you are there" feeling. They are vignettes of only one day, or even part of a day. I love the memory posts.

Please go read her posts, and comment on them! There is so much on the Internet that it is difficult to keep up with it. Thanks to Steve for the initial link!

1 comment:

  1. Randy - Thank you for your kind comments about my endeavours; it pleases me that they give some pleasure to others than those for whom they are intended as a colllection - my only son and his daughter, my first grandchild. Especially for the little one - I am hoping that when she is older and curious about what one family member may have experienced in a liferime and wrote about from a particular, personal perspective, she may be curious about other people's stories (and there are so many) about lives lived and events witnessed. I have a friend whose family came to Canada from India about the time of the Partition, and glad to say, she is interviewing older members of her family for their personal take on events and persons they encountered at the time. What a legacy she will unearth for her children!
    Thanks so much for your encouragement!
