
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

One Lovely Blog Award

I was nominated by Alex Daw, who writes the beautiful Family Tree Frog blog, for the One Lovely Blog award.  I'm not sure that my blog is "lovely" but I appreciate the nomination.

Here the Rules for the "One Lovely Blog Award":
  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to that blog
  2. Share Seven things about yourself 
  3. Nominate 15 bloggers you admire (or as many as you can think of!)
  4. Contact your bloggers to let them know that you've tagged them for the One Lovely Blog Award
Okay, I'm game!

1.  Thank you, Alex, for the nomination - Alex's blog is at

2.  Seven Things about me:

*  I am a native San Diegan, as were my mother and her father.  We even went to the same high school.

*  My first real job was as a room cleaner at the San Diego Chargers (American football team) in the summer of 1963.

*  Until I started doing genealogical research, my hobby was listening to the radio for distant radio stations on the AM band.  I also became somewhat of an expert in radio wave propagation.

*  I met Linda at a bowling alley in San Diego, and we married two years later.  My bowling average got up to 178 at one point when I was bowling in three leagues a week.  Now I struggle to break 100.  My two grandsons beat me two weeks ago.

*  We have four grandchildren, with a fifth due on Friday, 12 September.  I hope that Charlie is on time!  I can hardly wait to put him to sleep by reciting his ancestry to him.  Works every time!

*  I have been a San Diego Padres fan (American baseball team) since 1948.  We won the Pacific Coast League pennant in 1954.  The major league Padres started in 1969, and have been in two World Series in 1984 and 1998.  We're past due!  Not this year, though.

*  I've seen snow fall at sea level in San Diego twice - once in 1949 (walking to school) and in 1967 (driving to work).  We're past due!

3)  I have to nominate 15 bloggers whom I admire...that's hard, since I have over 1,500 genealogy blogs on my Feedly list.  Here are 15 that I admire that write regularly and well (not in any order):

*  J.L. Bell on the Boston 1775 blog.  This is a treasure trove of Revolutionary War information.

*  Jacqi Stevens on the A Family Tapestry blog.  Jacqi blogs about her research experiences...I love her work.

*  Gail Dever on the Genealogy a la Carte blog.  Gail's blog covers Canadian, English and Irish research, and she writes a weekly Creme de la Creme blog list.

*  Jana Last on Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog.  Jana writes a weekly Fab Finds blog list.
*  John D. Tew on the Filiopietism Prism blog.  John highlights New England research and often has a weekly Saturday Serendipity blog list.

*  Eowyn Langholf, Tami Mize and Gena Philibert-Ortega on the WikiChicks blog.  These ladies are full of enthusiasm and ideas.

*  Michael Leclerc on the Mocavo Genealogy Blog.  Michael writes about genealogy resources and topics and used to write a weekly blog list.

*  Diane Gould Hall on the Michigan Family Trails blog.  Diane is a San Diego blogger with Michigan roots.

*  Diane Weintraub on the Nuts From the Family Tree blog.  Diane is also a San Diego blogger who writes about her ancestral families.

*  Heather Wilkinson Rojo on the Nutfield Genealogy blog.  Heather lives in New Hampshire and writes about her family's ancestry and New England.

*  Diane Boumenot on the One Rhode Island Family blog.  Diane writes about her Rhode Island families, some of which I share!

*  Bill West on the West in New England blog.  Bill has lots of New England ancestry, and we share a few of them.

*  The authors of the Vita Brevis blog.  Vita Brevis is the blog of the New England Historic Genealogical Society.

*  Harold Henderson on the Midwestern Roots: A Genealogy Blog.  Harold writes about midwestern resources and professional genealogy issues.

*  Roberta J. Estes on the DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy blog.  Roberta writes about DNA and genetic genealogy issues and her own test results.

Whew.  I could name hundreds more!

4)  Now I have to contact all of these folks?  Later.  Maybe they'll see their name here and accept the award and pass it on.

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver


  1. Congrats Randy! And thank you for including me in your list of 15 bloggers you admire. I'm honored!

    Also, congrats on the upcoming birth of your 5th grandchild! That's awesome!

  2. Congratulations Randy!! Well deserved for sure. And, thank you for including me in your list of 15 bloggers you admire. I'm a little speechless to be included in such company.
    See you on the 27th and I can't wait to see pictures of your new grandbaby.

  3. Oh Randy - you made me laugh. Reading the grandkids their ancestry to get them to sleep! Hilarious. And look! You've given me all these lovely new blogs to look at. Thank you. :)

  4. Hey Randy- Congrats on receiving the One Lovely Blog Award! You do indeed have one very lovely blog that's helped so many people, myself included. And thank you for including me and my blog on your list!! Wow!!
    Diane Weintraub
    Nuts Form the Family Tree

  5. Randy,

    I want to let you know that your post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Wow! To be mentioned in the admired 15 is truly an honor and I cannot thank you enough Randy! Finding my blog amongst so many of the blogs I regularly read and admire is . . . well, it is inspiring.

    Our first grandchild is to arrive in just over a month and thanks to you I will have at the ready a proven technique for calming her and lulling her to sleep -- recitation of a few centuries of her genealogy!

    I have added your One Lovely Blog to this week's Saturday Serendipity.

  7. Thanks for the mention, Randy, and you don't have to contact me now! One less chore to do! Congratulations on your new descendant, he's a cutie

  8. I've been catching up on reading blogs and I just saw this, Randy! I'm honored to be named on your list, since your blog was one of the blogs that motivated me to start mine!

    But you already picked a lot of people I would have named myself. Drat! as you would say!
