The Wednesday, March 24th program of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society features world-renowned genealogy author and speaker, Henry Z. "Hank" Jones, Jr. on "How Psychic Roots Became an Unsolved Mystery."
The program starts at 12 noon in the Auditorium at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library in Chula Vista (365 F Street). There will be a brief business meeting before the speaker's presentation.

Some comments about Hank's work:
"Amongst genealogical professionals who spend their days climbing the family tree, whenever something “off the wall” and strange happens that they simply can’t explain, one often hears the phrase “I’m having a Hank Jones moment.” In the course of his own genealogical work, Hank had his own experiences that defied logical interpretation – events the writer Rod Serling might have included in his classic “Twilight Zone” TV series. Serendipitous finds, synchronistic events, intuitive nudges leading him to information “where it shouldn’t have been.” Hank decided to find out if these unusual happenings were occurring just to him or if other family historians encountered these weird events also.
" He wrote to 200 of the world’s most respected genealogists asking them for input. To date, over 1,500 stories have come back to Hank describing unexplainable experiences that knocked the socks off of his colleagues. These stories make up the core of Hank’s two now-classic books, “Psychic Roots: Serendipity and Intuition in Genealogy,” now in their 9th printing from Genealogical Publishing Company.
"Hank’s talk is chock full of great, fun stories that most every family historian can identify with – experiences that happen to us in libraries, graveyards, churches, and anywhere we are pursuing our ancestors. Hank also talks about NBC-TV filming an episode of “Unsolved Mysteries” based on his books and the worldwide reactions resulting from the broadcast.
"This speech inspires the audience to acknowledge the common feeling we have occasionally of “being led” in our searches – and to go on and overcome those brick walls and blind alleys that pop up as we climb our family tree. We are all kindred spirits remembering and honoring our forebears."
This program is free for all to attend. We do request that you enter through the library Conference Room door in order to register your presence, pick up a copy of the program, and have a snack. There will be refreshments after the meeting also.
Please join CVGS members to hear and enjoy one of the foremost speakers in genealogy circles today! For more information, contact Barbara at 619-477-4140 or