Saturday, December 14, 2024

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Holiday Celebrations and Memories - Part 2

 Calling All Genea-Musings Fans:

 It's Saturday Night Again - 

Time For Some More Genealogy Fun!!

Come on, everybody, join in and accept the mission and execute it with precision. 

1)   Today's challenge is to share memories of December holiday gatherings and celebrations with your families (as a child, a young adult, a parent, a grandparent, a great-grandparent, an aunt or uncle, a nibling, a cousin, an in-law)!  

2)  Pick two or three questions from the list in my blog post:  Ask AI:  "What questions can I write about concerning family gatherings and celebrations during the December holidays?"  Use different questions from the list that you didn't use last week.

3)  Tell us about your memories of your holiday gatherings and celebrations in your own blog post, in a comment here, or on your Facebook page.  Be sure to leave a link to your report in a comment on this post.

Here's mine:

a)  "Was gift-giving a major part of the celebration, or did other activities take center stage?"

When I was a child and a teenager, it was the only meaningful part of the celebration.  My parents and grandparents did not go to church, and wanted to make memories for the children and themselves, took few photographs, but had festive dinners and desserts.  

On Christmas morning, the wrapped gifts (except those big ones from Santa Claus that couldn't be wrapped easily) were displayed around the Christmas tree.  We kids got up early, ran into the living room in our pajamas to see the tree and gifts, identified our own gifts, woke up the parents, and we all opened gifts soon afterward and before breakfast.  Whew!  Then we kids had all of Christmas Day (at least until dinner was ready) to play with the gifts out on the land and the street.  I think we made our parents and grandparents happy but exhausted after the gift opening.

As parents, and now grandparents, we wanted our children and grandchildren to have the same experience.  As a parent, that meant hiding the gifts somewhere until Christmas Eve, waiting for the kids to go to sleep, and then trying to quietly put the toys together in my Santa cap before bedtime ( I still remember trying to find out where all of the extra screws for the toy kitchen set were supposed to go one year).  Then the explosion of joy when the kids awoke and saw the gifts, and we opened all of the gifts before breakfast.  

b)  "Do you think gatherings today are similar to those your ancestors might have had?"

I am quite sure that holiday gatherings today are different from those of my ancestors in the 1700, 1800 and 1900 time frame.  I asked ChatGPT4, an artificial intelligence tool, to tell me about gathering participants, what happened, where were they held, and what sort of gifts were given to young children, older children, teenagers, young adults, and older adults? in those years.  You can read about it in

I also asked about the years 1950 and 2000, when I was a boy 7 years old in 1950 and a parent in 2000 with two married adult children without children of their own.  It's in the AI chat also.  That describes in general detail what my experience was, and the experience we had as parents and grandparents.   I wonder what the year 2100 will be like?  Probably different than today.

c)  "Were there traditions or moments that became legendary in your family, retold year after year?"

Our Seaver family tradition was to have roast turkey, mashed potatoes, green peas, stuffing and pumpkin pie every year for Christmas dinner cooked with loving hands and with the intent of having leftovers.  We always had leftover peas for some reason after dinner.  Starting in the 1970s at my grandparents home, my father, me and my brothers, and any other male attendee (but not my grandfather) had a contest after dinner at the dinner table, much to the chagrin of my mother and grandparents.  We would try to toss leftover peas into the drink glasses on the other side of the table - first one to make ten pea-shots won the game, so it lasted quite awhile.   We were all very competitive.  After my grandparents died, the competition continued, and my mother participated while my wife and my sisters-in-law looked on with much amusement.  After my father died in 1983, this was named the "Great Frederick Seaver Pea-shoot" and the ladies and then the children participated.  It really didn't make much of a mess unless someone knocked a drink over in the process.  My wife and the sisters-in-law cleaned up afterwards.  I think we stopped the contest after my mother died in 2002. 


Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at  Please note that all Comments are moderated so they may not appear immediately.  

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Ask AI: "What have I missed in my AI queries about genealogy research and story-telling? Are there glaring omissions?"

 The Artificial Intelligence tools (like ChatGPT, Perplexity, Gemini, Meta, CoPilot and Claude) can provide much useful and nearly instant information about subjects in a concise format, especially when they have been pre-trained on a large volume of information about the subjects.

I wondered if the FREE AI tools could provide me with information about myself based on my prompt history on the free AI tools.  I wrote about it in Ask AI: "What's one thing you can tell me about myself that I may not know about myself?"

(digital image of my genealogy assistant Ai created on ChatGPT4)

1)  In that chat, I took the opportunity to ask it another question:  "What have I missed in my AI queries about genealogy research and story-telling? Are there glaring omissions?"

ChatGPT4 responded:

Your questions about genealogy research and storytelling have been thoughtful and detailed, but here are a few areas you might not have explored fully that could elevate your research and storytelling:

Genealogy Research: Potential Omissions

  1. Community and Social History:
    While you've focused on individual ancestors and family lines, you might have missed diving deeply into the communities where they lived. Understanding their neighbors, friends, or business partners could reveal untapped connections and give a richer context to their lives.
    Example Questions to Explore:

    • Who lived near Henry Carringer and Sarah Feather in Mercer County, PA?
    • Were there migration patterns or shared origins among the families who settled in Louisa County, Iowa?
  2. Cultural Traditions and Practices:
    If you’ve only focused on records, you might have missed uncovering how cultural or ethnic traditions shaped your ancestors’ lives. Customs like naming patterns, burial rites, and even holiday celebrations can offer a deeper understanding.
    Example Questions:

    • What cultural practices did Henry Carringer’s family follow in Pennsylvania or Iowa?
    • Were there traditions passed down through the Smith or Vaux families?
  3. Brick Wall Strategies:
    For the tougher mysteries, have you fully explored advanced strategies like cluster research (FAN club method), negative evidence (what’s missing in records), or migration routes (tracing how people moved)? These techniques could help uncover parents, siblings, or missing connections for elusive ancestors like Sarah Feather or Devier Lamphier.
    Example Strategy:

    • Map the other Feathers in Ohio or Pennsylvania around 1804—were there cousins, siblings, or possible parents in the same counties?
  4. Language and Translation Barriers:
    If your ancestors spoke a language other than English (e.g., German for Spanglers or Carringers), you might have missed records in their original language, such as church books or legal documents. Are there untranslated or overlooked records?

  5. Exploration of Female Ancestors:
    Many genealogists struggle to fully explore female ancestors due to lack of records. For example, Sarah Feather’s origins could benefit from questions focused on maiden names, property rights, or records tied to her husband or children.

Storytelling: Potential Omissions

  1. The Voices of Women and Children:
    Your storytelling often focuses on the male ancestors' narratives or major life events (like migration or careers). Have you considered reconstructing the quieter, everyday lives of women or children in your family? Their perspectives—what they wore, ate, read, or dreamed about—could be powerful additions.
    Example Questions:

    • How did Sarah Feather balance life as a wife and mother to 10 children in early 19th-century Pennsylvania?
    • What might Emily Auble Carringer’s life have felt like as a widow in San Diego during the 1940s?
  2. Exploring Conflicts and Tensions:
    While you’ve highlighted the successes and migrations of your ancestors, have you delved into family conflicts, struggles, or failures? Stories about hardships, misunderstandings, or even scandals can humanize your ancestors and make their lives feel more relatable.
    Example Questions:

    • Did Devier Smith’s adoption lead to any tensions between biological and adoptive families?
    • What challenges might Austin Carringer have faced balancing work in aviation mechanics and family life?
  3. Focus on Historical and Geographic Context:
    You’ve touched on historical context occasionally but could expand it. How did major events (wars, depressions, inventions) impact your ancestors’ daily lives? This can enrich storytelling and connect your family to larger narratives.
    Example Questions:

    • What was life like in Mercer County, PA, during the 1830s and 1840s when the Carringers were raising their family?
    • How did the Dust Bowl or Great Depression affect families like the Smiths or Carringers in Kansas?
  4. Audience Engagement:
    Have you considered tailoring stories for different audiences? For example, family members might want short, engaging anecdotes or visuals, while a historical society might prefer detailed timelines and sources. Matching format to audience could help make your stories more impactful.
    Example Formats to Try:

    • A scrapbook-style presentation for grandchildren.
    • A formal article submission to a genealogical journal for your findings on Devier Smith’s adoption.
  5. Myth-Busting in Family Lore:
    If your family doesn’t have stories or letters, you might still encounter assumptions or inaccuracies passed down. Have you considered digging into potential family myths or local legends? Correcting or verifying these can make for fascinating storytelling.

Key Takeaways

The omissions aren’t glaring but rather opportunities to expand into new directions. You’ve done amazing work piecing together the factual and personal details of your ancestors' lives. Pushing further into community context, untold stories of women and children, or advanced research strategies could fill in gaps and make your storytelling even richer.

Does any of this resonate with you, or spark ideas for the next phase of your research and writing?

2)  Frankly, everything ChatGPT4 and the other AI Tools tells me sparks my curiosity and interest.  Those are all excellent suggestions for doing extensive research and telling family stories. 

I love that ChatGPT4 used examples from my previous queries about people, places, and stories. The examples can be used for all of my ancestral families - I can just change the names and the places.  


See all of my Artificial Intelligence-related posts at

Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at  Note that all comments are moderated, so they may not appear immediately.

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Guest Post: Gigatrees, by Tim Forsythe

 This is a guest post by Tim Forsythe, the developer of Gigatrees:


GIGATREES, by Tim Forsythe

Let me introduce you to Gigatrees, my universal family tree website generator. Whether you are a budding family historian or an accredited genealogist, Gigatrees has something for you. Gigatrees is free for everyone - no registration is required. You can download the application, extract it, run it, build the sample family tree provided in the distribution file and view it on your PC or MAC in under 60 seconds. Try it yourself -

So what is special about Gigatrees besides the price? Gigatrees can import any GEDCOM file exported from any genealogy application (Ancestry, RootsMagic, Family Tree Maker, etc.) and build a family tree website as either a collection of HTML files for viewing at home, or for testing prior to building an Internet-ready database suitable for online hosting (including password protection). It supports most standard GEDCOM tags as well as hundreds of application specific extensions. It also has over 100 configurable options giving you detailed control of how your family tree is presented.

Gigatrees’ primary purpose is to present your genealogy research and family history stories together as a single entity. It accomplishes this by integrating a fully-featured personal blog along with a multilevel photo gallery and FancyBox integration.

Besides the standard pages you expect to find in a family tree, Gigatrees includes compact census tables showing all your ancestors, their data and place of residence, making it a simple task to determine where to focus your research.

Gigatrees includes population distribution heatmaps showing your ancestor's origins and the various places that they've lived.

Gigatrees also performs thorough data validation having over 40 different consistency checks and integrates seamlessly into your timelines.  

Valuable DNA tables and charts are automatically generated from your data showing how your DNA matches relate to you through your most recent common ancestor (think Thrulines, but better).

There are many other pages and reports as well, but probably the most important are the source pages. Gigatrees was designed with the serious genealogist in mind, supporting both configurable source templates and those exported from your application. It supports the Genealogy Proof Standard and other forms of proof for all claims, but most importantly, parent-child relationships.

Come on over to the website ( and check it out. Complete documentation is included with plenty of examples and how-tos available in the Gigatrees Blog. You might be interested to know that the Gigatrees website was built using Gigatrees configured as a standalone blog. You may also want to visit my public family tree ( to see Gigatrees' many features on full display.

Tim Forsythe
BlueSky/Threads: tim4sythe


Randy's NOTE:  This family tree documentation program is FREE to download and use.  The user has to have access to a server on which to store the files if the user wants to share their tree.  There are full details on his website. Check out his public family tree also.  I have not used Gigatrees yet, and don't have a server yet.  Tim contacted me via email to determine my awareness of Gigatrees, which I was vaguely aware of, but did not know how it worked.  I asked him if he would like to write a guest post.  

Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at  Note that all comments are moderated, and may not appear immediately.

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Added and Updated FamilySearch Historical Record Collections - Week of 7 to 13 December 2024

 Each week, genealogy record collections are added and updated to FamilySearch and listed on the Historical Record Collection list at

As of 13 December 2024, there are 3,406 historical record collections on FamilySearch (an increase of 1 from last week):

The added, deleted, new and updated collections this week from FamilySearch are:

--- Collections Added ---

*  Colombia, Archivo Distrital de Bogota, Obituary Books, 1900-1940 (; 172,322 indexed records with 28,224 record images, ADDED 06-Nov-2024

--- Collections Updated ---

Anguilla, Civil Registration, 1883-1992 (; 15,196 indexed records with 5,702 record images (was 25,711 records with 5,702 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, Baptisms, 1645-1930 (; Index only (2,272,468 records), no images (was 2,271,945 records with 0 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, Buenos Aires, Catholic Church Records, 1635-2017 (; 2,761,144 indexed records with 978,396 record images (was 2,738,016 records with 978,396 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, Corrientes, Catholic Church Records, 1734-2013 (; 245,814 indexed records with 207,943 record images (was 234,589 records with 207,943 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, Córdoba, Catholic Church Records, 1557-1974 (; 1,004,188 indexed records with 419,985 record images (was 996,478 records with 419,985 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Argentina, Entre Ríos, Catholic Church Records, 1764-2011 (; 540,395 indexed records with 235,772 record images (was 523,313 records with 235,772 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, Entre Ríos, Civil Registration, 1833-1965 (; 779,465 indexed records with 548,997 record images (was 779,440 records with 548,981 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Argentina, General Censuses, 1806-1827 (; 108,361 indexed records with 2,912 record images (was 108,274 records with 2,910 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Argentina, Jujuy, Catholic Church Records, 1662-1975 (; 180,783 indexed records with 69,981 record images (was 169,092 records with 69,981 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, La Rioja, Catholic Church Records, 1714-1970 (; 78,967 indexed records with 74,259 record images (was 65,732 records with 74,259 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Argentina, Marriages, 1722-1911 (; Index only (104,501 records), no images (was 103,976 records with 0 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, Misiones, Catholic Church Records, 1874-1975 (; 35,228 indexed records with 9,155 record images (was 33,276 records with 9,155 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, Río Negro, Catholic Church Records, 1880-1977 (; 19,963 indexed records with 15,221 record images (was 14,601 records with 15,221 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, Salta, Catholic Church Records, 1634-1972 (; 358,054 indexed records with 144,293 record images (was 342,855 records with 144,293 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Argentina, San Juan, Catholic Church Records, 1655-2013 (; 206,195 indexed records with 83,087 record images (was 197,902 records with 83,087 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Argentina, Santa Fe, Catholic Church Records, 1634-2003 (; 757,007 indexed records with 424,329 record images (was 751,536 records with 424,329 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2024
Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1961 (; 129,190 indexed records with 102,368 record images (was 121,649 records with 102,368 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Argentina, Tucumán, Catholic Church Records, 1727-1955 (; 661,665 indexed records with 184,969 record images (was 661,495 records with 184,969 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Armenia, Church Books, 1838-1929 (; 285 indexed records with 23,781 record images (was 175 records with 23,781 images), UPDATED 06-Dec-2024
Australia, Deaths and Burials, 1816-1980 (; Index only (108,449 records), no images (was 108,436 records with 0 images), UPDATED 08-Dec-2024

Belgium, Antwerp, Civil Registration, 1588-1953 (; 1,094,808 indexed records with 3,208,709 record images (was 1,041,408 records with 3,208,709 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Belgium, Brabant, Civil Registration, 1582-1950 (; 117,595 indexed records with 6,411,594 record images (was 115,612 records with 6,411,594 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Belgium, East Flanders, Church and Civil Registration, 1541-1920 (; 98,595 indexed records with 24,630 record images (was 86,563 records with 20,195 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Belgium, East Flanders, Civil Registration, 1541-1950 (; 687,456 indexed records with 2,944,655 record images (was 687,367 records with 2,944,655 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Belgium, Namur, Civil Registration, 1800-1912 (; 846,975 indexed records with 372,768 record images (was 843,827 records with 372,768 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024

Belgium, West Flanders, Civil Registration, 1582-1950 (; 257,343 indexed records with 2,612,466 record images (was 246,937 records with 2,612,466 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Bolivia, Catholic Church Records, 1566-2020 (; 9,547,601 indexed records with 1,649,601 record images (was 9,537,481 records with 1,649,601 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Brazil, Cemetery Records, 1799-2024 (; 1,203,365 indexed records with 150,972 record images (was 1,185,695 records with 150,972 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1820-2021 (; 965,312 indexed records with 401,204 record images (was 964,801 records with 400,853 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Brazil, Paraíba, Catholic Church Records, 1731-2016 (; 6,504,722 indexed records with 788,492 record images (was 6,504,722 records with 788,492 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Brazil, Pará, Civil Registration, 1815-2013 (; 608,960 indexed records with 176,759 record images (was 605,295 records with 175,828 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Brazil, Pernambuco, Catholic Church Records, 1762-2019 (; 6,165,807 indexed records with 578,073 record images (was 6,165,807 records with 578,073 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Civil Registration, 1810-2022 (; 1,831,554 indexed records with 927,051 record images (was 1,829,228 records with 923,058 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Civil Registration, 1804-2013 (; 6,992,381 indexed records with 5,100,470 record images (was 6,992,381 records with 5,100,470 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Cemetery Abstracts (; 19,987 indexed records with 19,987 record images (was 19,987 records with 19,987 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024

Colombia, Catholic Church Records, 1576-2019 (; 27,619,737 indexed records with 12,659,776 record images (was 27,550,018 records with 12,659,776 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Colombia, Civil Registration, 1553-2023 (; 769,381 indexed records with 892,964 record images (was 767,246 records with 890,891 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Colombia, Migration Records, 1885-2014 (; 1,070,373 indexed records with 977,134 record images (was 1,069,592 records with 976,379 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2024
Costa Rica, Civil Registration, 1823-2023 (; 6,209,997 indexed records with 404,718 record images (was 6,209,997 records with 404,718 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994 (; 4,918,718 indexed records with 1,421,761 record images (was 4,788,274 records with 1,421,761 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024

Cuba, Church Records, 1584-1960 (; 278,025 indexed records with 47,049 record images (was 270,560 records with 46,486 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2024
Dominican Republic, Civil Registration, 1744-2019 (; 8,075,847 indexed records with 3,416,801 record images (was 8,071,647 records with 3,416,801 images), UPDATED 06-Dec-2024
El Salvador, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977 (; 2,681,682 indexed records with 592,191 record images (was 2,662,029 records with 592,191 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
England Marriages, 1538–1973 (; Index only (11,681,177 records), no images (was 11,671,259 records with 0 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 (; Index only (45,192,031 records), no images (was 45,160,818 records with 0 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

England, Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 (; Index only (14,493,864 records), no images (was 14,487,850 records with 0 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
England, Middlesex, Parish Registers, 1539-1988 (; 2,010,667 indexed records with 360,603 record images (was 2,010,667 records with 360,603 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
France, Ariège, Parish and Civil Registration, 1583-1923 (; 1,614,522 indexed records with 628,304 record images (was 1,151,253 records with 520,705 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
France, Aude, Parish and Civil Registration, 1537-1882 (; 4,272,925 indexed records with 1,355,994 record images (was 3,189,458 records with 1,090,304 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
France, Guadeloupe, Church Records, 1639-1830 (; 14,218 indexed records with 2,432 record images (was 13,717 records with 2,356 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024

France, Vienne, Census, 1876 (; 324,834 indexed records with 5,599 record images (was 324,834 records with 5,599 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
France, Vienne, Census, 1896 (; Index only (372,407 records), no images (was 372,407 records with 0 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
French Polynesia, Civil Registration, 1780-1999 (; 149,818 indexed records with 510,581 record images (was 100,465 records with 518,867 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Wuppertal, Civil Registration, 1810-1930 (; 233,829 indexed records with 218,719 record images (was 229,586 records with 214,840 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Grenada, Civil Registration, 1866-1940 (; 239,229 indexed records with 45,951 record images (was 239,223 records with 45,950 images), UPDATED 06-Dec-2024

Guadeloupe, Civil Registration Records, 1792-1872 (; 3,896 indexed records with 1,071 record images (was 3,806 records with 1,156 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1833-2009 (; 2,700,304 indexed records with 2,755,000 record images (was 2,705,135 records with 2,755,000 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Guatemala, Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1874-2008 (; 4,621,046 indexed records with 1,486 record images (was 4,620,462 records with 1,486 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Haiti, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Catholic Church Records, 1866-2017 (; 145,500 indexed records with 24,959 record images (was 144,356 records with 26,012 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Hawaii, Honolulu, Voter Registration Applications, ca. 1920-1966 (; 302,470 indexed records with 305,191 record images (was 308,229 records with 305,461 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Honduras, Catholic Church Records, 1633-1978 (; 1,822,895 indexed records with 425,330 record images (was 1,814,214 records with 425,330 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Idaho, Bonneville County, Idaho Falls, Rose Hill Cemetery Records, 1800-2007 (; 14,519 indexed records with 14,154 record images (was 14,519 records with 14,154 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
India, Catholic Church Records, 1751-2014 (; 13,473,226 indexed records with 358,806 record images (was 13,230,805 records with 341,319 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2024
Indiana, Marriages, 1811-2019 (; 5,213,172 indexed records with 1,259,299 record images (was 5,220,536 records with 1,259,299 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2024
Indonesia, Civil Registration, 1806-1997 (; 121,945 indexed records with 286,366 record images (was 49,923 records with 118,436 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024

Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900 (; 7,947,426 indexed records with 280,910 record images (was 7,898,273 records with 262,722 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Italy, Agrigento, Agrigento, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1942 (; Browse 852,371 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 852,371 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Agrigento, Sciacca, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1861-1929 (; Browse 226,482 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 226,482 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Ancona, Ancona, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1862-1929 (; Browse 2,361,451 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 2,361,451 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Bologna, Bologna, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1943 (; 5,801 indexed records with 5,914,917 record images (was 5,801 records with 5,914,917 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Italy, Cagliari, Cagliari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1934 (; 63,670 indexed records with 1,791,108 record images (was 63,389 records with 1,791,108 images), UPDATED 06-Dec-2024
Italy, Caserta, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; Browse 1,097,228 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 1,097,228 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Catania, Caltagirone, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1861-1941 (; Browse 1,252,189 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 1,252,189 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Catania, Catania, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; 7,148 indexed records with 434,962 record images (was 7,148 records with 434,962 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Como, Como, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; Browse 1,475,606 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 1,475,606 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Italy, Genova, Chiavari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941 (; 44,520 indexed records with 650,745 record images (was 40,402 records with 650,745 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2024
Italy, Genova, Genova, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; 6,509 indexed records with 871,669 record images (was 6,509 records with 871,669 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Lucca, Lucca, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; Browse 1,335,192 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 1,335,192 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Macerata, Macerata, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; Browse 792,563 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 792,563 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Massa e Carrara, Massa, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; Browse 513,674 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 513,674 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Italy, Matera, Matera, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; Browse 237,814 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 237,814 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Messina, Messina, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1939 (; 4,503 indexed records with 927,560 record images (was 0 records with 927,560 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Italy, Messina, Patti, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1823-1941 (; 1,039 indexed records with 891,170 record images (was 0 records with 891,170 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Italy, Nuoro, Nuoro, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1942 (; 46,484 indexed records with 118,771 record images (was 34,089 records with 118,771 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Pavia, Pavia, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1806-1812, 1866-1935 (; Browse 306,382 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 306,382 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Italy, Pavia, Voghera, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; Browse 165,651 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 165,651 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Perugia, Perugia, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1861-1929 (; Browse 405,632 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 405,632 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Pisa, Pisa, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1935 (; Browse 618,446 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 618,446 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Pistoia, Pistoia, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1937 (; Browse 834,726 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 834,726 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Ravenna, Ravenna, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1943 (; 76,273 indexed records with 1,759,182 record images (was 76,273 records with 1,759,182 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Italy, Rovigo, Rovigo, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1937 (; 671,019 indexed records with 1,082,856 record images (was 670,799 records with 1,082,856 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Italy, Siracusa, Siracusa, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1900-1942 (; Browse 275,840 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 275,840 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Sondrio, Sondrio, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (; Browse 279,212 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 279,212 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Torino, Ivrea, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1865-1937 (; Browse 722,302 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 722,302 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Italy, Trapani, Poggioreale, Civil Registration (Comune), 1836-1929 (; Browse 11,008 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 11,008 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Italy, Treviso, Treviso, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1941 (; 56,223 indexed records with 427,232 record images (was 56,223 records with 427,232 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Madagascar, Sainte-Marie Island, Civil Registration, 1820-1870 (; 4,660 indexed records with 887 record images (was 4,616 records with 874 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2024
Martinique, Church Records, 1662-1847 (; 15,785 indexed records with 2,710 record images (was 15,502 records with 2,062 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Martinique, Civil Registration Records, 1766-1874 (; 9,629 indexed records with 2,890 record images (was 8,733 records with 2,680 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Massachusetts, Births, 1636-1924 (; 24,608 indexed records with 2,899 record images (was 24,474 records with 2,764 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024

Massachusetts, State Vital Records, 1638-1927 (; 11,841,149 indexed records with 742,594 record images (was 11,840,614 records with 742,594 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950 (; Index only (30,382,196 records), no images (was 30,363,201 records with 0 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Mexico, Campeche, Catholic Church Records, 1638-2003 (; 622,243 indexed records with 189,697 record images (was 491,247 records with 189,697 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Mexico, Marriages, 1570-1950 (; Index only (5,529,451 records), no images (was 5,529,391 records with 0 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Mexico, Michoacán, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1996 (; 6,160,674 indexed records with 5,283,986 record images (was 6,142,930 records with 5,283,986 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024

Mexico, Puebla, Catholic Church Records, 1545-2009 (; 9,069,506 indexed records with 6,124,553 record images (was 9,069,474 records with 6,124,553 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
Montana, County Voting Records, 1884-1992 (; 832,087 indexed records with 193,791 record images (was 741,953 records with 192,270 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2024
New York, Birth Indexes outside of New York City, 1881-1942 (; 2,739,181 indexed records with 78,929 record images (was 2,739,181 records with 78,929 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
New York, U.S. District and Circuit Court Naturalization Records, 1824-1991 (; 5,235,237 indexed records with 2,187,206 record images (was 5,234,497 records with 2,187,206 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1556-2023 (; 21,412,658 indexed records with 4,192,353 record images (was 21,404,264 records with 4,192,353 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024

Peru, Marriages, 1600-1940 (; Index only (351,248 records), no images (was 353,988 records with 0 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Philippines Civil Registration (National), 1945-1996 (; 380,158 indexed records with 20,274,621 record images (was 362,547 records with 20,274,621 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Portugal, Bragança, Catholic Church Records, 1541-1985 (; 1,004,741 indexed records with 960,435 record images (was 1,101,412 records with 960,435 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Portugal, Guarda, Catholic Church Records, 1459-1982 (; 427,832 indexed records with 815,966 record images (was 435,415 records with 815,966 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Portugal, Leiria, Catholic Church Records, 1534-1973 (; 810,720 indexed records with 639,166 record images (was 873,604 records with 639,166 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024

Portugal, Porto, Catholic Church Records, 1535-2006 (; 2,498,096 indexed records with 1,207,157 record images (was 2,498,096 records with 1,207,157 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Portugal, Santarém, Catholic Church Records, 1544-1952 (; 1,513,846 indexed records with 647,938 record images (was 1,520,791 records with 647,938 images), UPDATED 09-Dec-2024
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-2021 (; 3,333,987 indexed records with 191,547 record images (was 3,332,862 records with 191,547 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Russia, Tula, Church Books, 1722-1936 (; 3,482,680 indexed records with 922,079 record images (was 3,478,012 records with 921,059 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2024
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Civil Registration, 1859-1932 (; 209,832 indexed records with 38,895 record images (was 209,828 records with 38,894 images), UPDATED 06-Dec-2024

Samoa, Vital Records, 1846-1996 (; 91,826 indexed records with 437,094 record images (was 91,826 records with 437,094 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Sri Lanka, Civil Registration, 1768-1990 (; 11,451,020 indexed records with 11,315,803 record images (was 10,641,000 records with 10,472,019 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
St. Lucia, Church Records, 1751-1793 (; 2,421 indexed records with 513 record images (was 2,315 records with 495 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
United States City and Business Directories, ca. 1749 - ca. 1990 (; 64,961,936 indexed records with 941,056 record images (was 64,961,936 records with 939,994 images), UPDATED 07-Dec-2024
United States, New England, Petitions for Naturalization, 1787-1906 (; 716,287 indexed records with 954,378 record images (was 526,219 records with 954,378 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024

Uruguay, Civil Registration, 1879-2020 (; Index only (1,569,751 records), no images (was 1,556,715 records with 0 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Venezuela, Civil Registration, 1843-2021 (; 1,212,273 indexed records with 586,312 record images (was 1,200,738 records with 586,312 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Virginia, Vital Records, 1715-1912 (; 1,754,032 indexed records with 87,298 record images (was 1,749,179 records with 94,427 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2024
Zambia, Archdiocese of Lusaka, Church Records, 1908-2019 (; 854,095 indexed records with 125,305 record images (was 845,157 records with 120,697 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024
Zimbabwe, Diocese of Masvingo, Catholic Church Records, 1893-2022 (; 587 indexed records with 31,548 record images (was 587 records with 30,829 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2024

--- Collections with new images ---

Brazil, Alagoas, Civil Registration, 1876-2023 (; 1 indexed records with 152,776 record images (was 1 records with 146,995 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024
Brazil, Maranhão, Civil Registration, 1827-2022 (; 1 indexed records with 59,371 record images (was 1 records with 59,370 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024
England, Cumbria, Parish Registers, 1538-1990 (; 1,387,969 indexed records with 60,345 record images (was 1,387,969 records with 58,904 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Germany, Prussia, Saxony, Census Lists, 1585-1935 (; 1,028,323 indexed records with 52,891 record images (was 1,028,323 records with 39,515 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Italy, Arcidiocesi di Palermo, Catholic Church Records, 1392-1927 (; 1 indexed records with 267,534 record images (was 1 records with 250,119 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024

Italy, Diocesi di Caltanissetta, Catholic Church Records, 1539-1929 (; 1 indexed records with 466,884 record images (was 1 records with 444,709 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Italy, Diocesi di Piazza Armerina, Catholic Church Records, 1553-1964 (; 1 indexed records with 574,052 record images (was 1 records with 562,467 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Italy, Diocesi di Trapani, Catholic Church Records, 1504-1913 (; 1 indexed records with 382,387 record images (was 1 records with 272,738 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Italy, Florence, Archdiocese of Florence, Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Catholic Church Records, 1450-1900 (; 1 indexed records with 343,950 record images (was 1 records with 317,278 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Italy, Grosseto, Diocesi di Grosseto, Catholic Church Records, 1521-1983 (; 1 indexed records with 294,538 record images (was 1 records with 283,385 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024

Italy, Ivrea Diocesi di Ivrea, Catholic Church Records, 1474-1950 (; 1 indexed records with 1,186,072 record images (was 1 records with 998,261 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Italy, Napoli, Archdiocese of Naples, Catholic Church Records, 1633-1944 (; 1 indexed records with 9,050 record images (was 1 records with 9,048 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Italy, Torino, Diocese of Torino, Catholic Church Records, 1801-1899 (; 1 indexed records with 2,499,778 record images (was 1 records with 2,104,019 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Italy, Vercelli, Archdiocese of Vercelli, Catholic Church Records, 1839-1899 (; 1 indexed records with 271,615 record images (was 1 records with 265,988 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Norway, Oslo Census, 1901 (; 224,779 indexed records with 10,106 record images (was 224,779 records with 8,465 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024

--- Collections with images removed ---

Argentina, Military Records, 1911-1936 (; 1 indexed records with 945,669 record images (was 1 records with 950,580 images), last updated 31-Oct-2024
Canada, Census, 1931 (; 2,466,494 indexed records with 2,462,548 record images (was 2,466,494 records with 2,469,065 images), last updated 16-Jun-2024
Colombia, Censuses, 1777-1967 (; 257,442 indexed records with 23,634 record images (was 257,442 records with 26,163 images), last updated 07-Nov-2024
Colombia, DAS Civil Registration Alphabetic Cards, 1914-2011 (; 1 indexed records with 15,906,521 record images (was 1 records with 15,913,355 images), last updated 25-Nov-2024
Denmark, Ã…rhus Municipal Census, 1885 (; 28,731 indexed records with 1,405 record images (was 28,731 records with 2,181 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024

Denmark, Ã…rhus Municipal Census, 1896 (; 37,019 indexed records with 2,760 record images (was 37,019 records with 2,972 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
France, Marne, Census, 1876 (; 144,863 indexed records with 2,612 record images (was 144,863 records with 2,756 images), last updated 28-Oct-2024
United States, Census, 1950 (; 52,785,233 indexed records with 52,650,433 record images (was 52,785,233 records with 52,771,334 images), last updated 16-Jun-2024
United States, Obituary Records, 2014-2023 (; 1 indexed records with 28,197,658 record images (was 1 records with 28,224,081 images), last updated 22-Jul-2024

--- Collections with records removed ---

California, Birth Index, 1905-1995 (; Index only (24,589,430 records), no images (was 24,589,432 records with 0 images), last updated 01-Mar-2012
Ireland, National School Registers, 1847-1954 (; 152,829 indexed records with 11,488 record images (was 297,029 records with 11,488 images), last updated 15-Jun-2024
Montana, Flathead County, School Census, 1903-1969 (; 656,852 indexed records with 18,817 record images (was 1,886,448 records with 18,817 images), last updated 24-Jan-2024
Texas, Birth Index, 1903-1997 (; Index only (17,102,126 records), no images (was 17,102,127 records with 0 images), last updated 17-Feb-2012
United States, Public Records, 1970-2009 (; Index only (875,609,798 records), no images (was 875,609,804 records with 0 images), last updated 01-Jun-2024
United States, Residence Database, 1970-2024 (; Index only (413,877,640 records), no images (was 413,877,643 records with 0 images), last updated 22-Jun-2024


My friend and SDGS colleague, Marshall, has come up with a way to determine which collections are ADDED, DELETED or UPDATED, and to alphabetize the entries in each category. Thanks to Marshall for helping me out here!

Marshall notes that there are:

*  0 removed entries
*  1 added entries 
*  130 updated entries
*  30 entries with more or fewer images or records

The FamilySearch website says 3406 total entries on the list. Marshall's list says 3406.  Back to synchronization!

In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.

Each of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link). It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.


Copyright (c) 2024 Randall J. Seaver

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Friday, December 13, 2024

Added and Updated Record Collections - Week of 7 to 13 December 2024

The following genealogy record collections were added to the Card Catalog page by Date Updated during the period from 7 to 13 December 2024: 

The ADDED and Updated collections include:

Web: United Kingdom, Corps of Military Police Index, 1800-2022; indexed records without record images, ADDED  12/11/2024.  All data in this third-party database was obtained from the source’s website. does not support or make corrections or changes to the original database. 

Australia, Truth and Progress Publications, 1868-1894; indexed records with record images,   ADDED 12/11/2024.  This collection contains issues of Truth and Progress, a monthly magazine published by the Baptist church for churches in South Australia between 1868 and 1894.

Web: Curaçao, Civil Registers, 1831-1950; indexed records without record images, ADDED    12/11/2024.  All data in this third-party database was obtained from the source’s website. does not support or make corrections or changes to the original database. 

Australia, Telephone Directories, 1913-1959; indexed records without record images, ADDED    12/11/2024.  This collection contains telephone directories published in Australia between 1913 and 1959.

Florida, U.S., Naturalization Records, 1847-1995; indexed records with record images, Updated 12/11/2024.  This database contains naturalization records filed in Florida.

UK and Ireland,™ Marriage Index, 1800s-current; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/11/2024.  This database consists of facts extracted from marriages found on™ dating from the early 1800’s to current.

U.S.,™ Marriage Index, 1800s-current; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/11/2024.  This database consists of information extracted from marriage announcements found on™ dating from the early 1800s to the present.

Australia and New Zealand,™ Marriage Index, 1800s-current; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/11/2024.  This database consists of facts extracted from marriages found on™ dating from the early 1800’s to current.

Canada,™ Marriage Index, 1800s-current; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/11/2024.  This database consists of information extracted from marriage announcements found in newspapers from Canada on™ dating from the early 1800s to the present.

Netherlands, Birth Index, 1784-1923; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/10/2024.  This collection contains birth records from the Netherlands between 1784-1921. All records are transcribed in Dutch, but some original records may have been written in Latin. The collection is...

Netherlands, Population Registers Index, 1720-1945; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/10/2024.  This collection consists of an index to population registers (censuses) from the Netherlands between 1720 and 1944.

Netherlands, Baptism Index, 1557-1903; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/9/2024.  This collection contains baptismal records from the Netherlands between 1557 and 1902.

Netherlands, Civil Marriage Index, 1795-1953; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/9/2024.  This collection contains church records for individuals who were married between 1795 and 1953 in the Netherlands.

Netherlands, Burial Index, 1540-1969; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/9/2024.  This collection is an index of burial records from the Netherlands dated from 1540 to 1967.

Netherlands, Marriage Index, 1524-1899; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/9/2024.  This collection contains an index of marriages that were recorded in church records in the Netherlands from 1524-1899.

Netherlands, Death Index, 1796-1973; indexed records without record images, Updated 12/9/2024.  This collection consists of an index to death records held at various archives throughout the Netherlands.

Teesside, England, Electoral Registers, 1832-1974; indexed records with record images, ADDED 12/9/2024.  This collection includes electoral registers and burgess rolls produced in the borough of Middlesbrough in Teesside, England, between 1832 and 1974.


The complete Card Catalog is at  

By my count, there were NEW record collections ADDED this past week, per the list above.  There are now 33,684 collections available as of  13 December, an  INCREASE of 18 from last week.  Where did the extra 13 ADDED collections come from?  And the extra 19 from last week?  Maybe they will appear next week?


Disclosure: I pay for an All-Access subscription from In past years.  provided a complimentary All Access subscription, an autosomal DNA test, material considerations for travel expenses to meetings, and hosted events and meals that I attended in Salt Lake City.

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Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

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