Saturday, March 31, 2018

RootsTech 2018 Blog Compendium - Last UPDATED 2 April

RootsTech 2018 is February 28 to March 3, 2018 in Salt Lake City this year.

The following genealogy bloggers wrote blog posts about their experiences at RootsTech 2018.

1)  Randy Seaver on the Genea-Musings blog:

Day 0 (Tuesday) at RootsTech 2018 (27 February 2018)

RootsTech 2018 Blog Compendium (28 February 2018, updated)

Day 1 (Wednesday) at RootsTech 2018 (28 February 2018)

*  Findmypast: Connect With British Isles Ancestors (1 March 2018)

*  WOW: MyHeritage Launches DNA Quest (1 March 2018)

Day 2 (Thursday) at RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)

More Day 2 Photos at RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)

*  Findmypast brings New York Catholic records online for the first time (2 March 2018)

*  MyHeritage Releases One-to-Many DNA Chromosome Browser  (2 March 2018)

Day 3 (Friday) at RootsTech 2018 (2 March 2018)

*  Some Dark Photos From the MyHeritage After Party at RootsTech 2018 (3 March 2018)

MyHeritage Releases New Collections with 325 Million Historical Records (3 March 2018)

My Day 4 (Saturday) at RootsTech (3 March 2018)

*  Photos From the RootsTech 2018 DearMYRTLE After-Party (4 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018 Video Compendium (5 March 2018)

*  RootsTech 2018 Potpourri - My Baker's Dozen Takeaways (5 March 2018)

2)  Jill Ball on the GeniAus blog:

The Night Before RootsTech (27 February 2018)

Relatives at RootsTech? (28 February 2018)

A DNA Kind of Day (1 March 2018)

Humans of New York (1 March 2018)

Too Busy to Blog! (3 March 2018)

Back to Sea Level (7 March 2018)

3)  Marian B. Wood on the Climbing My Family Tree blog:

*  RootsTech and the Value of a Research Log  (28 February 2018)

 RootsTech Day 1: England, Deeds, Maps, DNA, and More (28 February 2018)

*  RootsTech Day 2: DNA Again, Photo Clues, Parish Chest, Expo Encore (1 March 2018)

*  RootsTech Day 3: Scott Hamilton and More (2 March 2018)

4)  Pat Richley-Erickson on the Myrt's Musings blog:

*  ARCHIVED: Mondays with Myrt Pre-RootsTech 2018 (27 February 2018)

5)  Linda Stufflebean on the Empty Branches on the Family Tree blog:

Gearing Up for RootsTech 2018 -- Registration Day  (28 February 2018)

RootsTech 2018 -- Opening Day (28 February 2018)

RootsTech 2018 -- Day 2 (1 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018 - Day 3 (2 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018 - Closing Day (3 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018 - Expo Hall Review- Part 1 (6 March 2018)

*  RootsTech 2018 - Expo Hall Review- Part 2 (7 March 2018)

*  RootsTech 2018 - 4 Days in Photos (8 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018 Wrap up (8 March 2018)

6)  Leland Meitzler on the GenealogyBlog blog:

*  RootsTech is Off and Running… And America’s Pastor Lies in State (28 February 2018)

*  My Thoughts on Wednesday, Day 1 of RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)

*  Thoughts on Thursday, Day 2 at RootsTech (2 March 2018)

Day Three at RootsTech 2018 (2 March 2018)

Thoughts on Day Four at RootsTech 2018 (3 March 2018)

*  Snow in Salt Lake City! After RootsTech (4 March 2018)

*  I’m Motivated to Get My Stories+Pictures Available to My Family & Friends (4 March 2018)

*  RootsTech 2018 Videos Are Available at (4 March 2018)

7)  Melanie McComb on The Shamrock Genealogist blog:

RootsTech Recap Day 1 (28 February 2018)

RootsTech Mid-Day Recap Day 2 (1 March 2018)

RootsTech Day 3 (3 March 2018)

* RootsTech Day 4 (4 March 2018)

*  We Are Connected, We Are Family, We Are Next Gen (10 March 2018)

8)  Richard Young on the Family History Tech blog:

Connect - Belong (28 February 2018)

9)  Roberta Estes on the DNA eXplained - Genetic Genealogy blog:

*  RootsTech – Ummm, Math is Your Friend (28 February 2018)

*  RootsTech Meetup and Super-Cool DNA Finds! (1 March 2018)

*  Day 2 RootsTech – Vendors, Visits and MyHeritage is Smokin’ Hot (1 March 2018)

*  RootsTech Day 3 – Jewish DNA, Schmoozing and the Flapper Party (4 March 2018)

RootsTech Day 4 - My Inner Child ... and Genealogist (5 March 2018)

 Dear RootsTech: Let’s Make the 2019 Conference Awesome (7 March 2018)

10)  Lisa-Dawn Crawley at LDC: The Zombie Genealogist blog:

*  Follow These Canadians at RootsTech (28 February 2018)

RootsTech 2018 a la YouTube! (1 March 2018, updated)

11)  Jenny Hawran on the Like Herding Cats blog:

My Tuesday at RootsTech (28 February 2018)

My Wednesday at RootsTech (1 March 2018)

My Thursday at RootsTech (3 March 2018)

My Friday at RootsTech (3 March 2018)

12)  Tierra Cotton-Kellow on the Pressing My Way blog:

RootsTech 2018 "Day One" Recap (video) (28 February 2018)

13)  Laura on the Branch and Leaf ... A Family History Blog:

RootsTech 2018: Day 1 (28 February 2018)

RootsTech 2018: Day 2 (1 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018:  Day 3 (2 March 2018)

RootsTech Reflections for 2018 (6 March 2018)

14)  Thomas MacEntee on the DNA Bargains blog:

 Living DNA Previews Unique New “Family Networks” Offering at RootsTech 2018 (28 February 2018)

15)  Judy Muhn on the Lineage Journeys blog:

Arrived at RootsTech ...Wow! (1 March 2018)

Speaking at RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)

*  Wow, what a morning of powerful speaking, music (3 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018 - A Retro View (8 March 2018)

 You CAN Take It With You: Mobile Technology for Genealogy (8 March 2018)

16)  Jenny Joyce on the Jennyalogy blog:

RootsTech Has Started: Connect. Belong. (1 March 2018)

The European Union is Going to Affect Genealogy (2 March 2018)

Two Inspiring Keynotes (2 March 2018)

The Last of the Keynotes at RootsTech (18 March 2018)

17)  Laura Hedgecock on the Treasure Chest of Memories blog:

Connect. Belong. #RootsTech 2018 (1 March 2018)

Belonging to Ancestors and Storytelling (7 March 2018)

18)  Janice Sellers on the Ancestral Discoveries blog:

RootsTech 2018: Days 1 and 2 (1 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018: Days 3 and 4 (5 March 2018)

19)  Carole Steers on the Davies of Mold blog:

RootsTech 2018 -- It's Here (28 February 2018)

Validation of Self, From Self (1 March 2018)

RootsTech Over for Another Year   (11 March 2018)

20)  The Family Locket blog:

*  RootsTech Presentation Slides – Source Citations and Getting Organized, by Nicole Dyer (1 March 2018)

*  RootsTech: Sources to Research Confederate Soldiers Online, by Nicole Dyer (3 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018:  Connect.  Belong.  Always, by Diana Elder (22 March 2018)

21)  Dick Eastman on Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter:

 Legacy Republic Launches in Salt Lake City to Save One Million Memories and Unlock Region’s Genealogy Treasure Chest (28 February 2018)

 Findmypast Acquires Genealogy Startup Twile – Winner of Two RootsTech Innovation Awards (1 March 2018)

*  Findmypast Helps North American Researchers Discover British & Irish Ancestors (2 March 2018)

*  MyHeritage Launches DNA Quest — a Major Pro Bono Initiative for Adoptees and Their Biological Families to Find Each Other via DNA Testing (2 March 2018)

 Findmypast Brings New York Catholic Records Online for the First Time (2 March 2018)

 MyHeritage Releases Chromosome Browser Upgrade to Facilitate Better Exploration and Interpretation of DNA Matches (2 March 2018)

*  MyHeritage Releases New Collections with 325 Million Historical Records (3 March 2018)

*    A Report from RootsTech2018, with Pictures (5 March 2018)

22)  Jean-Yves on the Geneanet blog:

Geneanet at RootsTech 2018: Day 2 (2 March 2018)

*  Geneanet at RootsTech 2018: Day 3 (2 March 2018)

23)  Ellen Thompson-Jennings on the Hound On the Hunt blog:

*  The DNA Angel Project February #RootsTech Edition (2 March 2018)

RootsTech Roundup (7 March 2018)

24)  Amie Bowser Tennant on The Genealogy Reporter blog:

Get Twitterpated with Twitter for Genealogy (2 March 2018)

Reminiscing on RootsTech 2018 & Preparing for 2019 (27 March 2018)

25)  Karen Biesfeld on the vorfahrensucher blog (in German, use English translation):

26)  McKell Keeney on the DNA Seek and Find blog:

RootsTech First Timer (2 March 2018)

27)  Jacquie Schattner on the Seeds To Tree blog:

28)  Scott Fisher on the Extreme Genes blog:

29)  Cheri Hudson Passey on the Carolina Girl Genealogy blog:

30 )  Lara Diamond on the Lara's Jewnealogy blog:

RootsTech 2018! (4 March 2018)

31)  Geoff Rasmussen on the Legacy Family Tree Webinars blog:

*  Perspectives on Combining Genealogy and Genetics (5 March 2018)

32)  Anne Gillespie Mitchell on the Cluster Genealogy blog:

33)  Amberly Beck on The Genealogy Girl blog:

My Top Ten RootsTech 2018 Moments (5 March 2018)

34)  Nancy Loe on the Sassy Jane Genealogy blog:

Three Tips for Organizing Genealogy Research Files (2 March 2018)

Henry Louis Gates, Jr., RootsTech Keynote  (5 March 2018)

35)  Donna Moughty on Donna's Irish Genealogy Resources blog:

RootsTech 2018 (5 March 2018)

36)  Kathleen Brandt on the a3Genealogy blog:

RootsTech 2018 (5 March 2018)

37)  Hilary Gadsby on The Edge of Snowdonia blog:

RootsTech Ambassadors Interview Steve Rockwood

38)  The Legacy Tree blog:

RootsTech 2018 Recap, by Amber (6 March 2018)

39)  Banai Feldstein on The Ginger Jewish Genealogist blog:

RootsTech 2018 (6 March 2018)

40)  Melissa Finlay on the Boundless Genealogy blog:

Human Connection at RootsTech 2018 (6 March 2018)

LDS Highlights at RootsTech 2018, Part 1 (9 March 2018)

RootsTech 2018 for Children and Families (13 March 2018)

LDS Highlights at RootsTech 2018 Part 2 (20 March 2018)

41)  Janine Adams on the Organize Your Family History blog:

My RootsTech in Pictures (7 March 2018)

42)  Diane Gould Hall on the Michigan Family Trails blog:

*  ROOTSTECH IS OVER BUT ~ We had fun… (7 March 2018)

43)  True Lrwis on the Notes to Myself blog:

Black ProGen LIVE! Eo. 53 RootsTech 2018 (8 March 2018)

44) Jennifer Holik on the World War II Writing and Research Center blog:

Finding the Answers : Basics of WWII Research (8 March 2018)

45)  Carol Petranek on the Spartan Roots blog:

* A Greek at RootsTech (8 March 2018)

46)  Heather Henderson on the RootsFinder blog:

RootsTech Recap 2018 (8 March 2018)

47)  Becky Jamison on the Grace and Glory blog:

Selected RootsTech 2018 Memories (9 March 2018)

48)  Nicka Smith on the Who Is Nicka Smith blog:

A Taste of RootsTech 2018 (10 March 2018)

49)  Lisa Gorrell on the My Trails into the Past blog:

*  Monday Genea-pourri, Week of February 26-March 4, 2018 (5 March 2018)

50)  Valerie Elkins on the Family Cherished blog:

RootsTech.  Who is it For Anyway? (12 March 2018)

51)  Rob Van Drie on the CBG Centrum voor familiegeschiedenis blog:

RootsTech 2018 (13 March 2018)

52)  Angela Rodesky on the A Rodesky Genealogy blog:

RootsTech 2018 (13 March 2018)

Living DNA Lead the Way at RootsTech 2018 (31 March 2018)

53)  Diahan Southard on Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems blog:

DNA News and Classes at RootsTech 2018 (14 March 2018)

54)  Sam Williams on the Ancestral Anamnesis blog:

RootsTech 2018 (5 March 2018)

55)  Michelle Goodrum on The Turning of Generations blog:

RootsTech 2018 - Day Zero (28 February 2018)

World War II Research With Jennifer Holik (2 March 2018)

RootsTech Session Notes (4 March 2018)

Thoughts on RootsTech 2018 (19 March 2018)

56)  Elizabeth O'Neal on the My Descendant's Ancestors blog:

An Interview With Team Red of Relative Race Season 3 (24 March 2018)

57)  Lillian Mann on the Heirloom Software blog:

*  RootsTech-Winners-DNA Tool (27 March 2018)

58)  Devon Noel Lee on the Family History Fanatics blog:

*  First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 1) (28 March 2018)

Foot Traffic Generating Plans - First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 2) (29 March 2018)

*  Product Decisions - First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 3) (30 March 2018)

*  Meeting Our FAN-atics - First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 4) (31 March 2018)

*  The Expo Experience - First Time RootsTech Vendor Perspective (Part 5) (1 April 2018)

Will We Have a Booth at RootsTech Again? (2 April 2018)

I will update this blog post several times a day until the blogging is finished.

If you have written a blog post and I have not included it in this compendium, please leave a comment on this post and I will include it as soon as possible.

Many geneabloggers are posting photos and notes on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.  Check your friends' posts.

Originally posted: 28 February 2018

Last updated: 11 a.m. 2 April 2018 PDT


Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Which Ancestors Were Born on This Date?

It's Saturday Night - 
time for more Genealogy Fun! 

Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible! music) is to:

1)  Which of your ancestors were born on this day, 31 March 2018?  How can you find out?  Tell us how you did it.

2)  If you don't have an ancestor born on this date, then select another date in March and list those.

3)  Share your findings in your own blog post, or in comments on this blog post, on Facebook or Google+.

Here's mine:  

I used the Calendar function in RootsMagic 7 (Reports > Calendar) to create a calendar for March 2018, but I "Selected from list" only my ancestors (highlighted myself > Marked only my ancestors, picked 13 generations) instead of "Everyone" in my family tree. 

There were only two known ancestors who were born on 31 March:

1)  John Cooke (1607-1695), son of Francis and Jeanne Hester (Mahieu) Cooke, was born in Leiden, Holland.  He was a Mayflower passenger with his father.  John married Sarah Warren (1614-1696) in 1634 in Plymouth.  I am descended through their daughter Sarah Cooke (1635-1713), who married Arthur Hathaway (1630-1711) in 1652.

2)  Lydia Copeland (1661-1727), daughter of Laurence and Lydia (Townsend) Copeland, was born in Braintree, Mass.  She married Joseph White (1662-1757) of Weymouth, Mass. in 1681 and they resided in Mendon, Mass.  I am descended through their daughter, Lydia White (1686-????) who married  Michael Metcalf (1680-1761) in 1705.


Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

Surname Saturday - PIN (England to colonial New England)

It's Surname Saturday, and I'm "counting down" my Ancestral Name List each week.  

I am working in the 9th great-grandmothers by Ahnentafel number, and I am up to Ancestor #2099 who is Katherine PIN (1611-1685). 
[Note: the earlier great-grandmothers and 9th great-grandfathers have been covered in earlier posts.]

My ancestral line back through one generation in this PIN family line is:

1. Randall J. Seaver

2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)

4. Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942)
5. Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962)

8. Frank Walton Seaver (1852-1922)
9. Hattie Louise Hildreth (1857-1920)

16. Isaac Seaver (1823-1901)
17. Lucretia Townsend Smith (1827-1884)

32. Benjamin Seaver (1791-1825)
33. Abigail Gates (1797-1869)

64. Benjamin Seaver (1757-1816)
65. Martha Whitney (1764-1832)

130.  Samuel Whitney (1719-1782)
131.  Abigail Fletcher (1720-1783)

262.  John Fletcher (1692-1749)
263.  Mary Goble (1694-1734)

524.  Samuel Fletcher (1657-1744)
525.  Elizabeth Wheeler (1664-1744)

1048.  Francis Fletcher (1630-1704)
1049.  Elizabeth Wheeler (1636-1704)

2098.  George Wheeler, born before 23 March 1606 in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England; died 02 June 1687 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.  He was the son of 4196. Thomas Wheeler.  He married 08 June 1630 in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England.
2099.  Katherine Pin, born about 1611 in England; died 02 January 1685 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Children of George Wheeler and Katherine Pin are:
*  William Wheeler, born before 24 July 1631 in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England; died 30 November 1683 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; married Hannah Buss 30 October 1659 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; born 18 February 1642 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died March 1693 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
*  Thomas Wheeler, born before 01 August 1633 in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England; died 16 December 1686 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; married Hannah Harwood 10 October 1657 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; born about 1632 in London, Middlesex, England; died Aft. 1707 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
Elizabeth Wheeler, born before 03 January 1636 in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England; died 14 June 1704 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; married Francis Fletcher 11 October 1656 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
*  Sarah Wheeler, born 30 March 1640 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died 12 December 1713 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; married Francis Dudley 26 October 1665 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; born 1638 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died 1702 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
*  John Wheeler, born 19 March 1643 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States; died 27 September 1713 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; married Sarah Larkin 25 March 1663 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; born 12 March 1648 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States; died 12 August 1725 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
*  Mary Wheeler, born 06 September 1645 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died 24 February 1679 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; married Eliphalet Fox 26 October 1665 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; born 1644 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died 15 August 1711 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
*  Ruth Wheeler, born about 1647 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died 19 December 1703 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; married Samuel Hartwell 26 October 1665 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; born 26 March 1645 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died 26 July 1725 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

*  Hannah Wheeler, born about 1649 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died 11 December 1697 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; married Samuel Fletcher 05 July 1672 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; born about 1652 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States; died before December 1723 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

The ancestry of George Wheeler's wife, Katherine Pin or Penn, is not positively known.  Some online family trees claim her parents were Henry and Catherine (Hull) Penn, married in Buckinghamshire in 1612.

The family and biography of George Wheeler has been extensively researched by:

*  M. Wheeler Molyneaux, The Wheeler Family of Cranfield, England and Concord, Massachusetts and Some Descendants of Sgt. Thomas Wheeler of Concord (Long Beach, Calif. : the author, 1992)

John Brooks Threlfall, 50 Great Migration Colonists in New England and Their Origins (Madison, Wis. : the author, 1990)

Dean Crawford Smith, edited by Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Ancestry of Eva Belle Kempton, 1878-1908; Part III: The Ancestry of Henry Clay Bartlett, 1832-1892 (Boston : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004)


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Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 30 March 2018

I received this information from Findmypast today:


New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday

Prerogative Court Of Canterbury Administrations 1660-1700

Search over 88,000 transcripts and images of Index slips and related documentation created from original Prerogative Court of Canterbury administrations held by The National Archives at Kew. This collection includes a high volume of mariners; approximately a third of these records refer to a mariner.
Each record will reveal the date of your ancestor's will, the value of their will, the archive reference number and any additional notes.

Ireland, Alphabetical Indexes To The Townlands and Parishes 1851-1911 Browse

Browse through 2,900 records taken from indexes of townlands and parishes in Ireland spanning the years 1851 to 1911. In addition to townlands and parishes, discover details of baronies and electoral divisions in Ireland for a given year.
In addition to townlands and parishes, discover details of baronies and electoral divisions in Ireland for a given year.

New Hampshire, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records 1636-1947 Image Browse

Do you have relatives from New Hampshire? Discover more about their lives by browsing this collection of more than 402,000 vital and town records acquired from the offices of local town clerks in New Hampshire.
The collection includes records of births, marriages, and deaths; vital registers; indexes; minutes of meetings; and records of other civic activities.

New York, Buffalo Death Index 1852-1944 Image Browse

Explore more than 17,000 digital images of the Buffalo, New York, death index. From the index, you can learn your ancestor's name and death year.
This collection has been obtained through Reclaim the Records. Additional information about these records can be found on the source's website.

Leicestershire Burials

New records from the parish of Thrussington have been added to our collection of Leicestershire Burials. The collections span over 400 years from 1538 to the 1991 and covers 279 parishes across the county.
These records will allow you discover when your ancestor died, their age at death, place of burial, date of burial and parent's names.

New Jersey, County Naturalization Records 1749-1986 Image Browse

Over 61,000 records have been added to our browsable collection of New Jersey County Naturalisation Records. Explore over 200 years of scanned county courthouse naturalization records from New Jersey.
Get further back in your family history journey by uncovering vital genealogical information such as your ancestor's birth country, age, occupation, arrival date and port of entry.

Disclosure:  I have a complimentary subscription to Findmypast, and have accepted meals and services from Findmypast, as a Findmypast Ambassador.  This has not affected my objectivity relative to Findmypast and its products.

Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

Friday, March 30, 2018

Genealogy News Bytes - 30 March 2018

Some of the genealogy news items across my desktop the last three days include:

1)  News Articles:

Celtic Connections Conference 2018 is August 10-11 in Boston

*  New MyHeritage mobile app features: Inbox and Scanner – Part 1, and Part 2

*  New: Improvements in the MyHeritageDNA One-to-Many Chromosome Browser

2)  Record Databases:

*  TheGenealogist celebrates centenary of the Royal Air Force

*  300 Free Western States Online Historic Newspaper Titles Added

*  30 Mar 2018 – New Genealogy Record Releases & Updates

*  New Historic Records on FamilySearch: Week of March 26, 2018

*  Deceased Online add 10,000 photographs from 90 Norfolk cemeteries

3)  Genealogy Education:

 GeneaWebinars Calendar

 FamilySearch Classes Presented at RootsTech 2018 Now Online

*  Free Family History Library Classes and Webinars for April 2018

*  Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Wednesday, 4 April, 11 a.m.:  Jewish Genealogy for the Non-Jew: History, Migration, DNA, by Schelly Talalay Dardashti.

*  Videos of the Lectures from the 2017 i4gg Conference Are Now Up!

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar Formulating a DNA Testing Plan, by Blaine Bettinger

*  Member Only Family Tree Webinar:  Research Finns - Finnish not required; Internet is!, by Diane L. Richard

*  African Roots Podcast: Episode #426 March 22, 2018
*  DearMYRTLE YouTube Channel:  Genealogy Game Night - 10 Mar 2018

*  DearMYRTLE YouTube Channel:  AmericaGen Study Group - Chapter 3 Surveying, Analyzing & Planning

*  The In-Depth Genealogist YouTube Channel:  Relative Race: Season 3, Episode 4

*  BYU Family History Library YouTube Channel:  Strategies for Finding Your Ancestors Online Part 2 by Judy Sharp

*  FamilySearch YouTube Channel:  Connect. Belong. RootsTech 2018

*  Findmypast YouTube Channel:  Week 14 | Innovation in Ireland pt.2

*  Genetic Genealogy Ireland YouTube Channel:  Ask the Experts Panel - Day 2

*  Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems YouTube Channel:  Finding German Villages for Genealogy and Family History with James M. Beidler

*  RF Tree Genealogy YouTube Channel:  Beginning Basics

4)  Bargains:

*  Genealogy Bargains for Friday, March 30,  2018

5)  Neat Stuff:

DNA test leads county official to reunite with mother after 45 years

*  Man discovers father, siblings after DNA test

*  Sounds Like Meghan Markle Used Ancestry Research to Win Over Prince Philip

Did you miss the last Genealogy News Bytes - 27 March 2018?


Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at

Celtic Connections Conference 2018 is August 10-11 in Boston

I received this information today via email:



Registration is now open for the Celtic Connections Conference, “Pathways to our Past”, to be held on August 10-11 at the Boston Newton Marriott Hotel. This is the 3rd biennial conference co-sponsored by TIARA (The Irish Ancestral Research Association) and IGSI (the Irish Genealogical Society International).

An impressive slate of speakers from Ireland, Scotland, England, Canada and the U.S. will present lectures about Irish, Scots-Irish, Scottish and Welsh genealogy, DNA, and culture. You’ll learn about exciting new ways to discover and interpret your family history and ancestral roots.

The August conference will feature internationally-known genealogists Audrey Collins, Dr. Bruce Durie, Fiona Fitzsimons, Maurice Gleeson, John Grenham, and Christine Woodcock, along with Boston-area and national family history experts will introduce you to sources and research methods. Offerings outside the classroom highlight Celtic traditions in music, storytelling and conviviality.

Early bird registration is discounted until June 4, 2018. Lodging is available at a special conference rate at the Boston Newton Marriot Hotel, Newton, MA. The 2014 and 2016 conferences drew attendees from across the U.S. and Canada and received rave reviews. No other conference offers this focus on Celtic ancestry and heritage, or such a stellar list of international presenters. Early registration is advised.

For schedule and program information and registration see:


Contact: Celtic Connections Conference
P.O. Box 66010
Auburndale, MA 02466


Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at