The Treat Family book[1] has this information about Jabez Snow (page 215):
"Dea. Jabez Snow (Elizabeth Treat, Samuel, Robert, Richard), born July 22, 1696, in Eastham, Mass.; died Sept. 6, 1760, in Eastham; married Oct. 27, 1720, Elizabweth Paine, born June 2, 1702; died July 6, 1772, and daughter of John and Bennet (Freeman) Paine. Mr. Snow was a prominent man in Eastham, and a deacon in the church. He was selectman in 1743 and 1744, and town clerk in 1759 and 1760. His will is dated July 31, 1760; probated March 17, 1761; inventory, May 9, 1761, £254 0s. 4d. Mentions wife Elizabeth and his six children. Son Jabez was executor, who applied to the General Court, June 24, 1761, and obtained permission to sell the property of the estate, which was insolvent, and to appropriate the proceeds, after paying the widow's thirds, towards paying his deceased father's just debts."
Jabez Snow was born 22 July 1696 in Eastham, Massachusetts, the first child of Jabez and Elizabeth (Treat) Snow[1-4].
He married Elizabeth Paine on 27 October 1720 in Eastham[1,4-6]. They had six children between 1722 and 1740.
When his father died in 1750, Jabez Snow was named as the executor and was bequeathed[10]:
"I Give and bequeath unto my three Sons Namely Jabez Snow Silv^s Snow and Sam^ll Snow and to their heirs and Assigns forever all my Lands & Meadows and Real Estate Whatsoever to them in Equal Proportion in Equal Proportion Allike that is to Say two thirds thereof Next after my Decease & all the Remaining part next after my Said wife Elisabeth Snow Shall ^cease^ to have the Improvement thereof as above Expressed in this my Will & at the times above Expressed."
Jabez Snow died on 6 September 1760 in Eastham, Massachusetts[1,4,7,10], and was buried in Cove Burying Ground in Eastham[8].
Jabez Snow's probate records are in the Barnstable County, Massachusetts Probate Court records[9]. They include:
1) His will was written 31 July 1760, and was proved on 17 March 1761. The will reads:
"In the Name of God Amen I Jabez Snow of Eastham in the County of Barnstable in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England yeoman being Arrived to Declining Age but through Gods Goodness yet of Disposing Mind and memory Do therefore Now make this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and form as follows that is to Say first of all I Commit my Soul to God that Gave it and my body to the Earth to be Decently Buried. Item I Give unto my Dear and Loving wife Elisabeth Snow one third part of all my Personal Estate forever that is to say after my Just Debts is paid out of the whole of my Estate both Personal and Real also I give to my said Loving Wife the use and Improvement of one third of all my Real Estate During the Terme She Shall Continue to be my Widdow or till Death shall call her hence.
"Item I Give to my three Sons and three Daughters after my Just Debts & funeral Charges are Paid all my Estate both Personal and Real Equally to be Divided Between them that is to Jabez Snow to Joshua Snow and Edward Snow to Eunice Horting Elisabeth Snow and Hannah Snow but inasmuch as Eunice Horting ^has^ had Given to her already to the value of eight Pounds Lawfull Money in my Judgment it is my Will & Desire that the other five Namely Jabez Snow Joshua Snow Edward Snow Elisabeth Snow and Hannah Snow Should have Each of them the Sum of Eight Pounds Lawfull Money first to make them Equal with Eunice Horting if ther Should be so much left after all debts and Charges is Paid & if any Remains then to be Equally Divided as above between Them all.
"Lastly I Do Constitute and appoint my Trusty Son Jabez Snow to be my Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament Declaring this and no other to be my last will. In Witness whereof I Do here-unto Set my hand and seal this thirty first day of July in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hund and Sixty.
In Presence of Thomas Bacon Jabez Snow
Willard Knowles
Isaac Paine"
"To all People to whom these presents shall come Silvanus Bourn Esq'r Judge of Parobe ^Wills^ &c. in the County of Barnstable within the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Sendeth Greeting.Know ye that on the Seventeenth day of march Anno Domini 1761 the Instrument hereunto annexed purporting the last Will and Testament of Jabez Snow late of Eastham in sd County Gent'mn Deceased was presented for Probate by Jabez Snow the Executor therein Named then Present Thomas Bacon Willard Knowles & Isaac Paine Witnesses thereto Subscribed who made Oath that they saw the said Testator Sign Seal and Heard him Declare the Said Instrument to be his Last Will and Testament and that they Subscribed their Names togather as Witnesses to the Execution thereof in the said Testators Presence and that he was then to the best of their Judgment of sound and Disposing Mind. I Do Approve and allow of the Said Instrument as the Last Will and Testament of the before Named Deceased and Do Commit the Administration thereof in all matters the same Concerning and of his Estate whereof he Died Siez'd and Possessed in said County unto Jabez Snow the before Named Executor well and faithfully to Execute the said Will and to Administer the Estate of the said Deceased According thereto. He accepted of his said Trust, and to Inventory of the Estate of said Deceased Acording to Law and he shall Render an Account upon Oath of his Proceedings when thereunto Lawfull Require. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal of Office the Day and Year above Written. Silvanus Bourn
Exam'd Da'd Gorham Reg'r"
2) The inventory of his estate was taken on 24 March 1761:
"We the Subscribers Being Appointed by the Honourable Silvanus bourn Esq'r Judge of Probate for the County of Barnstable to make a Just and Impartial apprisement of the Estate Capt'n Jabez Snow Late of Eastham in the County of Barnstable Deceased upon Oath apprised sd Estate this Twenty fourth Day of March one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty One as followeth (viz.)
"The Dwelling house and Barn and Corn House …........................................... 28--0--0
All the Land adjoining to the House …........................................................... 52-06--0
The Meadow in the Great meadow and Land Adjoyning …............................. 13-19--0
the Meadow in the Boat meadow and the Shedge flatts …............................... 10-13--4
the wood Lott at fresh Brook …..................................................................... 28--0--0
the wood Lott near David Brown …............................................................... 18-13--4
the wood Lott near Smallies Way …............................................................... 10-13--4
two Half Lots at the Back Side …................................................................... 9--6--8
the one half of a House that was Joseph Snows and the Land adjoyning .......... 9--6--0
the Pew and a third in the Meeting House ….................................................... 3-14--0
The Wearing Apparal ….................................................................................. 2--1--4
The Bed and Beding in the Great Room …...................................................... 4--0--8
The Bed and Beding in the Chamber …........................................................... 5--4--0
The Bed and Beding in the Bedroom …........................................................... 3--5--4
Two Small Beds and Beding with the Linning ….............................................. 4--0--0
Two Silver Spoons 6 Tea Spoons and one old Cup ….................................... 2--7--4
The Pewter …................................................................................................ 1--3--4
Two Oxon Two Steers ….............................................................................. 12--8--0
Two Cows …................................................................................................ 4-16--0
Two farrew Cows …...................................................................................... 3-14--8
one Heiffer …................................................................................................. 2--0--0
Eight Sheep 3 Swine 3 Young Creatures and Hay …......................................... 8--5--4
Indian Corn and Pire ….................................................................................. 2-10--0
Guns and Sword …........................................................................................ 1--4--0
The Iron ware …............................................................................................ 2--5--4
Chists Tables and Chairs …............................................................................ 2-10-10
The Remaining Part of the Personal Estate is …............................................... 6--1--2
£ 254 – 0 – 4
Edward Knowles }
Nathaniel Atwood } Apprisers
Samuel Smith Jr. }"
"Barnstable SS By the Hom. Silvanus Bourn Esq'r Judge of Prob. Jabez Snow Executor Presented the foregoing and made Oath that it Contains a True and Perfect Inventory of the Estate of Cap't Jabez Snow late of Eastham deceased so far as hath Come to his Hands and knowledge and if more hereafter Appear he will Cause it to be added. The Subscribing Apprisers have Sworn as the law directs.
Silvanus Bourn
May 9 1761 Exam'd Da'd Graham Reg'r"
3) Edward Knowles, Nathaniel Atwood and Samuel Smith were appointed to make a division of the widow's dower thirds of the real estate by the Probate Court Judge on 3 July 1761, and ordered on 17 September 1761. The third part of the real estate included a portion of the orchard; the great room, bedroom and buttery in the house, with a privilege to bake in the oven; the meadow in the Great Meadow below the mill; the wood lot; and one half of the pew in the meeting house.
On 30 October 1761, the account of the debts owed against the estate of Jabez Snow was submitted to the Court, which amounted to £280 0s 4d. The executor charged himself with the personal estate, sold additional personal estate items, sold ttwo thirds of the real estate at vendue (£183 15s 2d), all of which created a total at hand f £282 5s 6d. He requested payment of funeral, doctor, court, payments, and other charges of £69 18s 7d.
The net estate remaining was £212 6s 11d. The debts owed were £280 0s 4d. The Court ordered that the creditors be paid 15 shillings and 2 pence on the pound by the executor. The debt list, account and charges were approved by the Court on 5 January 1762 [12].
4) Willard Knowles was appointed administrator of the widow Elizabeth Snow's estate in 1772, and he sold the remainder of Jabez Snow's land (the widow's third) at vendue with a value of £97 15s 10d. He requested payments and charges of £9 2s 6d be paid, leaving a balance of £88 13s 4d. The Probate court Judge ordered that the creditors be paid 6 shillings and 4 pence on the pound by the administrator. The order was recorded 9 March 1773[13].