Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
Here is your assignment, should you decide to accept it (you ARE reading this, so I assume that you really want to play along - cue the Mission Impossible music!):
1) We're all familiar with Timelines - date, location, event, etc. - for events in our lives. This week, create a Place Line for your life, or for the life of one of your parents or grandparents - your choice! In that Place Line, tell us the location (address if possible), inclusive dates (if possible), and events. Consider topics like residence, schools, churches, employment, etc.
Here's mine:
* 577 Twin Oaks Avenue, Chula Vista CA; 1943-1944; from birth to moving back to my mother's family home.
* 2130 Fern Street, San Diego CA; 1944-1945; my mother and I moved in with her parents, Lyle and Emily (Auble) Carringer, when my father went into the Navy until he returned home.
* 2114 Fern Street, San Diego CA; 1945-1946; my family lived in this two bedroom apartment until my brother was born.
* 2116 Fern Street, San Diego CA; 1946-1947; my family moved upstairs into the larger apartment.
* 2119 30th Street, San Diego CA; 1947-1967; my family moved into the upstairs apartment owned by my grandparents on 30th Street. This is the place I remember best.
* 4568 Idaho Street (approximately), San Diego CA; January 1867-July 1967; I moved into my own apartment, then was laid off at work.
* 2119 30th Street, San Diego CA; July 1967-February 1968; I moved back in with my parents, and found another job.
* 1099 Turquoise Street, San Diego CA; February 1968-July 1968; I moved into a beach apartment unit with my buddy John, who didn't pay his share of the rent. Pffft.
* 4410 Oregon Street, San Diego CA; July 1968-February 1970; I moved into my own apartment again after splitting up with good buddy John; it was close to Aztec Bowl (where I drank, bowled and hung out with other reprobates)
* 540 C Street, Apt. 10, Chula Vista CA; March 1970-December 1971; I married Linda, and this was our first apartment as a married couple.
* 755 Coleman Court, San Diego CA; December 1971-April 1975; we bought a three-bedroom house on Otay Mesa.
* 1154 Via Trieste, Chula Vista CA; April 1975-present; we sold the Coleman Court house, and bought the Via Trieste house - four bedrooms, cul-de-sac, better schools.
2) Schools
* Brooklyn Elementary School, on block between A Street and Ash Street, and Fern Street and 30th Street in San Diego CA; September 1948-June 1955; I attended Kindergarten through 6th Grade.
* Theodore Roosevelt Junior High School, on southwest corner of Upas Street and Park Boulevard in San Diego CA; September 1955 to June 1958; I attended 7th through 9th grade.
* San Diego High School, on northeast corner or Park Boulevard and Russ Boulevard in San Diego CA; September 1958 to June 1961; I attended 10th through 12th grade.
* San Diego State University, on College Avenue in San Diego CA; September 1861-January 1966; I attended 4.5 years of college and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering.
3) Churches
* St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, on College Avenue in San Diego CA; 1950; I was baptized in this church but don't think I ever attended a service there.
* Brooklyn Heights Presbyterian Church, southeast corner of Fir Street and 30th Street; about 1955 to 1958; my brother and I attended Sunday School and youth group off and on for several years.
* Chula Vista Presbyterian Church, 940 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista CA; February 1970 to present; Linda and I were married here, are members and attend regularly.
4) Employment
* Brooklyn Heights in San Diego CA (area bounded by Fir Street, Fern Street, Date Street, 28th Street); about 1954 to about 1959; my brother and I had a twice-weekly newspaper route with about 100 customers.
* Rough Acres Ranch, Boulevard CA; July 1963 to August 1963; worked for San Diego Chargers as a camp boy for six weeks of training camp. Got free tickets to exhibition games in Balboa Stadium!
* Corner of Shafter Street and Shelter Island Drive in San Diego CA; June 1964-September 1964; I worked for Wagner Aircraft as a summer intern.
* 8225 Center Drive, La Mesa CA; June 1965 to March 1967; worked as a summer intern at Sunrise Aircraft until January 1966, then as an aerodynamics engineer until March 1967 when the company folded and I was laid off.
* Foot of H Street, Chula Vista CA; October 1967 to October 1992; hired by Rohr Aircraft in October 1967 as Aerodynamics engineer.
* 850 Lagoon Drive, Chula Vista CA; October 1992-July 1998; Rohr Inc. office moved to this location in October 1992.
* 850 Lagoon Drive, Chula Vista CA; July 1998 to August 2002; Rohr Inc. acquired by Goodrich Corp. and renamed Goodrich Aerostructures, retired in August 2002 after 35 years at the company.
* 850 Lagoon Drive, Chula Vista CA; July 2004 to November 2006; Hired as contract engineer by Adecco Inc. to work at Goodrich Aerostructures office.
That's probably enough.
Why do I want to list all of these places in a place line? If I were famous, I guess someone would want to know that "Randy slept here" or "Randy worked here." Maybe my descendants will want to know where I lived, was educated, worshipped, and worked at some point in time.