Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Spin the Ancestor Roulette Wheel!

Hey genea-folks, 
it's Saturday Night again, 

 time for more Genealogy Fun!


Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it, is to:

1) What year was one of your great-grandmothers born?  Divide this number by 125 (use a calculator!) and round the number off to a whole number. This is your "roulette number."

2) Use your pedigree charts or your family tree genealogy software program to find the person with that number in your ancestral name list (some people call it an "ahnentafel" - 
your software will create this - use the "Ahnentafel List" option, or similar). Who is that person, and what are his/her vital information?

3) Tell us three to five facts about that person in your ancestral name list with the "roulette number."

4) Write about it in a blog post on your own blog, in a Facebook status or a Google Stream post, or as a comment on this blog post.

5) NOTE:  If you do not have a person's name for your "roulette number" then "spin" the wheel again - pick another great-grandmother, a grandfather, a parent, a favorite aunt or cousin, yourself, or even your children!

Here's mine:

1)  I picked my great-grandmother, Abbie Ardell (Smith) Carringer (1862-1944).  Her birth year divided by 125 is 14.9, rounded up to 15.

2)  #15 on my Ancestor List is Georgianna (Kemp) Auble (1868-1952).   She was born in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada on 4 August 1868 to James Abram and Mary Jane (Sovereen) Kemp, and died on 8 November 1952 in San Diego, San Diego County, California.  She married Charles Auble (1849-1916) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on 19 June 1898.  

3)  Five Facts about my great-grandmother, Georgianna (Kemp) Auble:

*  I called her "Nana" - as did my mother.  She was the earliest born person that I remember being with.

*  Georgianna had only one child - my grandmother, Emily Kemp (Auble) Carringer (1899-1977) in Chicago, Illinois where the Charles Auble family resided from 1898 to about 1911.

*  Georgianna and Charles Auble moved to San Diego in about 1911 where Georgianna's brother, James A. Kemp resided.  She resided in San Diego for the last 40 years of her life.

*  Georgianna died by slipping on a rug on 28 October 1952 at 7:30 p.m. at her home (825 Harbor View Place) in San Diego, and fractured her hip.  She was taken to a hospital where she died of acute myocardial failure.

*  Georgianna (Kemp) Auble shared her mitochondrial DNA with her daughter, her granddaughter, and her three great-grandsons.  We are in the K1b2b haplogroup. Unfortunately, it dies out with us, since we have no sisters.

4)  I did it!

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copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver

Surname Saturday -- LNU (colonial Rhode Island)

It's Surname Saturday, and I'm "counting down" my Ancestral Name List each week.  

I am in the 7th great-grandmothers and I'm up to Ancestor #707, who is Sarah LNU (1659-????) 
[Note: the earlier great-grandmothers and 7th great-grandfathers have been covered in earlier posts].

My ancestral line back through one American generation of this LNU family line is:

1.  Randall J. Seaver (1943-living)

2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)

4. Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942)
5. Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962)

10.  Thomas Richmond (1848-1917)
11.  Julia White (1848-1913)

22.  Henry Arnold White (1824-1885)
23.  Amy Frances Oatley (1826-1864)

44.  Jonathan White (1806-1850)
45.  Miranda Wade (1804-1850)

88.  Humphrey White (1758-1814)
89.  Sybil Kirby (1764-1848)

176.  Jonathan White (1732-1804)
177. Abigail Wing (1734-1806)

352.  William White (1708-1780)
353.  Abigail Thurston (1700-????)

706.  Jonathan Thurston, born 04 January 1659 in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States; died 15 April 1740 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States.  He was the son of 1412. Edward Thurston and 1413. Elizabeth Mott.  He married before 1678 in Rhode Island, United States.
707.  Sarah, born about 1659 in Rhode Island, United States.

Children of Jonathan Thurston and Sarah are:

*  Edward Thurston (1679-1739), married (1) 1706 Susanna Pearce (1688-1711); married (2) 1712 Sarah Carr (1685-????).
*  Elizabeth Thurston (1682-1717), married 1703 Jonathan Wood (1680-1759).
*  Mary Thurston (1685-1740), married 1706 George Brownell (1682-1756).
*  Jonathan Thurston (1687-1749), married (1) 1722 Pheby Holmes (1694-1739); married (2) 1740 Mehitable Claghorn (1708-1745).
*  Rebecca Thurston (1689-1735), married 1711 Edward Richmond (1665-1741).
*  Content Thurston (1691-????), married 1715 Henry Wood (1683-1738).
*  Sarah Thurston (1693-????), married 1712 Benjamin Sawdy.
*  John Thurston (1695-1755).
*  Eleanor Thurston (1696-????), married Peters.
*  Hope Thurston (1698-1716).
*  Abigail Thurston (1700-????), married 1729 William White (1708-1780)
*  Patience Thurston (1702-????), married 1723 Thomas Southworth.
*  Amey Thurston (1705-????)
*  Peleg Thurston (1706-????).
*  Jeremiah Thurston (1710-????).
*  Susanna Thurston (1712-????), married 1732 Carr (1710-????).
*  Joseph Thurston (1714-1741), married 1738 Mercy Burgess (1722-1746).
*  Job Thurston (1717-1780), married 1766 Mary Gibbs.

Wow - 18 children over 38 years - were they all by this one wife?  Or perhaps there were two Sarah LNUs?

Sarah --?-- is another of my Last Name Unknown persons.  Can anyone help me out here?

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver

Friday, August 9, 2013

Elizabeth --?--, the Wife of John Goodrich (1616-1680) of Wethersfield, Connecticut

A reader wrote in a comment to  Listing My Elizabeth LNU Elusive Ancestors (posted 1 August 2013):

"Re: * Elizabeth (~1620 to 1670), married to John Goodrich (1616 to 1680)

"I have a John Goodrich, 1623–1680, of Wethersfield, CT, and son of John Goodrich & Margery Howe. Is this the same as yours? If so, the Elizabeth he married is identified as Elizabeth Edwards, d/o Thomas Edwards & Elizabeth Busfield (Charles Collard Adams, Middletown Upper Houses)."

Thank you for the tip.  I've seen it before, and have not accepted that relationship.  I recall seeing an article in a peer reviewed publication (I'm thinking NEHGR or TAG (The American Genealogist))  that disputed the claim and had some sources to support the position.  I will have to go find it!

I was curious, so I went and found my Goodrich paper file in a binder hiding in my bookcases.  It had these two pages from The American Genealogist, Volume 9, pages 44-45 (1932) (accessed on the American Ancestors website:

The article, by eminent genealogist Donald Lines Jacobus, provides analysis of the evidence, including:

"No record evidence has been seen for the statement that Elizabeth was a daughter of Thomas Edwards, nor does anything appear to indicate that she was an Edwards at all.  Thomas Edwards died in 1683 aged about 62, by Wethersfield records.  This fixes his date of birth approximately in 1621, hence it was impossible for him to be the father of Elizabeth who was married to John Goodrich  by 1645.  Records of the estate of Thomas Edwards prove that he had a daughter Ruth who married Samuel Hale, and indicates quite clearly that she was his only child who survived to have issue; see Manwaring's Early Connecticut Probate Records, vol. 1, page 300, and vol. 2, page 194.  Ruth (Edwards) Hale was born about 1652, by her age at death, which is in harmony with the birth of her father, Thomas Edwards, in about 1621.  The dates of Elizabeth make it impossible to place her as sister of Ruth, and daughter of Thomas."


"Goodwin's statement, which has been reprinted without reflection or investigation by many subsequent authorities, has no basis in fact. The maiden name of Elizabeth, the first wife of John Goodrich, is unknown."

That is why I did not assign Elizabeth with the surname Edwards, or provide a relationship to Thomas Edwards (1621-1683) of Wethersfield, Connecticut.  There is the possibility that Elizabeth was a sister of Thomas Edwards.  

Other authored works note that after Elizabeth (--?--) Goodrich died in 1670, her minor children were sent to Sudbury to live with Thomas and Katherine (--?--) Read;  it is possible that Elizabeth and Katherine were related, perhaps sisters.  

There are 82 Ancestry Member Trees that have Elizabeth (ca 1620-1670) as a wife of John Goodrich (born 1616, plus/minus 2 years).  Of those 82, 67 call her Elizabeth Edwards.  A search for Elizabeth Edwards (born 1620 plus/minus two years), provides 93 matches.  Of those, 40 claim her father was Thomas Edwards, and 2 claimed her father was John Edwards.  

As many have noted, there is a tremendous temptation to "go along with the crowd" when searching for parents of an ancestor - "look, here's a maiden name" and then "look, they have a parents name."  "Genea-seduction is everywhere!"

The wise and experienced researcher will conduct an extensive literature search to find published surname and locality books, periodical articles, manuscripts, and other records in order to find research that may have been performed by other researchers.  In some cases, as Jacobus points out above, a researcher publishes erroneous information and it gets carried on by other authors, and at some point that information gets entered into some online family trees.  

The Goodrich Family in America surname book is available online at and Google Books.  all issues of the New England Genealogical and Historical Register (from 1847 to the present) and most issues of The American Genealogist (from 1932 to about 2000), and several other periodical runs, are available online at American Ancestors, and are searchable.  The books and periodicals are also available on the shelf at many local, regional and national libraries.

True confession:  Yes, I too have sinned in the past, and even the present.  I try to find those offending conclusions and use them only when I can find confirming evidence in records or in authored works (I tend to trust authored works with source citations to original records).  It's a laborious process sometimes, and I feel sorry to lop off a branch on the family tree, but it has to be done.  That review and evaluation process is why I seem to have a lot of females (especially) with no maiden name - hundreds of them!  They are, of course, research opportunities!

Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver

Follow-Up Friday - Helpful and Interesting Reader Comments on Genea-Musings Posts

Well, I find them helpful and interesting, at any rate.  And sometimes contentious, but that's okay too.  Here is this week's batch:

1)  On Contest to Win a Free Copy of Family Tree Maker 2012 (posted 6 August 2013):

*  Barbara said:  "I absolutely love the "Sync" feature in Family Tree Maker. It is a no brainer if you subscribe to Entering this stuff is way too time consuming. I believe that is what makes it #1. I also use RootsMagic 4 which really is a better program for creating reports/charts, citing sources, etc. I have to say, recently, my data in RootsMagic has gotten somewhat out of date. Wish there was a "Sync" button to link Family Tree Maker and RootsMagic. How about it, Bruce?"

My comment:  It's a great wish, considering how badly FTM mangles a GEDCOM file.  If your Ancestry Member Tree is the most recent, you could download a GEDCOM file and import it into RootsMagic.  If your FTM file is the most recent, you could create a GEDCOM file and import it into RootsMagic, or sync it to an Ancestry tree and export it as a GEDCOM file.  There are pletny of options.  The major issue with GEDCOM is the media files.

*  James Aylard commented:  "It was about a year ago that some of us speculated on the possible release of a Family Tree Maker 2013. About a month or so later, nixed the speculation and said, no. We are now nearing the time of year when traditionally releases new versions of FTM. I am curious whether we will soon see a Family Tree Maker 2014?"

My comment:  There has been absolutely no word out about an FTM 2014 that I've seen.  I forgot to ask about it at NGS and Jamboree conferences, my bad!   There was a thread on the Family Tree Maker message board for suggestions for FTM 2014 - a wish list, with many comments.  

Do my readers have more up-to-date information about a possible FTM 2014?  If there will be one, there should be a beta version already in work.  I was in on the beta for FTM 2012 and the sync issues, but have not heard of anything this year.  They usually announce these upgrades in the summer of the year before, and often unveil it at a large conference (FGS Conference is in two weeks!).  

2)  On Top Ten Genealogy Software Reviews for 2013 (posted 5 August 2013):

*  Anonymous #1 said:  "The Top Ten Reviews site is a joke. They base their reviews on who pays the highest affiliate commission.  Don't believe me? Look around at the top three products and click on the "Buy" links. They all take you to the Herman Street store which is the same ownership as Top Ten

"Family Tree Maker, being the most expensive software, and therefore making Herman Street the most money, gets the highest ranking.  Software that is not sold by Herman Street is all relegated to #4 or lower.

"Look at their other Top Ten Review sites and you'll see similar patterns. The highest-ranked products are those that are the most expensive and are 1) sold through Herman Street's store or 2) have a generous affiliate-link program.

"As you mentioned, the fact that this is the 2013 list and they are not even reviewing current versions of programs tells you that this is not a serious software review site.

"A better source would be Genealogy or Come to think of it, the user reviews are a pretty good way to read what actual users think of their software."

My comment:  I don't know if they base their reviews on affiliate commissions.  Family Tree Maker is NOT the most expensive genealogy software - The Master Genealogist costs more, and some of the Mac software costs more.  User software reviews and ratings can be polluted by promoters or critics.

*  Anonymous #2 noted:  "I think your comment is a little naive. All the other sites you listed also have affiliate links or are selling the products they review.

"I realize most review sites sell the products they review, so I pay more attention to the accuracy of those reviews.

"That being said I agree their reviews could be updated to reflect the newest versions. I also disagree with a few of their points."

*  Anonymous #1 rebutted:  "The first comment was far from naive. The difference between Top Ten Reviews and the other links isn't that Top Ten Reviews profits off of links and the others don't.

"The difference is that Top Ten Reviews writes their own reviews and ranks the products based on which will maximize their profits. The other sites allow users- who do not directly profit from the reviews- to rate the software.  With such glaring bias, Top Ten Reviews cannot be trusted to give readers accurate information."

*  TopTenReviews offered:  "I am happy to report that we DO NOT have a pay-for-inclusion model at TopTenREVIEWS. We research the best companies and compare their services to arrive at our ranking. Our recommendations are based on our research and experience with the companies and products. Once we have released our reviews and lineup on TopTenREVIEWS, our sister site Herman Street, reaches out to the product manufacturers to request the opportunity to carry them on their site. Any of the manufacturers may also purchase advertising on our site but all of this happens after the editorial staff has made their recommendation. For an in-depth look at our process feel free to visit our our Review Methodology page at"

My comment:  My thanks to TopTenReviews for explaining their process and how they deal with the product manufacturers.  I have no independent knowledge of their work.  The site has been around for many years.  

*  Anonymous (#1?) said:  "I think TopTenReviews comment is a veiled attempt to justify their ratings. They are so biased and everyone knows it. To compare old versions tells you they are not doing real reviews. I don't care what they say in their policy. They are lairs because the facts don't add up.

"RootsMagic doesn't have an affiliate program. I've asked and they say to refer people to your own Amazon link where you can get paid that way. No wonder they rated them #3, but used version 4 for the comparison."

*  Claire K. commented:  "Randy, TopTen DOES review Mac genie software, they just do it separately from the Win reviews. See Again, FTM comes out on top, but Reunion comes in at #2. Since I'm currently using (and tired of) Reunion, I was surprised at the lineup."

My comment:  Thank you, Claire!

*  Rosemary offered:  "Do you know that Hannah Brown was a Spinster when she married? I didn't see this anywhere. If her status isn't mentioned in the marriage then she may have been a widow. This, of course, makes your search just that more difficult."

My comment:  Unfortunately, the Massachusetts town records in any period don't define a woman's status, with some exceptions I've seen where a "Mrs." is attached to a widow marrying again, which is helpful.  John Phillips was age 27 when he married Hannah Brown, so my assumption is that this was Hannah's first marriage.  I may be wrong!

*  Diane B helped:  "I'm sure you've tried this before, but the bibliography route could probably be tried again. There are so many Brown entries in 'Guide to Published Genealogies in the Library of the NEHGS' but nothing really stands out to me - if you ever get to New England, gather up a pile of them at the NEHGS library and sit and look them over. I checked their 'Manuscripts at the NEHGS' volume but nothing looks right. 

"How about the town records of Southborough (not deeds or probate)? And since Southborough was formed from Marlboro in 1727, I assume you have really looked for Browns there in deeds, probate and town records? 

"Now that you have a couple of candidates for Brown parents, you might try searching those families in the NEHGS search to see if they appear in any journals. But of course birth records can be spotty in this era, so your search among the extremely common name of Brown continues, I guess...

"Ah, for ancestors that didn't move all over the place ..."

My comment:  Thanks for the nudge on the bibliography.  I found my Brown binder and listed the articles I have in Post 2 of the series.  I am in the process of going through the Southborough town records - it's a slow and long slog from 1727 to 1750 or so!   I've already found the two marriage records, which don't provide much help.  Then there are Shrewsbury and Lancaster records, and maybe Sterling too!  At least the land records help by indicating where a grantee was from.

*  David Adams noted:  "Have you considered the spelling of Hannah? On the 1940 census, my mother Hannah Adams was listed as Anna Adams. My experience also suggests that most (or all) current search engines require at least the first letter(s) to find anything. "

My comment:  I have, and I glance at the Anna listings, but with Brown it almost doubles the possibles.  I'll give it another think.  You can use a wild card for the first letter of a given name on most search engines (Ancestry, FamilySearch, AmericanAncestors, etc.), but on most of them you have to have three actual letters, including the last letter on Ancestry if you used a wild card for the first letter.

*  Scott Lackey asked:  "Why use "united states" as a place name for an event that happened 100 years before it existed?"

My comment:  The short answer:  Because the genealogy software requires standard place names to permit the mapping features to be used.  I know it's not "right" but the software gurus haven't come up with a dedicated historical place name list.  The ideal would be a historical place name list where the user could enter a date and historical place name and the place field would insert the historical name for that date and the geocoding would show the current place location.  I create these Surname Saturday reports, and other reports, using my genealogy software which has all of the place names standardized to current locations.  I don't take the time to edit the "offending" place parts out - my readers are smart enough to know the historical place names and jurisdictions.  What's important are the family members and relationships in the Surname Saturday blog posts.  If I was writing for publication in a journal, I would use historical place names.

5)  On Listing My Elizabeth LNU Elusive Ancestors (posted 1 August 2013):

*  Dona offered:  "Re: * Elizabeth (~1620 to 1670), married to John Goodrich (1616 to 1680)

"I have a John Goodrich, 1623–1680, of Wethersfield, CT, and son of John Goodrich & Margery Howe. Is this the same as yours? If so, the Elizabeth he married is identified as Elizabeth Edwards, d/o Thomas Edwards & Elizabeth Busfield (Charles Collard Adams, Middletown Upper Houses)."

My comment:  Thank you for the tip.  I've seen it before, and have not accepted that relationship.  I recall seeing an article in a peer reviewed publication (I'm thinking NEHGR or TAG (The American Genealogist))  that disputed the claim and had some sources to support the position.  I will have to go find it!

*  Keeper of the Tales commented:  "Re: * Elizabeth (~1652 to 1714), married to John Garnsey (1648 to 1722)

"I have a John Garnsey born 7 Dec 1648 in Dorchester, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Henry Garnsey and Hannah Munnings. He died 31 Mar 1722 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States

"His wife is identified as Elizabeth Titus born 5 May 1651 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States. She died 11 Apr 1714 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States.

"If this is the same as your John Garnsey then we may be cousins! He is my 9th Great-Grandfather."

My comment:  The same comment from above holds here - I have an article in my paper stacks that indicates that Elizabeth (--?--) Garnsey was not a daughter of John Titus of Rehoboth.  I'll have to find it.  It is my John and Elizabeth Garnsey - my line is through their daughter Mehitable Garnsey who married John Horton.  John and Elizabeth Garnsey are my 8th great-grandparents.

6)  That's about it for this week.  Thank you to my readers and commenters - congratulations on defeating the dreaded Captcha trap!

Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Searching for Hannah Brown's Parents - Post 3

In Searching for Hannah Brown's Birth Parents - Post 2, I revisited the collected Brown information from the 1990s, listed candidate Hannah Browns from published Massachusetts vital records, and reviewed probate and land records that I had found back in the 1990s.  I focused on Hannah Brown persons born in Massachusetts in the 1720 to 1730 time frame, since she married John Phillips (1722-????) in 1749 in Southborough, Massachusetts.  They had two children in Southborough, and three more in Shrewsbury.  John Phillips married, secondly, Mary Richards in Southborough in 1774, and they probably lived in Lancaster, Mass.

I've made some progress in the past two days searching for and analyzing possible Hannah Brown birth parents, which I've summarized below:

1) I've reviewed the notes I made back in the 1990s, and checked vital record books available on the Internet (mainly on Google Books and and want to go through the candidates from the vital records and try to determine what additional records are available for each of them.  I found several more candidates born between 1715 and 1730, considering all of eastern Massachusetts, and have added them to my list.  Rather than provide full source citations, I will add the page number from the vital record books for the information found:

*  Hannah Brown, born 6 December 1716 in Concord, to Thomas and Hannah (Potter) Brown (page 83).  This Hannah Brown (of Concord) married Joseph Davis on 10 January 1743 in Concord (page 160).

*  Hannah Brown, born 3 June 1717 in Reading, to Josiah and Susannah Brown, a twin (page 38). This may be the Hannah Brown (daughter of Josiah and Hannah) who died 23 April 1759 in Billerica (page 346).

*  Hannah Brown, baptized 16 March 1718 in Ipswich, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Fossee) Brown (page 49).  This Hannah Brown married David Pulsipher on 5 February 1742 in Ipswich (page 60).

*  Hannah Brown, baptized 22 April 1721 in Ipswich, daughter of Samuel Brown (page 45).  This may be the Hannah Brown (daughter of Samuel and Martha) who died 10 June 1736 in Ipswich (page 498).

*  Hannah Brown, born 3 November 1722 in Salisbury, to Abraham and Hannah (Morrill) Brown (page 31).  This Hannah Brown married Dyer Hook on 21 November 1744 in Salisbury (page 287).

*  Hannah Brown, born 5 January 1723/4 in Salem, to Eleazer and Sarah (Putnam) Brown (page 123).  This Hannah Brown (of Salem) married Oliver Putnam on 22 December 1743 in Salem (page 146).

*  Hannah Brown, born 2 August 1723 in Gloucester, to Elisha and Hannah (Gardner) Brown, a twin (page 120).  She married John Thomas on 22 August 1745 in Gloucester (page 105).

*  Hannah Brown, born 14 February 1724/5 in Concord, to Ephraim and Hannah (Wilson) Brown (page 113).  This Hannah Brown (daughter of Ephraim) died in 16 January 1749 in Concord (page171).

*  Hannah Brown, born 7 July 1725 in Salisbury, to George and Elizabeth (Eastman) Brown (page 35).  This Hannah Brown married James Thorn (of Kingston, N.H.) on 13 January 1749 in Salisbury (page 287).

*  Hannah Brown, born 23 December 1725 in Attleborough, to Benjamin and Sarah (Freeman) Brown (page 51).  This Hannah Brown (daughter of Benjamin), married Jonathan Spear on 24 May 1744 in Attleborough (page 348).

*  Hannah Brown, born 25 March 1727 in Concord, to John and Elizabeth (Potter) Brown (page 117).  This Hannah Brown may be the one who married Samuel Brooks on 14 March 1755 in Concord.  However, the Concord record says she is "of Carlisle."  This is a possible candidate for the wife of John Phillips.

*  Hannah Brown, baptized 26 November 1727 in Newbury, to Samuel and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Brown (page 68).  This Hannah Brown married Samuel Farley on 9 October 1744 in Hollis, N.H.

*  Hannah Brown, born 3 July 1728 in Littleton to Jonathan and Sybil (Dudley) Brown (page 36).  I can find no marriage record, or death record for this person.  She is a definite candidate for the wife of John Phillips.

*  Hannah Brown, born 15 May 1729 in Boxford, to Caleb and Elizabeth (Jewett) Brown (page 17).  I can find no marriage or death record for her, so she is a possible candidate to be wife of John Phillips.

2)  There are also Hannah Browns that married men between 1735 and 1750 in eastern Massachusetts.  These may be any one of the Hannah Browns not otherwise identified with a spouse above, a Hannah Brown not recorded in the vital record books, or the widow of a Brown that died:

*  Hannah Brown married Jonathan Gardner on 15 December 1743 in Haverhill (page 45)

*  Hannah Brown (of Rehoboth) and Peter Brown were married on 2 June 1748 in Rehoboth (page 60).  This is probably the Hannah Brown, born about 1722, the daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Mason) Brown.

*  Hannah Brown married John Phillips on 3 May 1749 in Southborough (page 99).  This is my ancestor.

*  Hannah Brown married John Crouch on 20 June 1750 in Harvard (page 143).

*  Hannah Brown married Moses Chase on 15 April 1752 in Sutton (page 217).  This Hannah Brown was born in 1735 in Sutton.

*  Hannah Brown (of Salem) married Gideon Putnam on 18 June 1752 in Danvers (page 39).  This Hannah Brown was born in 1732 in Salem.

3)  While some of these eastern Massachusetts towns are fairly far away (over 20 or 30 miles) from Southborough, my studies of the land records indicate that there were people from all over eastern Massachusetts who bought or sold land in Southborough and its neighboring towns, including some Brown persons.  I'm still working on the land records!

4)  The possible candidates, assuming that I've captured all of the Hannah Browns born between 1715 and 1730) and married between 1735 and 1760 in eastern Massachusetts, include:

*  Hannah Brown, born 1727 to John and Elizabeth (Potter) Brown of Concord.

*  Hannah Brown, born 1728 to Jonathan and Sibyl (Dudley) Brown of Littleton and Concord.

*  Hannah Brown, born 1729 to Caleb and Elizabeth (Jewett) Brown of Boxford.

My hope is that there are land and probate records for those parents that will either rule out or confirm that their daughter Hannah is the wife of John Phillips.

5)  I know that I haven't considered Hannah Browns born or married in western Massachusetts (say, west of Worcester), New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Connecticut.  Also, I haven't found Hannah Browns who don't have a birth record in the published vital record books.

As you can see, working on a person with a fairly common given name and surname in a small region of a state over a limited period of time can be a challenge!

This is an ongoing project - I'll deal with probate records (as best I can) in the next post in the series.

The URL for this post is:

copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver

Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 176: Death Certificate for Emily Kemp (Auble) Carringer (1899-1977)

It's Treasure Chest Thursday - time to showcase some of the collected documents and other treasures of my ancestors.

Here is the Death Certificate for my grandmother, Emily Kemp (Auble) Carringer (1899-1977), obtained from the San Diego County Department of Public Health Office:

Here is the transcription of the information in the death certificate (typed portions underlined, handwritten portions in italics):

State of California - Department of Health
Office of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics
Local Registration District and Certificate Number: 8009   [blank]
1a.  Name of Deceased - first Name:  Emily
1b.  Middle Name: Kemp
1c.  Last Name: Carringer
2a. Date of Death: June 19, 1977
2b.  Hour: 7:14 P.M.
3.  Sex: Female
4. Color or Race: Cauc
5. Birthplace: Illinois
6.  Date of Birth: August 19, 1899
7.  Age:  77
8. Name and Birthplace of Father: Charles Auble: Canada
9.  Maiden Name and Birthplace of Mother:  Georgia Kemp; Canada
10. Citizen of What Country:  USA
11.  Social Security Number: 553-10-9373
12.  Married, Never Married, Widowed, Divorced - Specify:  Widowed
13.  Name of Surviving Spouse:  
14.  Last Occupation:  Homemaker
15.  Number of Years in this Occupation:  59
16.  Name of Last Employing company or Firm: Self
17.  Kind of Industry or Business: Own Home
18a.  Place of Death:  Doctors Hospital
18b.  Street Address:  3475 Kenyon Street  
18c.  Inside City Corporate Limits?: Yes
18d.  City or Town:  San Diego
18e.  County:  San Diego
18f.  Length of Stay in County of Death:  66 years
18g.  Length of Stay in California:  66 years
19a.  Usual Residence:  825 Harbor View Place
19b.  Inside City Corporate Limits?:  Yes
19c.  City or Town:  San Diego
19d.  County:  San Diego
19e.  State:  California
20.  Name and Mailing Address of Informant:  Betty Seaver, 2199 30th Street, San Diego, California, 92104
21a.  Coroner:  [blank]
21b.  Physician [attendance]:  From 6-18-77 To 6-19-77, last seen 6-19-77
21c.  Physician or Coroner   S?????, M.D.
21d.  Date Signed:  6-20-77
21e.  Address:  7930 Frost #401 
21f.  Physician's California License Number:  G31180
22a.  Specify Burial Entombment or Cremation:  Cremation
22b.  Date:  6-22-1977
23.  Name of Cemetery or Crematory:  Cypress View Crematory
24.  Embalmer Signature and License Number:  NOT EMBALMED
25.  Name of Funeral Director:  Cypress View Mortuary
26.  Was Death Reported to Coroner?:  No
27.  Local Registrar Signature:  John R. Philip M.D.
28.  Date Received For Registration by Local Registrar:  JUN 21 1977
29.  Part I: Death Was Caused By:  Immediate Cause:  (A) Renal Failure
                                                    To, or as a Consequence of: (B) Myoglobenuria
                                                    To, or as a Consequence of:  (C) C.V.A.
30.  Part II: Other Significant Conditions:  None
31.  Was Operation or Biopsy Performed...:  No
32a.  Autopsy?:  No
32b.  If Yes, were findings considered?:  [blank]
33.  Specify Accident, Suicide or Homicide:  [blank]
34.  Place of Injury: [blank]
35.  Injury at Work: [blank]
36a.  Date of Injury: [blank]
36b. Hour: [blank]
37a.  Place of Injury: [blank]
37b. Distance of Place of Injury to Usual Residence: [blank]
38.  Were Laboratory Tests done for drugs or toxic chemicals?: [blank]
39.  Were Laboratory Tests done for alcohol?: [blank]
40.  Describe How Injury Occurred: [blank]

In the left margin, typed vertically:

This is to certify that, if bearing the Official Seal of the County of San Diego Department of Public Health, this is a true and correct copy of the original document filed.  Fee paid $2.00
John R. Philip M.D
County of San Diego Department of Public Health
1600 Pacific Hwy., San Diego, CA 92101
Dated: JUN 22 1977

The source citation for this death certificate is (using the Evidence Explained template for a Death Certificate, local level):

Emily Kemp Carringer certificate of death, Local Registration District 8009 (San Diego County), Local Certificate No. _____ (1977), County of San Diego Department of Public Health, San diego, California. 

The only errors I see on this form are the birthplace of Emily's father - Charles Auble was born in New Jersey, not in Canada.  Oh - one more, the County Public Health Department didn't put a local reference number on this form.  The death certificate was obtained from the county for estate purposes.

As a result of this death certificate, I now know the cause of death, the contributing conditions, the attending physician's name, and the disposition of her body.  

I was curious about the second and third causes of death - what is myoglobinuria?  The definition is somewhat helpful - damaged muscles that leads to myoglobin in the urine which leads to kidney failure.  And what is a C.V.A?  A cerebrovascular accident - a stroke.  So the stroke led to the myoglobinuria which lead to the renal failure and then to death.  

Emily died in a hospital after being found on her living room floor, alive but incoherent, by her daughter and grandson following a stroke several days earlier.  The attending doctor was on the hospital staff and had not treated her before.  She died on her 59th wedding anniversary.  

One more interesting fact:  Emily's mother died in 1952, Emily died in 1977, and Emily's daughter, Betty, died in 2002.  25 years apart.  Each was a beautiful person who lived a life devoted to their husbands, children, and grandchildren.  

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Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver