It's Saturday Night -
time for more Genealogy Fun!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible! music) is to:
1) What goals do you have for your genealogy research, education and writing during 2017?
2) Tell us about it in a blog post on your own blog, in a comment to this blog post, or in a comment on Facebook or Google+ in response to this post.
Here's mine:
a) Continue to add to and improve the content and source citations in my RootsMagic database through searching online, by following record hints on Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilySearch and Findmypast, or by searching in repositories.
b) Continue to add descendants of my 4th great-grandparents to my RootsMagic database in an effort to find relatively close DNA cousins.
c) Continue the 52 Ancestors series for another year, researching for information about a particular ancestor each week, and compiling a genealogical and biographical report about that person on Genea-Musings.
d) Revisit my "brick wall ancestors" to determine if there are more records for them, or other researchers who share them with me.
e) Learn how to use the sync features in RootsMagic with my Ancestry Member Trees, and the search capability in RootsMagic with Ancestry record collections.
f) Continue to match my RootsMagic persons with FamilySearch Family Tree profiles, and systematically add events, notes and sources from one to the other.
g) Update and add to my To-Do list and Research Logs in RootsMagic and use them when I visit the FHL in February to find records on microfilm for my ancestral families.
h) Continue to blog regularly using the daily themes of Amanuensis Monday, Treasure Chest Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, Treasure Chest Thursday, and 52 Ancestors to add content, notes, sources and media to my RootsMagic database.
i) Keep up-to-date on new and updated record collections on Ancestry, FamilySearch, MyHeritage, Findmypast, AmericanAncestors, GenealogyBank, and other record providers, and search them systematically for records of my ancestral families.
j) Update my DNA cousins list to include matches on AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, 23andMe and GEDMatch. Do some chromosome mapping based on available information.
a) Attend RootsTech in February 2017 to learn about the exhibitors, interact with the major players, and enjoy the company of my geneablogger colleagues.
b) Attend the SCGS Genealogy Jamboree in early June 2017 to learn about the exhibitors, interact with the major players, and enjoy the company of my geneablogger colleagues.
c) Watch at least one Family Tree Webinar each week in order to continuously learn new techniques and research opportunities.
d) Participate in the Mondays With Myrt hangouts weekly, and occasionally join other hangouts. I need to learn how to do that so I can make my own videos.
e) Watch other webinars from companies and societies occasionally.
f) Attend CVGS and SDGS monthly program meetings and seminars and perhaps other seminars in Southern California.
g) Continue to make presentations to Southern California societies and groups, moderate the monthly CVGS Research Group, and moderate the monthly SDGS RootsMagic group.
a) I plan to write 800 to 1,000 blog posts in 2017, using the usual daily themes, commenting on the daily or weekly news items that come across my desk, answering reader and colleague questions, plus whatever I feel like writing about.
b) I need to update my e-books on Scribd - I last did that in 2012, and while few ancestors have been added, plenty of records and sources have been added since then.
c) I want to start putting stories and photos together for many of my ancestors to be passed down to my children and grandchildren in a useful form.
All of that is pretty much what I've been doing for ten years now, and the tasks should keep me busy every day of the year! They do now, like 8-10 hours most days.
Those are my plans - what are yours???
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Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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