Here is the official GBGG badge for the Games (created by the talented footnoteMaven):
And here is the flag I created and am competing under:
I decided to enter only two events - the Organize Your Research! event and the Reach Out and Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness! event - as discussed here.
The tasks for Organize Your Research are:
A. Organize at least 20 hard files or ancestral items (books, fabrics, inherited items) into file folders, boxes, envelopes, containers, etc.; archival-quality where appropriate.
B. Organize at least 20 digital files into folders, label, add metadata, add descriptions, add tags, etc.
C. Organize at least 20 photos into photo albums, scrapbooks, collages, protective holders, boxes, etc.
D. Organize at least 20 digital photos into folders, label, add metadata, add descriptions, add tags, etc.
E. Create at least 20 data entries in your database, or scan 20 photos, or scan 20 documents.
F. Create a master list of your files and notify your family members of where it is stored.
Qualifications for "Organize Your Research!":
Complete any one task - Bronze Medal
Complete any two tasks - Silver Medal
Complete any three tasks - Gold Medal
Complete any four tasks - Diamond Medal
Complete five or more tasks - Platinum Medal
The tasks for Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!
A. Comment on a new (to you) genea-blog.
B. Join another genea-blogger’s blog network on Facebook Blog Networks.
C. Invite other genealogists to join Facebook.
D. Assist another researcher with a research request or lookup.
F. Join a genealogical, historical, heritage or lineage society.
Qualifications for "Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!":
Complete any one task - Bronze Medal
Complete any two tasks - Silver Medal
Complete any three tasks - Gold Medal
Complete any four tasks - Diamond Medal
Complete five or more tasks - Platinum Medal
Yesterday was the first official day of competition, and I went sightseeing around the genea-blog universe rather than jump right into the competition. It's fun to see how everyone else is getting right down to it and working hard for those medals.
Today was the second official day of competition, and I accomplished the following:
Organize Your Research:
* C. I created a photo album on my Facebook page for pictures of my granddaughter Audrey, and put 11 photos on the page with tags for each person. I am 55% complete with this specific task.
Reach Out and Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness:
* A. I commented on blog posts by Amir Dekel (I Dream of Genea(logy) blog), by Midge Frazel (Granite in my Blood blog), and by Tina Sansone (GtownMa's Genealogy blog). I am 100% complete (actually 300%) with this specific task.
* B. I joined two genea-blogger networks on Facebook Blog Networks - the New Mexico Genealogical Society network, and the Elyse's Genealogy Blog network. I am 100% complete with this specific task.
Obviously, I'm just warming up. I don't want to pull a brain muscle or anything typing too fast. I am in the middle of two significant research projects for friends and colleagues, and I need to work toward those goals also.
This is not a competition with other genealogists. This is an effort to match accomplishments with commitments. I'm having fun! That's what it's all about, isn't it?
UPDATED: 9:30 p.m. - added task A in the Reach Out event.
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