Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NGS Members receive 3-month FREE subscription to

I just received this email from the National Genealogical Society (NGS):


Dear Member, we've got some great news!

As part of a special partnership between the National Genealogical Society and, all NGS members will receive a complementary three-month membership to ($20 retail value). You don't even need to enter your credit card, and the membership will not renew without your expressed permission. is a relatively new family history website, but they’ve already managed to compile over 1.2 billion records, online family tree tools, a community forum, and lots of other resources – all of which are available at no cost to you as part of your complimentary membership. Your membership includes unlimited viewing of millions of original census and vital records. However, some services and documents provided by other companies to such as contact information reports, on-site court record retrieval and Footnote images are not free. You can obtain this information on a fee per document basis. NGS has a number of new members who are just beginning family history research and this gives them an opportunity to search the indexes for free and become familiar with various record groups.

So, why would donate over $170,000 worth of membership resources to NGS and its members? Three primary reasons:

1. Give Back - Our mission at is to make family history simple and affordable. The National Genealogical Society and other non-profit groups provide valuable resources and information to the family history community, and we’re committed to supporting these efforts.

2. Get The Word Out - launched in July of 2009, and has quickly become one of the most frequently visited family history websites in the US. Despite that, many people still don't know about us!

3. We Need Your Feedback - It's VERY important to us!

The truth is, we're just getting started in building our product. We’ve added a lot of records and built some useful resources, but we’re most excited about the innovative tools and additional record collections we can add to help make family history simple and affordable. As you use our product, please give us your feedback - good or bad. The more specific, the better!

The main feedback is of course: "get more data" - and we're doing just that. Already this year, we've added over 300,000,000 records, including broad access to UK Census and Vital indexes and original images.

What do you want us to add next? What other changes would you like us to make? What do you like the most? The least?

We've set up a special feedback email just for you, and we're eagerly looking forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions:

How to use your complimentary account:

Below is your username and password for your membership

(Note: Your email was not shared with, so you will need to update the email address in your account in order to get updates about the product, alerts when we find new records, etc.)

Username: [private info]

Password: ********
Login Page:

If you have trouble logging on to the, please contact

We look forward to helping you explore your family history!


Joe & Julie
Product Managers

With a very successful conference in Salt Lake City completed, NGS is pleased to be announcing the first of several new affiliate relationships this year that will provide additional benefits or discounts to NGS members. Archives' mission is to make family history records more accessible and affordable and NGS is excited to work with them towards this shared goal. We all benefit from the recent increased interest in family history and we hope this three-month complimentary membership will facilitate your research.

Jan Alpert, President
National Genealogical Society


This works - I signed in with my username and password and changed them to my own name, email address and password, and I was quickly logged in.

There is one correction to be made to the above email - a yearly subscription to is available for $39.95 retail, and a three months period would be $9.99 pro-rated, rather than a $20 value.

I reviewed about one month ago, and will review more of it in future posts now that I can use it freely.

This is an excellent promotional move by and gives NGS members access to a database provider free for three months.

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