Wednesday, April 10, 2013

SDGS Meeting on Saturday, 13 April Features Nancy Loe

The April 13th meeting of the San Diego Genealogical Society will feature Nancy Loe.  The program starts at 10 a.m. at St. Andrews Lutheran Church at 8350 Lake Murray Blvd. in the San Carlos area of San Diego (at the intersection with Jackson Drive).

Nancy will present:

*  "Think Like an Archivist:  Uncovering Hidden Genealogical Resources in Libraries and Archives"

*  "Managing Your Digital Research Environment."

The first presentation will explain how to locate genealogical materials held in manuscript collections in libraries and archives worldwide, using online archival portals and digital finding aids.  You will learn how archival materials are prepared for public use, including where family records are located in digital finding aids; effective search terms and strategies; specific URLs for institutional, regional, and worldwide archival portals and gateways; and how to search across multiple institutions to locate family history records.

"Managing Your Digital Environment" for effective research is essential.  This session presents simple, effective, and demonstrable strategies for naming and organizing digital files for quick retrieval, and using online tools to help you stay organized.  Professional archivists manage vast amounts of paper, visual and digital records, so archival concepts can help.  Topics covered include using controlled vocabulary to organize and retrieve your records; file naming conventions for scanned documents and downloads; file folder structure; authority files; and using metadata to label your family photographs.

Nancy Loe is a professional archivist, librarian, and genealogist. She has managed archives and genealogy collections in public and academic libraries for nearly 35 years, recently retiring as Head of Special Collections at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. In addition to directing NEH grant projects to digitize archival collections for users, she maintains the Sassy Jane Genealogy Blog. Nancy recently presented at RootsTech 2013 and is the author of Sassy Jane’s Guide to Organizing Your Genealogical Research Using Archival Principles. Visit her on the Web at

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