"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is an 1873 deed in the Taylor County, Iowa deed books for Devier J. Smith selling land to A.D. Ackley.
The transcription of this deed is (handwritten text in italics, form fields underlined):
D J Smith to A D Ackley Quit Claim
Know all men by these presents that I J. D. J. Smith of the County
of Andrew and State of Missouri in consideration of the sum of
One hundred Dollars in hand paid do hereby Quit Claim unto A. D.
Ackley of Taylor County and State of Iowa all my right title and
interest in and to the following described land situated and lying in
Taylor County and State of Iowa to wit
The South Seventy two (72) acres of the South West Quarter of
Section Seven in Township Sixty nine North of Range Thirty four.
Signed this 27th day of August 1873.
Devier J. Smith
State of Iowa }
Taylor County } SS
On this 27th day of August 1873 before me
W.E. Crum a Notary Public within and for said county personally
came D. J. Smith personally to me known to be the identical person
whose name is affixed to the above instrument as Grantor and acknowledges
the same and the execution thereof to be voluntary act and deed for
the purpose therein expressed.
In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and
affixed my official Seal on the date last above written.
{ }
{ Seal } Wm. E. Crum
{ } Notary Public
A true copy of the Original filed for Record Octb. 21st 1874
E G Medford
The source citation for this Deed is:
Taylor County, Iowa, Taylor County, Iowa, deed records, 1855-1953; index, 1855-1902, "Deed Records (Land) v. M-N, 1869-1872, v. O (to pg. 311), 1872-1873" Volume O, page 78 (stamped), Quitclaim deed of Devier J. Smith to A.D. Ackley, 1873; accessed 4 February 2014 on FHL US/CAN microfilm 1,535,634.
Devier J. Smith's father, Ranslow Smith, purchased this plot of land in Taylor County, Iowa on 15 September 1869 from John Craven and his wife for $500. Subsequently, Ranslow Smith moved to Andrew County, Missouri and died there in February 1873. Apparently, this land was in his estate, and Devier J. Smith, as his heir, quit claimed it for $100 to A.D. Ackley. At the time, Devier J. Smith was also a resident of Andrew County, Missouri.
Devier J. and Abbie A. Smith are my second great-grandparents. By 1875, they were residing in Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas. Subsequently, they moved in 1885 to McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska in 1885, and then bought land in Cheyenne County, Kansas before Devier died in 1894 in McCook. Abbie came to San Diego to live with her daughter's family in the early 1890s.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/11/amanuensis-monday-post-242-1873-deed-of.html
Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
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