Being a "numbers guy," I am interested in how genealogy information providers stack up against each other, and what the trends are over a period of time. I last looked at genealogy website traffic in January 2009 in a series of posts.
For this series, I am using the Quantcast statistics because they are easily understandable, and free. There are other websites that measure traffic, and their traffic statistics may be different from Quantcast. To simplify things, I will show only the number of Visits - not Persons, Page Views or other statistics available from Quantcast.
Today's website is the commercial genealogy database web site that specializes in National Archives records. Here is the daily traffic estimate for the period 12/06/2008 to 11/30/09:'s Traffic Rank in the USA is 4,443.
The average monthly number of U.S. People visiting over the past five months was 392,000 people (which is about 7% of's visits). The graph above shows an average number of Daily U.S. Visits to be about 24,000 over the last five months. Note that this data does not include persons visiting from other countries.
Quantcast has statistics for about three years - here is the chart for since 02/05/2007: started in January 2007, so you can see the surge in activity after the startup. There were announcements of major collections, which account for some of the large surges in visits, especially in 2008. Average traffic in 2009 was about 28,000 visits per month, and was somewhat lower than the average visits for 2008, which appears to be about 32,000 per day (I'm estimating from the graph).
The sub-domain traffic share is in the graph below for the last five months:

The sub-domain traffic shares in People are:
* - 100%
* - 69.1%
* - 26.5%
* - 1.1% (is this the Facebook application?)
* - <1%
The Genea-Musings post with traffic data for in 2008 is here.
What genealogy website do you want to know about next?
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