Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Night Fun Doing Online Searches

After several hours of searching Pennsylvania Probate Records and New Jersey Probate Records on FamilySearch tonight, I decided to go hunting in GenealogyBank.

I recalled that I had not searched for my grandmother, Emily Kemp (Auble) Carringer (1891-1977), with her maiden name in the San Diego newspapers.

Some tidbits popped up:

1)  Emily graduated from Lincoln School in San Diego in June 1913.  Here is the list of graduates (from San Diego Union, 25 June 1913, page 20):

2)  Emily K. Auble participated in a Senior-Junior dance at San Diego High School in June 1915.  Since she was not on the list of graduates, I assume she was a Junior ("150 Senior Pupils Entertained by Junior Class," San Diego Union, 12 June 1915, page 3):

3)  I was not familiar with the location of Lincoln School in 1913.  I Googled ["city directory" "san Diego" 1913] and found the 1917 San Diego city Directory (full text) on the Internet Archive site (  I did a Ctrl-F, entered "lincoln school" and quickly saw:

Lincoln School was on the east side of 12th, between E and F Streets.  I know where that is!  That block is now part of San Diego City College.  It was only two blocks from their home at 14th and F Streets.

Another previously unknown problem solved... now I'm done for the night!

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Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver

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