Friday, August 21, 2015

Snapshots of Life in San Diego on the Carringer Memory Lane

I keep finding interesting information about the lives of my ancestors almost everywhere I look!

I renewed my GenealogyBank subscription recently, so I spent some time looking for Carringer tidbits in the San Diego newspapers which are well supplied by GenealogyBank.  Here is a snippet from an article I found from

The article, titled "Points for Growers" on page 3 of the 20 February 1899 issue of the San Diego Union newspaper (accessed on GenealogyBank) provides background information on David Jackson Carringer's and Henry Austin Carringer's horticultural experience:

"D.J. Carringer & Sons, also from Colorado, have and are fitting up pleasant homes on Thirtieth and Watkins.  Mr. Carrington [sic] gives a gloomy picture of the fruit industry in Colorado.  He was one of the directors of the Longmont Horticultural society and Boulder Fruit association.  He says blight and woolly aphis are fast destroying the apple industry in that state, and having had twenty years' experience there he knows some things not known here.  That's right, D.J., when a rancher finds out he can make mistakes he is in a fair way to keep out of the house of correction.  Not only ranchers, but Uncle Sam, who has been playing Ophelia to there Philippine Topsy (who truly, in this instance, just 'growed' onto us), and in finding out there are things we wish we hadn't had to touch.  Woolly aphis and woolly barbarians are a hard lot to deal with.  In Colorado they cutup the trees to get rid of the aphis.  Let us hope a better fate is in store for Uncle Sam's Topsy-turvy people who have had to receive unexpected chastisement, and must feel somewhat cut up.

"H.A. Carringer has alfalfa cut for his cow, has made nine crops, and in July it was thirty inches.  August ditto, and this, remember, is on red mesa soil.  Maples grew eight feet in a year cherimoyers are doing well, and white Meakanack potatoes yielded prolifically, from a small patch, had enough for his family and a few sacks to sell.  Secret, the land is well fed, hence it returns the compliment."

  "Points for Growers," San Diego [CA] Union, 20 February 1899, page 3, columns 1-2, D.J. Carringer comments; online index and digital image, GenealogyBank ( : accessed 20 August 2015), Newspaper Archives.

I knew before I found this article that D.J. Carringer had been a fruit grower in Boulder, and that Henry Austin Carringer (and his wife) were successful at growing almost anything at their home on 30th Street - I saw it all around me as I grew up on the block.

Another find in the same search in GenealogyBank was this article on page 4 of the 19 October 1901 edition of the San Diego Evening Tribune newspaper:

This article says:


"A merry party of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Carringer assembled at their home on Brooklyn Heights last night to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage.  The evening was appropriately and pleasantly passed.  Mr. and Mrs. Carringer being the recipients of many valuable and useful presents among which was included gold coin and other substantial tokens of regard.  It was a especially enjoyable affair for the aged couple both of whom are invalids.  Mr. Carringer is 72 years old and Mrs. Carringer 71."

"A Golden Wedding," [San Diego] Evening Tribune, 19 October 1901, page 4, Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Carringer 50th anniversary article; online index and digital image, GenealogyBank   ( : accessed 20 August 2015), Newspaper Archives.

Indeed, Rebecca (Spangler) Carringer passed away on 13 December 1901, less than two months later, and David Jackson Carringer passed away on 20 January 1902, three months after the anniversary party.

David Jackson (D.J.) Carringer (1828-1902) is my 2nd great-grandfather, and Henry Austin Carringer (1853-1946) is my great-grandfather.

I wish that I could go back in time 114 years and witness and participate in this event, hearing the stories about their lives - the struggles and successes, the joy of three children and the despair of losing a daughter, the moves from Pennsylvania to Iowa to Colorado to San Diego.  I'm thankful that snapshots of their lives are in newspapers and records for me to find where I can.

This was a fun trip finding more snapshots of life in early San Diego on the Carringer memory lane.

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