I was looking for Seaver articles in the "Compilation of Published Sources" on MyHeritage today, and put my father's name ("frederick" and "seaver") in the search field, and made the search "Exact".
The search resulted in 1,057 matches:
The first one looked interesting. Here is a snippet of the article:
The transcription of this article is (copied from the OCR test provided by MyHeritage):
Frederick Seaver, Chelsea. Magee Furnace Company. Date
of accident, June 1. This accident, which resulted fatally, was
caused by the victim being caught on shafting. An iron water-
pipe had been laid through a brick wall, and Seaver was engaged
in filling up the opening with bricks, and was standing on an
elevation about ten feet from the ground, and which was fixed
over a barrel-shaped machine used for cleaning castings. Instead
of descending by a ladder, which he might have used, he
attempted to pass under the shafting to get to a hanging plank
walk beyond, when it is supposed his sleeve caught on the setscrew,
drawing him on and carrying him around the shaft and
against the plank walk. One shoulder and some ribs were
fractured and one leg broken. He received also internal injuries.
He was taken to the Frost Hospital, where he died at 1 oclock
the following morning. This is the first fatal accident which has
occurred at this establishment for thirty years.
The source citation for this article is:
District Police of Massachusetts, Report of the Chief of Massachusetts District Police, 1893 (Boston, Mass. : Wright & Potter Printing Co., 1894), page 440, Frederick Seaver article; accessed on MyHeritage (http://www.myheritage.com) in "Compilation of Published Sources" collection.
My next issue was "Who is this Frederick Seaver?" I knew that he died 1 June 1893 in Chelsea from this article in the book. I checked my RootsMagic database for Fred* S*v*r* folks and found none that fit the known facts. How old was he? Who were his parents?
My first stop was the Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910 on the AmericanAncestors website, where I easily found a death record in Chelsea vital records:
Death date: 2 June 1893
Recorded date: 6 June 1893
Name: Sieber, Fred J.
Status: Single
Age: 25
Cause of death: Accident: Entanglement in revolving machine
Residence: 21 Medford St., Charlestown
Place of death: Frost Hospital, Chelsea
Occupation: Machinist
Place of birth: Boston
Parents names: Christian {Sieber] and Sophia Secherling
Place of birth of parents: Germany/Germany
The source citation for the death record is:
"Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1915," indexed database and digital images, New England Historic Genealogical Society, American Ancestors (http://www.AmericanAncestors.org : accessed 24 January 2017), Deaths, Volume 438, Page 541, Chelsea, 1893, Fred J. Sieber entry.
So he's not one of the Massachusetts Seaver lines, but is the son of a Sieber German immigrant.
Oh well, he was a Seaver when he made the news in 1893.
Now I wondered if there was a newspaper article about him. I found an article dated 2 June 1893 in the Boston Herald newspaper on GenealogyBank, which provides much the same information as the article above for Frederick Seaver.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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