Tuesday, November 7, 2006

11th Carnival of Genealogy is posted

The subject of the 11th Carnival of Genealogy was "Making the Most of Family Get-togethers."

Kimberly Powell at the About Genealogy page hosted and posted this latest Carnival - it is at http://genealogy.about.com/b/a/255897.htm. Kimberly does an excellent job finding blog posts and web sites to write this weeks carnival article. Thanks, Kimberly.

One of the best parts of reading the Carnivals is that new blogs and web sites are often revealed.

Have you been reading all of the Carnivals? They've all been interesting. You can see the carnival of "Carnival of Genealogy" at http://blogcarnival.com/bc/cprof_346.html.

The next Carnival of Genealogy topic will be hosted by Susan Kitchens at her blog http://familyoralhistory.us/news/ - titled "Family Oral History Using Digital Tools."

The topic will be:
Have you encountered a technical problem while working on your family history? Did you solve it? Then let’s hear the problem and your solution. Haven’t found a solution? Describe what it is, and how it affects you (who knows, you might find a solution as a result). You know that all software and hardware works perfectly. (cough, cough). It never breaks. All components work well with one another. Upgrades always go smoothly. (yeah right sure). So come one, come all. Feel free to gripe. Or to boast of your prowess. Or anything in between. Just as long as it’s about solving technical problems while working on your family history.

Post your submission at the Carnival page at http://blogcarnival.com/bc/cprof_346.html.

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