Tuesday, March 22, 2011

States My Ancestors Lived In

Here is a map of the USA showing the States that my ancestors lived in:

States my ancestors lived in
Make yours @ BigHugeLabs.com

This was generated at http://www.bighugelabs.com/.  The user can select the World, the USA, Europe, Asia, Middle East, South America, or Africa. You just click on the boxes and it shows the states for the subject you select.

My wife's ancestors lived in these states:

States Linda's ancestors lived in
Make yours @ BigHugeLabs.com

Thank you to Becky Jamison for the example on her Grace and Glory blog.  The first "find" on this today was Sheri Fenley on The Educated Genealogist blog, I think.

1 comment:

Becky Thompson said...

Thank you for the mention, Randy. The thanks does indeed go to Sheri Fenley for alerting us to this wonderful resource!