Monday, October 19, 2020

Amanuensis Monday -- 1690 Inventory Papers for Estate of Thomas Wight (1629-1690) of Medfield, Mass.

   This week's document for transcription is the 1690 Inventory in the Estate File of Thomas Wight (1629-1690) of Medfield, Massachusetts, in Probate Packet 1,764 in the Suffolk County, Massachusetts probate court records. 

Image 3 of 9:

Image 4 of 9:

The transcription of these papers is:

[Image 3 of 9]

An Inventory of the Estate of Thomas wight of Medfield Dece'd
made by y'e prsons hereunto subscribed September y'e 25'th 1690

Impr'ms To wearing Cloathes books and arms                                            06 -- 07 -- 00
To brass, pewter, and iron ware in y'e house                                               03 -- 15 -- 00
To one bed, bolster, 2 pair of sheetts, bed stead and some other things  03 -- 16 -- 06
To one feather bed Rug blankets and pillow cloath                                    06 -- 13 -- 00
To one feather bed more 3 blankets sheets and curtains                           05 -- 10 -- 00
To Chests, Tub,s barrels, chaires Killers and utensills in hoy                   00 -- 16 -- 06
To plow, chaines, cart, wheels and tacklin for y'e team                             03 -- 04 -- 00
To old corn, malt, sacks, hemp and flax                                                        03 -- 10 -- 04
To Edg tools, hows, and a Spining wheell                                                      00 -- 10 -- 00
To Inglish, and indian Corn                                                                            05 -- 19 -- 04      
To one horse, and 2 oxen                                                                                09 -- 00 -- 00
To twelve Cows Steers and heifers                                                                 20 -- 05 -- 00
To seaven Sheep and y'e Swine                                                                      04 -- 15 -- 00
To the whom Lot and both sides of y'e way with y'e buildings                  50 -- 00 -- 00
To 3 acres meadow, Stop River side 12£, 5 acres more of    }
     meadow in y'e uper broad meadow 13£15s                        }                    25 -- 15 -- 00
To 3 acres medow in Sink medo 4£, and 9 acres pine swamp 2£           06 -- 00 -- 00
To a prcell of corse meadow 1£ and 3 acres of Swamp att   }
    the end of north Streets Lots 1£ and to Eight                     }
    acres of wood land one Stop River Side                              }                    04 -- 00 -- 00
To a wood Lot on y'e North side of y'e Town 3£ and      }
    one acre a planting field 9's                                             }                         03 -- 09 -- 00
To Land by Sawmill brake 12£ and Land att North plain 12£                  24 -- 00 -- 00
To 6 acres land at Long plain, 3£. and 56 acres land at new grant         06 -- 00 -- 00
To 54 acres Land in Dedham bounds 5£ and Land at Long plain 1:10  06 -- 10 -- 00
To 4 acres of Swamp by harbor Island                                                           03 -- 00 -- 00
To ten acres of Land at North plaine                                                              20 -- 00 -- 00
To timber and boards                                                                                        05 -- 10 -- 00
To sheeps wool, baremg blankett and other things                                     01 -- 00 -- 00
Debts and Creaditts uncertain                                                  The Totall  229 -- 14 -- 08
                                                        at adjourm't of y'e County Court
                                                        Boston Jn'y 8'th 1690/1          
Edward Adams                         Edward Adams of Medfield Adm'r to y'e Estate of Tho.
Sam'll Barbur                           Wight of Medfield presented this Inventory and
John Partridge                          made oath and that it is a just & true Inventory of the s'd
                                                     dec'ds Estate farr as is come to his knowledge & when he
                                                     knows more will cause it to be added.
                                                                                                       Attest Joseph Webb Cler

[image 4 of 9] 

Edward Adams y'e Adm'r as a further addition to y'e Inventory
of Thomas wight gives in as followeth

at Joseph Clarks in cheese & cloathes w'ch he saith his }
   father wight gave him before his death                        }                           02 -- 03 -- 00
tt Paper money                                                                                                  01 -- 15 -- 00
tt 3 acres of Swamp                                                                                          01 -- 00 -- 00
tt one Brake, Pitchfork, pike & a Spitt                                                         00 -- 06 -- 06
tt  Armes & other things claimed by Eleazer Wight                                  03 -- 00 -- 06
                                                                                                                             09 -- 05 -- 00

The source citation for this probate case file is:

Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Probate case files, Packet #1,764 (9 images), Thomas Wight of Medfield, 1690; "Suffolk County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1636-1893," indexed database and digital images, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, American Ancestors   ( : accessed 30 July 2020); from records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, digitized images provided by

Thomas Wight (1629-1690) married Mehitable Cheney (1643-1693)  in about 1661 in Roxbury, Massachusetts.  They had five children:

*  Mehitable Wight (1663-????)
*  Thomas Wight (1665-????)
*  Marie Wight (1667-1705), married 1686 Joseph Clark (1664-1731)
*  Eleazer Wight (1670-1747), married 1694 Relief Warren (1670-1740).
*  Joshua Wight (1679-1762), married (1) 1696 Abigail Rockwell (1679-1696), and (2) 1699 Elizabeth Spowell (1583-1765)

Ephraim Wight died intestate before 25 September 1690 when his Inventory was taken. On 25 November 1690, bond was given and the Court appointed Edward Adams as administrator of the estate of Thomas Wight until Eleazer Wight, the eldest son, came of age. On 8 January, the Inventory was presented to the probate court.  On 8 February 1690/1, Edward Adams exhibited his account to the probate court in Boston, totaling £38-03-09.  The account was approved by the Court on 18 July 1695.  The Inventory of the real and personal estate, less the charges in the account allowed by the court, left for the heirs was £207-08s.  There is no order to distribute of the estate nor any indication of what property was set for each heir in the estate file.  

It is probable that there were only three children as heirs for the entire estate after their mother died, and Eleazer, the oldest son, probably received a double share.  Each share was worth £51-17s.  It is probable that Eleazer received all of the real and personal property and paid his two siblings, Marie and Joshua, their share in money or bills of credit.

Thomas and Mehitable (Cheney) Wight are my 8th great-grandparents, through their daughter Marie Wight (1667-1705) who married Joseph Clark (1664-1731) in 1686 in Medfield.  


NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

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