Sunday, October 25, 2020

Chula Vista Genealogical Society ZOOM Meeting on Wednesday, 28 October, 12 Noon PDT

 CVGS General Meeting

Wednesday, 28 October, 12 Noon PDT

in a Zoom Video Conference Meeting 

Featuring Marshall Clow

This monthly program will be a little different – our speaker, Marshall Clow, will make three mini-presentations:

* "Always Read the Original Document" - you don’t know what you might be missing

* "Fleshing Out Obituaries"  - How to go from an obituary to a family tree.

* "Building a FAN Club" - who did your ancestors know/interact with?

Marshall's family has been in San Diego for more than 100 years. He's been working on genealogy in his spare time for about 20 years. During the day, he writes software for various organizations.  Marshall is a San Diego Genealogical Society member and speaker, and has participated in several Chula Vista Genealogical Society events.

NOTE:  There are a limited number of places available for non-CVGS members to participate in this Zoom meeting.  Please email for an invitation and link to JOIN the meeting.


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