This week's document for transcription is the 1687 Inventory of George Wheeler (1606-1687) of Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, which is in Estate File 1580 in the Suffolk County Probate Court records.
[image 6 of 7]
[image 7 of 7]A Just and true Inventory of the goods and Es-
tate of George Wheeler sen'r Late of Concord decea-
sed taken and appraised by us whose names are
hereunto subscribed the Sixteenth Day of August
Anno Dom'i 1687
Cloathing and bedding …...................................... £03=07=06
In Iron ware and pewter of sundry sorts …........... £02=04=03
One house and 8 acres of ^broken up^ Land and an
Orchard …............................................................. £29=00=00
6 acres of Upland in the field over the hill …....... £12=00=00
28 acres of Upland in the North Quarter ….......... £14=00=00
9 acres of Meddow in brooke meddow …............ £45=00=00
1 acre of Swamp …............................................... £01=00=00
2 acres and a halfe of Meddow at Spring Med-
dow …................................................................... £12=00=00
15 acres of Meddow in the great Meddow with
his part of the Houet …......................................... £30=00=00
14 acres Upland neare the South field ….............. £03=00=00
2 acres of Swamp in Muddy Meddow Swamp …. £09=10=00
11 acres of upland at Waldon pond …................... £02=04=00
14 acres of Upland neare the South River …........ £01=10=00
13 acres of Land neare mount Tabor and Wa-
tertowne Line ….................................................... £01=06=00
8 acres of Upland neare M'r Flints pond …........... £04=00=00
4 acres of Upland neare Fairehaven pond …......... £01=00=00
Lumber ….............................................................. £01=00=00
£ 163=01=09
Debts due from the s'd Estate: viz. £18=8 Eliphelet Fox
Steven ????????
John Smedly jun'r
To John Wheeler son …...................£19=18-00
To the Estate of Thomas Wheeler .. £24=07=05
To Maergaret his maid servant …... £03=03=00
To Nathaniel Harwood …............... £00=08=03
[image 7 of 7]
By his Excellency
John Wheeler Executor to John Wheeler his father
Deced Late of Concord in the County of Middlesex
appeared before me and made Oath that the
within written is a true & prfect Inventory of
all the Estate of the said Deced as hee knows
of or is now in his hands.
Sworn the 21'st of September 1687
Before me
?????????? ??????
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
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