Welcome to Genealogy News and Education Bytes, posted on Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon, where we try to highlight the most important genealogy and family history news and education items that came across our desktop since the last issue.
1) News Articles:
2) New or Updated Record Collections:
3) Genealogy Education -- Conferences and Institutes
* New England Regional Genealogical Consortium Virtual Conference 2021 (1 April to 31 May 2021)
* FHF Really Useful Family History Show (10 April 2021)
* National Genealogical Society Conference (17-21 May 2021)
* We Are Open! The 51st Jamboree Conference! (4-5 and 11-12 June 2021)
* 2021 International German Genealogy Conference (17 and 24 July 2021)
* 41st Annual IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy (Philadelphia PA, 2-5 August 2021)
4) Genealogy Education - Seminars, Webinars and Online Classes (times are US Pacific):
* Upcoming Family Tree Webinars: Announcing the 2nd Annual 24-Hour Genealogy Webinar Marathon - April 8-9, 2021 - Registration now open (and free)
* Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Tuesday, 6 April, 7 p.m.: Four More Sources for New Zealand Family History, by Fiona Brooker
* Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Wednesday, 7 April, 11 a.m.: DNA For Dog Lovers, by Shellee Morehead
* Archived Family Tree Webinar: In Their Own Words: Genealogy in the Slave Narratives. by Renate Yarborough Sanders
* Archived Family Tree Webinar: Fifty Overlooked Genealogical Resources in Fifty Minutes, by Diane L. Richard
* Archived Family Tree Webinar: Tech Zone - Add a Torn Edge to an Image, by Diane Boumenot
5) Genealogy Education - Podcasts:
* Ancestral Findings: The Second Amendment: The Bill of Rights | AF-465
* Ancestral Findings: Julia Gardiner Tyler: America’s First Ladies #10 | AF-466
* Ancestral Findings: Delaware: American Folklore #8 | AF-467
6) Genealogy Videos (YouTube):
* Family Connections Experiment: Preview of the Gifts of Connections Plan
* FamilySearch: Getting Started: Finding Ancestors and Homelands
* Findmypast: West Midlands & Black Country History | Findmypast
* Findmypast: Fridays Live 2 April 2021 | Findmypast
* Genealogy Software Showcase: How-to create web pages with your desktop genealogy program. Is it really this easy?
* Genealogy TV: Cousins! What is a Second Cousin? DNA Cousins? Cousin Chart!
* Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems: How to Write and Self Publish Your Family History Book with Author J.M. Phillips
* * Lisa Lisson: House Histories with Helen Tovey!
* Pat Richley-Erickson: MiniMyrt: WikiTree GEDCOM to RootsMagic 7
* WikiTree: WikiTree LiveCast (31 March 2021) - WikiTree Challenge feat. Dallan Quass & Ellen Thompson-Jennings
* WikiTree: WikiTree Friday Date Night (2 Apr 2021)
7) Did you miss the last post - Genealogy News and Education Bytes - 30 March 2021?
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2021/04/genealogy-news-and-education-bytes.html
Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver
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Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
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