Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Exploring RootsMagic 8 - #3: People Screen, Edit Person, Create a Source Citation

  This is the third post in a series of exploring RootsMagic 8, which was released on 30 September 2021.  The overview post is at Exploring RootsMagic 8 - #1 - the Main Screens.

I imported my RootsMagic 7 family tree, which is synced with my Ancestry Member Tree using RootsMagic TreeShare, and I am using it for this series of posts.

1)  In Post #2, I added a Burial Fact to the profile of Abraham Seaver (1787-1864).  The screen looked like this:

The added Burial Fact is shown in the left side vane of the People screen, and the Burial Fact information is shown on the right side pane of the People screen because that Fact is highlighted on the left side pane.

2)  I want to add a source for this Burial Fact.  There is a Find A Grave memorial for Abraham Seaver (1787-1864), who is buried in Upper Cemetery in Phillipston Worcester County, Massachusetts.

To add the Source to the Fact, I need to click on the space in the Source column (the second one of the five columns on the right side of the left side pane of the People screen) for the Fact.  When I do that, the "Sources" pane appears in the right side pane, as below

There are two choices - "Add source citation" or "Paste citation."  I already have a "Master Source" for Find a Grave, but because I don't have a citation yet for this specific Fact, I will choose "Add source citation."  

3)  The "Select source" pane opened and the cursor was already in the Search field at the top right of this pane.  I started typing "Find a" and the selection of Master Sources appeared in the "Source" column.  I chose the first "Find A Grave (website)" master source.  Then I clicked the "Next" button at the bottom right of the "Select Source" panel:

4)  As shown below, the "Edit Citation" pane opened, and the "Master Source" information is already filled in (since it already existed).  There are two fields available - "Citation Name" and "Page Number."  The "Page Number" field is what appears in the resulting source citation.  I think the "Citation Name" is to help the user remember what the citation is for.

On the screen above, I typed into the "Page Number" field the information about Abraham Seaver's memorial - the cemetery, the town and state, his name and memorial number.  The resulting Footnote, Short Footnote and Bibliography text appears in the bottom of the "Add Citation" pane.  I could click on the carat to the right of the "Citation Detail text, media, etc." line and fill in more information, but I usually don't do that.  I added information to the Quality fields also (not shown above - scroll down on the right side)..

5)  After clicking "Close" (at the bottom of the right-hand pane), the "Sources" pane appeared again with one source citation on the list, and a "pen" icon in the Source column of the left-hand pane as shown below:

However, Abraham's Burial record on Find A Grave had information about his death date and place, his birth date and place, and his name.  I need to add this source citation to those Facts on the left-hand pane.  

6)  To "Memorize" the source citation so I can use it again, I need to click on the right arrow/carat in the right-hand pane for the specific source citation shown below:

When I click on the arrow/carat, it opens the "Edit citation" screen and the "Memorize this source" icon is in the upper right-hand corner:

7)  I then go to the Fact where I want to add this citation - so using the Death Fact I click on the Death Source icon and click on "Paste citation" I see:

By clicking on the "Paste copy" button on the "Paste Memorized Citation" pane, I can add the Burial citation to the Death Fact for Abraham Seaver.  The other choice is to "Reuse Citation" which I use to add the same citation to another Find A Grave source when I want to change the Citation Detail."  The latter use is new to RootsMagic 8, I think.

8)  Here is the finished Death Fact pane:

As you can see, the Find  Grave source citation is now in the "Sources" pane for the Death Fact.  I did the same process for the Birth Fact and the Person Fact for Abraham Seaver.

9)  That process seems cumbersome because there is a lot of clicking but not much typing.  I think it is more "clicky" than in RootsMagic 7, but the result is the same.  Once you get used to using the icons instead of clicking buttons, the process is pretty quick.  This was a major change to my workflow.

As I noted in Post #2, the differences between RootsMagic 7 and RootsMagic 8 take some time to learn how to adjust your workflow and you have to do these tasks multiple times to get used to doing it because, if you're using RM8, this is how you do it.


Disclosure:  I have been a paying customer of RootsMagic genealogy software since about 2006, and purchased RootsMagic 8 as an upgrade package back in 2020.

Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver

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