Monday, August 1, 2022

Amanuensis Monday -- 1824 Will of Thomas Seaver in Townsend, Middlesex County, Massachusetts

 This week's document for transcription is from the 1832 Middlesex County, Massachusetts probate file for the 1824 will of Thomas Seaver of Townsend, Massachusetts.

a)  Middlesex County, Massachusetts Probate Court Records - Case File 20072, image 2 of 11:

b)  Middlesex County, Massachusetts Probate Court Records - Case File 20072, image 3 of 11:

The transcription of this will is:

In the Name of almighty God Amen
I Thomas Seaver of Townsend in the County of Middlesex
and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Gent'n.  Considering
the uncertainty of this Mortal Life, & being of sound mind and
perfect Mind & memory, Blesed be Almighty God for the
sane, thinking it my Duty While in health to Settle my
Temporal Conserns, I do hereby Dispose of what a kind
Providence has bestowed on me, in the following manner.
Wishing for Divine assistance in doing the same & hoping
as I trust by Grace in the Mercy of God through the
atonement of Jesus Christ for a parden of my sins and
admitance to a more Durable inheritance.
I do make and publish this my Last Will & testiment
in Manner & form as follows; that is to say  after my just
Debts & funeral Expenses be paid which I Expressly
order to be done without delay.
by my Executor here after named.

First I give & bequeath unto my well beloved wife Hannah
Seaver the use of all my Household furniture or indores
Moveables & with the use of one half of the remainder of
my personal Estate, also the Improvement of one half
of my Real Estate all which is to be during her Natural
Life, and in full for ^her^ Rights of dower in my Estate.

Item.  I give and bequeath to my son Sam'll Seaver Five Dollars
and to my son Thom's Seaver five Dollars.

Item. I give to my son Jesse Seaver twenty Dollars.
the above three Legeces to be payed within one year after my Decease.

Item.  I give to my four Daughters Ruth Flagg, Buelah Sherwin,
Betsey Seaver & Hannah Seaver, all their Mothers wearing
apperal & Household furniture at her Decease, to be Equaly
divided between them.

Item. I give to Betsey my Daughter Seaver three Hundred Dollars.

Item.  I give to Hannah my Daughter Seaver Two Hundred Dollars.  

Item.  I give to my Daughters Betsey & Hannah the use & privelige of
one Room in the Easterly part of my House & the Seller under
and the Chamber above the same & the privelege of
the oven & the use of the well & to pass to & from the same
for water as long as thay remain single.

Item I give to my Sons Abraham & Otis Seaver all the Resedue
of my personal Estate & all my Real Estate in Townsend
which is not as above otherways Disposed of, thay the said
said Abraham & Otis Seaver after my Executor 
hereafter Named has paid my just Debts funeral
Expences & Legeces aforesd to Divide between them
the s'd Abraham & Otis.

and Lastly I do hereby Constitute & appoint my son
Abraham Seaver Sole Executor of this my Last
Will and Testiment.  In witness whereof I
have herewith set my hand & seal this twenty
sixth Day of April in the year of our Lord one
thousand Eight Hundred & twenty four.

Sign'd Seal'd, published and                              Thomas Seaver {seal}
Declared by the above Named
Thomas Seaver to be his Last
Will & testement in presents
of us who have hereunto
subscribed our Names as
witnesses in the presence of
the testator & at his request
John Bouttell jr.
Josiah Bailey
Elias Bouttell.

The source citation for this probate file is:

Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Probate case files, Case file 20072 (11 images), Thomas Seaver  of Townsend, 1832; "Middlesex County (Massachusetts) Probate File Papers, 1648-1871," digital images, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, American Ancestors  ( accessed 31 July 2022).

The estate file for the testate probate of Thomas Seaver contains 11 images, including:

*  Image 1 - cover folder of estate file
*  26 April 1824: images 2-3 - handwritten will of Thomas Seaver
*  6 November 1832: image 4 - decree by Middlesex County probate judge to approve the will
*  6 November 1832:  image 5 - order by Judge to Abraham Seaver to settle the Estate, make an accurate account, and to publish notices for three weeks in the newspaper.
*  1 May 1832:  image 6 - order to heirs-at-law by Judge to appear in Court to show cause against the probate of the estate.
*  undated:  image 7 - letter testamentary by the witnesses to the will.
*  6 November 1832:  image 8 - Bond of $10,000 by Abraham Seaver, John Emery and Joel Emery
*  5 May 1832:  image 9 - order by Judge to Isaac Spaulding, William Pratt and Joel Emery to take an Inventory of the real and personal estate of Thomas Seaver.
*  6 November 1832:  images 10-11 - Inventory of personal estate taken by subscribers and displayed by Abraham Seaver, totaling $74.92.

Thomas Seaver (1745-1832) was the son of Samuel and Hannah (Faxon) Sever.  He died 13 April 1832 in Townsend.  He married Hannah Wood (1747-1827) on 5 September 1767 in Northborough, Massachusetts.  They had 11 children:

*  Samuel Seaver (1768-1838), married (1) 1793 Azubah Morse (1765-c1798); (2) 1798 Olive Senter (1778-1873).
*  Otis Seaver (1770-1775).
*  Thomas Seaver (1772-1862), married 1799 Eunice Reddington (1777-1850).
*  Ruth Seaver (1774-1853), married 1798 William Bruce Flagg (1770-1836).
*  Beaulah Seaver (1777-1829), married 1797 Salome Sherwin (1767-1821).
*  Elizabeth "Betsey" Seaver (1779-1843).
*  Abraham Seaver (1781-1861), married 1809 Lucy Lawrence (1785-1861).
*  Hannah Seaver (1782-1881).
*  Jesse Wood Seaver (1784-1785).
*  Jesse Seaver (1786-1859), married 1810 Elizabeth "Betsey" Warren (1786-1865)
*  Otis Seaver (1789-1857). 

Thomas Seaver (1745-1832) is my third cousin seven times removed.  Our common Seaver ancestor is my 9th great-grandfather, Robert Seaver (1608-1683).


NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

Read other transcriptions for records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.

Copyright (c) 2022, Randall J. Seaver

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