"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
These are the records that I have transcribed to date (last modified 20 December 2023):
1) PROBATE RECORDS (alphabetical by surname):
* John Able (1758-1818) of Sussex County, New Jersey - Inventory
* John Able (1780-1831) of Sussex County, New Jersey - Inventory
* Peter Adams (1622-1690) of Medfield, Massachusetts - Bond and Distribution
* Benjamin Allen (1662-1721) of Weston, Massachusetts
* John Allen (1631-1711) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* Joseph Allen (1667-1735) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts
* Walter Allen (1601-1681) of Charlestown, Massachusetts
* James Allin (1614-1676) of Medfield, Massachusetts
* Nathaniel Ambrose (1678-1745) of Chester, New Hampshire - Will
* Stephen Atwood (1653-1722) of Eastham, Mass. - Will
* 1719 Will of Daniel Bacon (1643-1720) of Salem, Massachusetts
* John Barber (1617-1685) of Medfield, Mass. -- Inventory; Bond and Order
* Moses Barber (1652-1733) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* Susannah (West) Barber (1666-1756) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* Ellis Barron (1600-1676) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Christopher Bartlett (1623-1670) of Newbury, Massachusetts
* Christopher Bartlett (1655-1711) of Haverhill, Massachusetts
* Thomas Bartlett (1594-1654) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Caleb Beck (1675-1733) of Schenectady, New York
* John Bigelow (1617-1703) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Samuel Bigelow (1653-1732) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Huldah (Simonds) Blogget (1660-1746) of Sudbury, Massachusetts -- Personal Inventory
* Francis Bloodgood (1630-1676) of Flushing, New York
* Ezekiel Bloomfield (1653-1703) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Thomas Bloomfield (1615-1686) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Nicholas Bonham (1631-1684) of Picataway, New Jersey - Will
* Thomas Boyden (1682-1770) of Wrentham, Mass. - Will
* Mehitable (Grout) Brigham (1726-1795) of Westborough, Massachusetts - Will
* Henry Brooks (1592-1683) of Woburn, Massachusetts
* John Brooks (1623-1691) of Woburn, Massachusetts
* George Brown (1651-1719) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will and Inventory
* Samuel Brown (1686-1749) of Eastham, Mass. - Will, Division of Land, Guardianship of Children
* Ephraim Buck (1646-1721) of Woburn, Massachusetts - Will
* Job Card (1653-1739) of Charlestown, Rhode Island
* Solomon Carpenter (1677-1750) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* Edward Carr (1669-1712) of Jamestown, R.I.
* Martin Carringer (1758-1835) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania
* Henry Carringer (1800-1880) of Louisa County, Iowa -- Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
* Joseph Carter (1604-1676) of Woburn, Mass.
* Thomas Carter (1566-1652) of Charlestown, Mass. -- Will and Inventory
* Christopher Champlin (1656-1732) Agreement with Elizabeth (Davol) Champlin of Westerly, Rhode Island
* Elijah Champlin (1730-1779) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* Joseph Champlin (1758-1850) of South Kingston, Rhode Island
* Thomas Chase (1654-1734) of Newbury, Massachusetts
* Arthur Clark (1620-1665) of Boston, Massachusetts
* Ephraim Clark (1646-1694) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Bond and Order to Distribute
* John Colby (1633-1674) of Amesbury, Massachusetts -- Will and Inventory
* Ann Collins (1605-1691) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Henry Collins (1606-1687) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Henry and Ann (--?--) Collins - 1694 Agreement of Sons
* Joseph Collins (1643-1724) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* John Cooke (1607-1695) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts- Will and Inventory
* Lawrence Copeland (1628-1699) of Braintree, Massachusetts
* Griffin Crafts (1600-1689) of Roxbury, Massachusetts -- Will
* Mercy (Kelsey) Cutter (1698-1760) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Richard Cutter (1682-1756) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Stephen Cutter (1745-1823) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* William Cutter (1649-1723) of Cambridge, Mass.
* Thomas Dill (1708-1761) of Eastham, Massachusetts
** Part 1 -- Letter of Administration, Inventory of Estate
** Part 2 -- Widow's Dower, Appraisal of Estate, Settlement
** Part 3 -- Guardianship of Minor Children
* Daniel Dinkel (1713-1755) of York, Pennsylvania
* Roger Eastman (1612-1694) of Salisbury, Massachusetts
* Henry Farwell (1605-1670) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts
* Joseph Farwell (1641-1722) of Dunstable, Massachusetts
* Cornelius Feather (1777-1851) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania - Proof of Contract
* Cornelius Feather (1777-1851) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania - Petition
* John Fisher (1634-1668) of Medfield, Mass. -- Will
* Joshua Fisher (1588-1674) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jacob Fitz Randolph (1708-1779) of Middlesex County, New Jersey - Will
* Nathaniel Fitz Randolph (1642-1713) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Samuel Fitz Randolph (1668-1754) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Robert Fletcher (1593-1677) of Concord, Massachusetts - Will
* Samuel Fletcher (1652-1723) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts
** Part 1 - Will and Letters testamentary
** Part 2 - Widow's petition, notice to heirs, decision to invalidate will
** Part 3 - Administrator's Account
* Joseph Foster (1650-1721) of Billerica, Massachusetts
* Edmond Freeman (1596-1682) of Sandwich, Mass. - Will
* John Freeman (1626-1719) of Eastham, Massachusetts
** Part 1 - Will and Letter Testamentary
** Part 2 - Letters Testamentary and Inventory of Estate
* Thomas Gach (1702-1770) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Henry Garnsey (1620-1692) of Dorchester, Massachusetts
* John Garnsey (1648-1722) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts
** Part 1 - Letters of Administration
** Part 2 - Estate Inventory
** Part 3 - Account of Estate
** Part 4 - Order for Division of Personal Estate
** Part 5 - Warrant and Division of Personal Estate
** Part 6 - Warrant and Division of Real Estate
* Amos Gates (1706-1783) of Stow, Massachusetts - Distribution to Widow
* Simon Gates (1667-1752) of Stow, Massachusetts - Will
* Simon Gates (1739-1803) of Gardner, Massachusetts:
** Letter of Administration
** Inventory of Estate
** Warrant of Appraisal
** Appraisal of Real Estate
** Setting Off Widow's Dower
** Setting Off Children's Portions
** Decree of Partition
** Administratrix Account
* Robert Gifford (1660-1730) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts
* Bridget (--?--) (Verry) Giles (1600-1680) of Salem, Massachusetts
* Joseph Glezen (1640-1715) of Sudbury, Massachusetts -- Articles of Agreement
* Samuel Graves (1655-1723) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Thomas Graves (1620-1697) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Thomas Graves (1686-1756) of Southborough, Massachusetts
* Samuel Gray (1681-1712) of Little Compton, Rhode Island
* Thomas Greenman (1669-1728) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* 1697 Will of John Grout (1616-1697) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* 1697 Estate Inventory of John Grout (1616-1697) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* John Guild (1616-1682) of Medfield, Massachusetts - Will
* Nathaniel Guild (1712-1796) of Walpole, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Guild (1647-1731) of Dedham, Massachusetts -- Will
* William Hagar (????-1684) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Hale (1639-1709) of Woodbridge, New Jersey -- Will
* Francis Hamant (1625-1692) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Timothy Hamant (1699-1774) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Nathaniel Harwood (1669-1751) of Chelmsford, Mass. -- Will and Inventory and Account
* Arthur Hathaway (1630-1711) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* John Haughton (1647-1705) of New London, Conn. - Will and Inventory
* Samuel Haughton (1686-1778) of Eastham, Mass. -- Will and Inventory
* Stephen Hazard (1665-1727) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* John Heald (1611-1662) of Concord, Massachusetts
* William Healy (1688-1772) of Chester, New Hampshire - 1767 Will
* Ruth (Hawkins) (Wade) Hopkins (1711-1789) of Glocester, Rhode Island
* John Horton (1696-1796) of Glocester, Rhode Island
* 1802 Will of Frederick Houx (1725-1802) of Frederick County, Maryland
* Jonathan Hubburd (1659-1728) of Concord, Massachusetts - Will
* Samuel Hubbard (1687-1753) of Concord, Massachusetts
* Jeffrey Jones (1635-1717) of Elizabethtown, N.J.
* John Kenyon (1647-1732) of Westerly, R.I.
* John Kenyon (1742-1831) of Sterling, Connecticut
* Rebeckah Kerby (1681-1773) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* Jonathan Keyes (1722-1781) of Westford, Massachusetts - Papers and Will
* Joseph Keyes (1667-1757) of Westford, Massachusetts - Will
* Solomon Keyes (1631-1702) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts
* Nicholas King (1707-1776) Estate in York, Pennsylvania - Will and Letters Testamentary
* Philip Jacob King (1738-1792) of York, Pennsylvania
* Philip Jacob King (1764-1829) of York, Pennsylvania
* Thomas King (1600-1676) of Marlborough, Massachusetts
* David Kirby (1740-1832) of Westport, Massachusetts
* Ichabod Kirby (1705-1793) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* Rebekah (Potter Kerby (1681-1773) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* Robert Kirby (1674-1757) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* Nathaniel Knowlton (1658-1726) of Ipswich, Massachusetts
* Joseph Ladd (1613-1683) of Portsmouth, R.I.
* 1729 Will of William Ladd (1665-1729) of Little Compton, Rhode Island
* Edward Larkin (1611-1652) of Charlestown, Massachusetts
* David LaTourrette (1699-1764) of Richmond County, N.Y.
* George Lawrence (1637-1709) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Isaac Learned (1624-1657) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Anna T. Leland (1853-1911) of Deerfield, Wisconsin
* Sever Torgerson Leland (1804-1889) of Dane County, Wisconsin
* Jonathan Lewis (1688-1764) of Staten Island, N.Y.
* Jonathan Lewis (1715-1785) of Staten Island, N.Y.
* John Loker (1608-1653) of Sudbury, Masssachusetts
* John Lothrop (1584-1653) of Barnstable, Massachusetts
* John Martin (1620-1687) of Piscataway, N.J.
* Peter Martin (1693-1756) of Piscataway, N.J.
* Thomas Martin (1737-1767) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* John Metcalf (1622-1690) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Account and Receipts of Heirs and Bond
* John Metcalf (1648-1738) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Daniel Morse (1611-1688) of Sherborn Massachusetts - Will
* Samuel Pierce (1712-1772) of Waltham, Massachusetts
* Thomas Pierce (1584-1667) of Charlestown, Massachusetts
* Amos Plimpton (1735-1808) of Medfield, Mass.
* John Plimpton (1649-1722) of Medfield, Mass.
* John Plimpton (1680-1730) of Medfield, Mass.
** Part 1 - Letter of Administration and Inventory
** Part 2 - Account and Request for Payment
** Part 3 - Warrant, Appraisal and Distribution
* John Plimpton (1708-1756) of Medfield, Mass.
** Inventory
** Account of Estate
** Division and Appraisal of Real Estate
** Account and Distribution of Widow's Personal Estate
** Warrant and Distribution of Widow's Real Estate
** Bond and Distribution of Real Estate
* Jacques Poillon (1681-1733) of Richmond, New York
* Nathaniel Potter (1637-1704) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* John Pray (1653-1733) of Smithfield, Rhode Island
* John Prescott (1604-1681) of Lancaster, Massachusetts
* Jonas Prescott (1648-1723) of Groton, Massachusetts
* 1751 Inventory of Jonas Prescott (1678-1750) Estate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
* 1750 Affidavit of Son Jonas Prescott in Jonas Prescott (1678-1750) Estate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
* Jonathan Prescott (1645-1721) of Concord, Massachusetts
* Samuel Prescott (1674-1750) of Acton, Massachusetts
* Richard Pray (1683-1755) of Scituate, Rhode Island
* Isaac Read (1704-1780) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* Thomas Read (1627-1701) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* George Reed (1627-1706) of Woburn, Massachusetts
* Thomas Rice (1626-1681) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* Edmund Rice (1663-1726) of Westborough, Massachusetts
* Samuel Rice (1634-1684) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* Crispus Richards (1691-1763) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Joseph Richards (1703-1748) of Southborough, Massachusetts
* John Richman (1724-1807) of Hilperton, Wiltshire -- Will
* Edward Richmond (1632-1696) of Little Compton, R.I.
* James Richmond (1821-1912) of Putnam, Connecticut - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
* Philip Row (1752-1817) of Tewksbury, N.J.
* George Ruth (1740-1812) of Cumru Township, Pennsylvania - 1812 Will
* Jonathan Sanderson (1646-1735) of Waltham, Massachusetts
* 1866 Guardianship Record of Alvin L. Seaver of Tewksbury, Massachusetts
* Alvina M. (Bradley) Seaver of Clinton, Massachusetts - Will, Codicil, Petition to Approve Will, and Order for Inventory
* Amanuensis Monday -- 1773 Order to Pay Heirs of Andrew Sever Intestate Estate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
* Hattie (Hildreth) Seaver (1857-1920) of Leominster, Massachusetts -- Petition for Administration, Land Ownership Sale Petition, and Final Account
* 1860 List of Heirs of Horace Seaver of New York City
* Joseph Seaver (1672-1754) of Framingham, Massachusetts - Deed Records
** Part 1 - Deed Records
** Part 2 - Deed Records
** Part 3 - Deed Records
* 1881 Will of Joseph Seaver (1805-1885) in Rock Island, Illinois Probate Court Records
* Nellie M. Seaver (1862-1931) of Leominster, Massachusetts - Will, Final Account, and Account Schedules
* Nicholas Sever (1690-1764) of Kingston, Massachusetts
* Norman Seaver (1734-1787) of Westminster, Massachusetts - Appraisal and Division and Inventory
* 1805 Probate Records of Peter Johonnot Seaver (1770-1804) in Suffolk County, Massachusetts
* 1807 Order to Pay Creditors of Insolvent Estate of Peter Johonnot Seaver in Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
* Robert Seaver (1702-1752) of Westminster, Massachusetts
* 1911 Will of Robert A. Seaver of Manchester, New Hampshire
* Sarah (Warren) (Little) Sever (1692-1756) of Kingston, Massachusetts
* Sarah C. Seaver (1787-1872) of Chester Co. Pennsylvania - Will and Codicils
* Sarah Sever (1736-1809) of Kingston, Massachusetts -- Will
* Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) of Roxbury, Massachusetts -- Deed Records
** Part 1 - Deed Records
** Part 2 - Deed Records
* William Sever (1729-1809) of Kingston, Massachusetts
** Will of William Sever
** Division of Lands of William Sever
** Asset Account of William Sever
* Henry Smith (1680-1743) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will, Inventory, Account, Widow's Dower Division, Division of Estate
* John Smith (1600-1669) of Lancaster, Massachusetts -- Will
* Ranslow Smith (1805-1875) of Andrew County, Missouri -- Will
* Elisabeth Snow (1702-1772) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Estate Papers
* Nicholas Snow (1600-1676) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jabez Snow (1670-1750) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jabez Snow (1696-1760) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will, Dower, Insolvency, Account and Dividend
* Jacob Soule (1687-1748) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts - Will
* Frederick Sovereen (1786-1875) of Windham, Ontario -- Will
* Benjamin Sowle (1719-1803) of Westport, Massachusetts -- Will
* Joseph Tripp (1644-1718) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jonathan Thurston (1659-1740) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts - Will
* Abraham Tucker (1653-1725) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Henry Tucker (1619-1694) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* John Underhill (1721-1793) of Chester, New Hampshire -- Will
* Jonathan Wade (1613-1683) of Ipswich, Massachusetts -- Will
* Nathaniel Wade (1648-1707) of Charlestown, Mass. - Will
* Nathaniel Wade (1709-1754) of Scituate, Rhode Island -- Will
* Reuben Waite (1656-1707) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* George Wakeman (1740-1814) of Ashtabula County, Ohio -- Will
* John Warren (1585-1667) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will
* 1684 Will of George Wheeler (1606-1687) of Concord, Massachusetts
* 1687 Estate Inventory of George Wheeler (1606-1687) of Concord, Massachusetts
* Humphrey White (1758-1814) of Glocester, Rhode Island - Guardianship of Children
* Jonathan White (1730-1804) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jonathan White (1806-1850) of Killingly, Connecticut -- Will
* William White (1708-1780) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will and Inventory
* John Whitney (1621-1692) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Whitney (1719-1782) of Westminster, Massachusetts -- Will
* William Whitney (1693-1720) of Weston, Massachusetts - Will
* Ephraim Wight (1646-1723) of Medfield, Mass. -- Will; Petition and Order to distribute
* Thomas Wight (1629-1690) of Medfield, Mass. -- Inventory; Bond and Order to Distribute
* Jacob Wilhelm (1705-1773) of Lancaster, Pennsylvania -- Will
* Benjamin Wing (1698-1782) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Matthew Wing (1674-1724) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Stephen Wing (1621-1710) of Sandwich, Mass. - Will
* Josiah Wood (1629-1691) of Charlestown, Massachusetts -- Will
* Josiah Wood (1687-1753) of Woburn, Mass. -- Non Compos Mentis Petition, Bonds for Estate, Inventory and Debt List, Estate Account and Petition and Citation
* John Woodcock (1606-1701) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Ezekiel Worthen (1636-1716) of Salisbury, Massachusetts -- Will
* Ezekiel Worthen (1672-1755) of Chester, New Hampshire -- Will
* Abigail Young (1628-1692) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Probate Records
* John Young (1624-1691) of Eastham, Massachusetts - Probate Records
* John Young (1649-1718) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Probate Records
2) LAND RECORDS (alphabetical by last name)
* David Auble (1817-1894) of Sussex County NJ and Vigo County, Ind.
** 1844 Land Deed of David Auble in Sussex County, New Jersey
** 1846 Land Deed of David Auble in Sussex County, New Jersey
* Sarah (Knapp) Auble (1818-1903) of Vigo County, Ind.
** 1870 Deed of Manning Knapp to Sarah Auble - Terre Haute, Indiana
* Moses Brigham, Jr. (1754-1814) of Westborough, Mass.
* Nathan Brigham (1693-1784) of Westborough, Mass.
* Isaac Buck (1706-1780) of Middlesex County, Mass.
* 1756 Deed of Isaac and Ruth Buck to Joseph Graves - Southborough, Mass.
* David J. Carringer (1828-1902) in Louisa County, Iowa
* 1862 Deed of Catherine McConnel to David J. Carringer - Louisa County, Iowa
* 1864 Deed of D.J. and Rebecca Carringer to John H. Davis - Louisa County, Iowa
* 1881 Deed of David J. and Rebecca Carringer to Mary and Louisa M. Carringer in Louisa County, Iowa
* 1882 Deed of Mary and Louisa Carringer to Richard Richards in Louisa County, Iowa
* Abraham Dafoe (1755-1815) of Ontario, Canada
** 1791 Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Dafoe
** 1797 Upper Canada Land Petition of John, Daniel and Abraham Dafoe
* Thomas Dill (1755-1839) of Barnstable County, Mass.
** 1809 Deed of Thomas Dill to Ezekiel and Seth Dill - Eastham. Massachusetts
* Josiah Sawtell (1768-1847) of Brookline N.H.
** 1784 Deed of Josiah Sawtell to Joseph Hale - Brookline, New Hampshire
** 1804 Deed of Josiah Sawtell to Samuel Hale - Brookline, New Hampshire
* Benjamin Seaver (1757-1816) of Westminster, Mass.
** 1826 Deed of Alpheus B. Smith to Lois Smith - Medfield, Massachusetts
** 1834 Deed of Alpheus B. Smith to Simeon Richardson - Medfield, Massachusetts** 1827 Deed of John Treat to Amos Underhill - Aurora, New York
* Devier J. Smith (1839-1894) of Louisa County, Iowa
** 1867 Deed of Tobias Denny to Devier J. Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1868 Deed of Devier J. Smith to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1870 Deed of Devier and Abby Smith to D.B. McMurry - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1871 Deed of A.A. and Rebecca Hancock to Devier J. Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1871 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to A.H. Owens - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1872 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to Alexander John - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1873 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to C.S. Meeks - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1873 Deed of Devier J. Smith to A.D. Ackley - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1873 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to James McMonigal - Taylor county, Iowa
** 1874 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to William Walton - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1874 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to M.W. Wood - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1875 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to Bazzel Turner - Taylor county, Iowa
* Elizabeth (Dill) Smith (1791-1869) of Norfolk county, Mass.
* Mary (Hazard) Oatley (widow of Joseph Oatley)
* Joseph Oatley's Marriage Deposition
* Peter Putman's Revolutionary War Affidavit
* Sarah Putman's Affidavit in Peter Putman's Pension File
* Mary Row's Affidavit in Philip Jacob Row's Pension File
* Marriage Contract of Ichabod Kirby and Rachel Allen
* Obituaries for Charles Auble (1849-1916)
* "Tribute Paid to Hero's Worth" - Kenneth L. Blanchard
* Jonathan Lewis Property Sales
* Obituary of Thomas Richmond (1848-1917)
* True Mortimer Seaver's Funeral Difficulties
* Obituary of George Smith (1812-1876) of Chicago, Illinois
* Obituary of Lyman Dwight Smith (1807-1889) of Dodge County, Wisconsin
* Obituary of Lydia (Griggs) Smith (1808-1889) of Dodge County, Wisconsin
Last updated: 23 December 2024
* John Barber (1617-1685) of Medfield, Mass. -- Inventory; Bond and Order
* Zechariah Barber (1656-1705) of Medfield, Mass. -- Bond and Order to Settle; Inventory and Account
* Moses Barber (1652-1733) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* Susannah (West) Barber (1666-1756) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* Ellis Barron (1600-1676) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Christopher Bartlett (1623-1670) of Newbury, Massachusetts
* Christopher Bartlett (1655-1711) of Haverhill, Massachusetts
* Thomas Bartlett (1594-1654) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Caleb Beck (1675-1733) of Schenectady, New York
* John Bigelow (1617-1703) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Samuel Bigelow (1653-1732) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Huldah (Simonds) Blogget (1660-1746) of Sudbury, Massachusetts -- Personal Inventory
* Francis Bloodgood (1630-1676) of Flushing, New York
* Ezekiel Bloomfield (1653-1703) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Thomas Bloomfield (1615-1686) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Nicholas Bonham (1631-1684) of Picataway, New Jersey - Will
* 1684 Will of Joseph Boyce (1610-1695) of Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts
* Jonathan Boyden (1652-1732) of Medfield, Mass. -- Inventory; Bond and Order to Distribute
* Jonathan Boyden (1652-1732) of Medfield, Mass. -- Inventory; Bond and Order to Distribute
* Thomas Boyden (1682-1770) of Wrentham, Mass. - Will
* Mehitable (Grout) Brigham (1726-1795) of Westborough, Massachusetts - Will
* Moses Brigham (1723-1769) of Westborough, Massachusetts -- Appraisal of Real Estate; Order to Distribute Estate; Account
* Henry Brooks (1592-1683) of Woburn, Massachusetts
* John Brooks (1623-1691) of Woburn, Massachusetts
* George Brown (1651-1719) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will and Inventory
* Samuel Brown (1686-1749) of Eastham, Mass. - Will, Division of Land, Guardianship of Children
* Ephraim Buck (1646-1721) of Woburn, Massachusetts - Will
* Job Card (1653-1739) of Charlestown, Rhode Island
* Solomon Carpenter (1677-1750) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* Edward Carr (1669-1712) of Jamestown, R.I.
* Martin Carringer (1758-1835) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania
* Henry Carringer (1800-1880) of Louisa County, Iowa -- Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
* Joseph Carter (1604-1676) of Woburn, Mass.
* Thomas Carter (1566-1652) of Charlestown, Mass. -- Will and Inventory
* Elijah Champlin (1730-1779) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* Joseph Champlin (1758-1850) of South Kingston, Rhode Island
* Thomas Chase (1654-1734) of Newbury, Massachusetts
* Arthur Clark (1620-1665) of Boston, Massachusetts
* Ephraim Clark (1646-1694) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Bond and Order to Distribute
* John Colby (1633-1674) of Amesbury, Massachusetts -- Will and Inventory
* Ann Collins (1605-1691) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Henry Collins (1606-1687) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Henry and Ann (--?--) Collins - 1694 Agreement of Sons
* Joseph Collins (1643-1724) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* John Cooke (1607-1695) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts- Will and Inventory
* Lawrence Copeland (1628-1699) of Braintree, Massachusetts
* Griffin Crafts (1600-1689) of Roxbury, Massachusetts -- Will
* Mercy (Kelsey) Cutter (1698-1760) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Richard Cutter (1682-1756) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Stephen Cutter (1745-1823) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* William Cutter (1649-1723) of Cambridge, Mass.
* Thomas Dill (1708-1761) of Eastham, Massachusetts
** Part 1 -- Letter of Administration, Inventory of Estate
** Part 2 -- Widow's Dower, Appraisal of Estate, Settlement
** Part 3 -- Guardianship of Minor Children
* Daniel Dinkel (1713-1755) of York, Pennsylvania
* Roger Eastman (1612-1694) of Salisbury, Massachusetts
* Henry Farwell (1605-1670) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts
* Joseph Farwell (1641-1722) of Dunstable, Massachusetts
* Cornelius Feather (1777-1851) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania - Proof of Contract
* Cornelius Feather (1777-1851) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania - Petition
* John Fisher (1634-1668) of Medfield, Mass. -- Will
* Joshua Fisher (1588-1674) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jacob Fitz Randolph (1708-1779) of Middlesex County, New Jersey - Will
* Nathaniel Fitz Randolph (1642-1713) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Samuel Fitz Randolph (1668-1754) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Robert Fletcher (1593-1677) of Concord, Massachusetts - Will
* Samuel Fletcher (1652-1723) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts
** Part 1 - Will and Letters testamentary
** Part 2 - Widow's petition, notice to heirs, decision to invalidate will
** Part 3 - Administrator's Account
* Joseph Foster (1650-1721) of Billerica, Massachusetts
* Edmond Freeman (1596-1682) of Sandwich, Mass. - Will
* John Freeman (1626-1719) of Eastham, Massachusetts
** Part 1 - Will and Letter Testamentary
** Part 2 - Letters Testamentary and Inventory of Estate
* Thomas Gach (1702-1770) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* Henry Garnsey (1620-1692) of Dorchester, Massachusetts
* John Garnsey (1648-1722) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts
** Part 1 - Letters of Administration
** Part 2 - Estate Inventory
** Part 3 - Account of Estate
** Part 4 - Order for Division of Personal Estate
** Part 5 - Warrant and Division of Personal Estate
** Part 6 - Warrant and Division of Real Estate
* Amos Gates (1706-1783) of Stow, Massachusetts - Distribution to Widow
* Simon Gates (1667-1752) of Stow, Massachusetts - Will
* Simon Gates (1739-1803) of Gardner, Massachusetts:
** Letter of Administration
** Inventory of Estate
** Warrant of Appraisal
** Appraisal of Real Estate
** Setting Off Widow's Dower
** Setting Off Children's Portions
** Decree of Partition
** Administratrix Account
* Robert Gifford (1660-1730) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts
* Bridget (--?--) (Verry) Giles (1600-1680) of Salem, Massachusetts
* Joseph Glezen (1640-1715) of Sudbury, Massachusetts -- Articles of Agreement
* Samuel Graves (1655-1723) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Thomas Graves (1620-1697) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Thomas Graves (1686-1756) of Southborough, Massachusetts
* Samuel Gray (1681-1712) of Little Compton, Rhode Island
* Thomas Greenman (1669-1728) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* 1697 Will of John Grout (1616-1697) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* 1697 Estate Inventory of John Grout (1616-1697) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* John Guild (1616-1682) of Medfield, Massachusetts - Will
* Nathaniel Guild (1712-1796) of Walpole, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Guild (1647-1731) of Dedham, Massachusetts -- Will
* William Hagar (????-1684) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Hale (1639-1709) of Woodbridge, New Jersey -- Will
* Francis Hamant (1625-1692) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Timothy Hamant (1699-1774) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Nathaniel Harwood (1669-1751) of Chelmsford, Mass. -- Will and Inventory and Account
* Arthur Hathaway (1630-1711) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* John Haughton (1647-1705) of New London, Conn. - Will and Inventory
* Samuel Haughton (1686-1778) of Eastham, Mass. -- Will and Inventory
* Stephen Hazard (1665-1727) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
* John Heald (1611-1662) of Concord, Massachusetts
* William Healy (1688-1772) of Chester, New Hampshire - 1767 Will
* 1707 Will of Robert Herrington (1616-1707) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* 1735 Will of Edward Herington (1669-1736) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Jediah Higgins (1657-1715) of Somerset County, N.J.
* Elizabeth (Prescott) Hildreth (1734-1812) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts
* Edward Hildreth (1831-1899) of Leominster, Massachusetts
* Ephraim Hildreth (1654-1731) of Westford, Massachusetts
* Zachariah Hildreth (1728-1784) of Westford, Massachusetts
* John Hill (1602-1664) of Dorchester, Massachusetts
* John Hill (1707-1759) of Fairfield, Connecticut - Will
* 1735 Will of Edward Herington (1669-1736) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Elizabeth (Prescott) Hildreth (1734-1812) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts
* Edward Hildreth (1831-1899) of Leominster, Massachusetts
* Ephraim Hildreth (1654-1731) of Westford, Massachusetts
* Zachariah Hildreth (1728-1784) of Westford, Massachusetts
* John Hill (1602-1664) of Dorchester, Massachusetts
* John Hill (1707-1759) of Fairfield, Connecticut - Will
* Ruth (Hawkins) (Wade) Hopkins (1711-1789) of Glocester, Rhode Island
* John Horton (1696-1796) of Glocester, Rhode Island
* 1802 Will of Frederick Houx (1725-1802) of Frederick County, Maryland
* Jonathan Hubburd (1659-1728) of Concord, Massachusetts - Will
* Samuel Hubbard (1687-1753) of Concord, Massachusetts
* Jeffrey Jones (1635-1717) of Elizabethtown, N.J.
* John Kenyon (1647-1732) of Westerly, R.I.
* John Kenyon (1742-1831) of Sterling, Connecticut
* Rebeckah Kerby (1681-1773) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* Jonathan Keyes (1722-1781) of Westford, Massachusetts - Papers and Will
* Joseph Keyes (1667-1757) of Westford, Massachusetts - Will
* Solomon Keyes (1631-1702) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts
* Nicholas King (1707-1776) Estate in York, Pennsylvania - Will and Letters Testamentary
* Philip Jacob King (1738-1792) of York, Pennsylvania
* Philip Jacob King (1764-1829) of York, Pennsylvania
* Thomas King (1600-1676) of Marlborough, Massachusetts
* David Kirby (1740-1832) of Westport, Massachusetts
* Ichabod Kirby (1705-1793) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* Rebekah (Potter Kerby (1681-1773) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* Robert Kirby (1674-1757) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* Nathaniel Knowlton (1658-1726) of Ipswich, Massachusetts
* Joseph Ladd (1613-1683) of Portsmouth, R.I.
* 1729 Will of William Ladd (1665-1729) of Little Compton, Rhode Island
* Edward Larkin (1611-1652) of Charlestown, Massachusetts
* David LaTourrette (1699-1764) of Richmond County, N.Y.
* George Lawrence (1637-1709) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Isaac Learned (1624-1657) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Anna T. Leland (1853-1911) of Deerfield, Wisconsin
* Sever Torgerson Leland (1804-1889) of Dane County, Wisconsin
* Jonathan Lewis (1688-1764) of Staten Island, N.Y.
* Jonathan Lewis (1715-1785) of Staten Island, N.Y.
* John Loker (1608-1653) of Sudbury, Masssachusetts
* John Lothrop (1584-1653) of Barnstable, Massachusetts
* John Martin (1620-1687) of Piscataway, N.J.
* Peter Martin (1693-1756) of Piscataway, N.J.
* Thomas Martin (1737-1767) of Woodbridge, N.J.
* John Metcalf (1648-1738) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Daniel Morse (1611-1688) of Sherborn Massachusetts - Will
* 1733 Will of Joseph Morse (1667-1733) of Marlborough, Massachusetts
* Adam Mott (1596-1661) of Portsmouth, R.I.
* John Mousall (1585-1660) of Woburn, Massachusetts
* Elling Eriksen Natvig (1820-1896) of Cottage Grove, Wisconsin - Will and Resignation of Executor
* John Norman (1660-1709) of Marblehead, Massachusetts
* Francis Nurse (1618-1695) of Salem, Massachusetts
* Amy (Champlin) Oatley (1824-1864) of Killingly, Connecticut -- Will
* Jonathan Oatley (1689-1755) of South Kingstown, R.I.
* John Paine (1660-1731) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will
* Thomas Paine (1633-1706) of Eastham, Mass. - Will
* Andrew Phillips (1661-1717) of Charlestown, Massachusetts
* Ebenezer Phillips (1695-1746) of Southborough, Massachusetts - Will
* Balthasar Pickel (1685-1765) of Hunterdon County, New Jersey
* Henry Pickel (1729-1765) of Readington, N.J.
* John Pierce (1673-1744) of Waltham, Massachusetts -- Will
* Adam Mott (1596-1661) of Portsmouth, R.I.
* John Mousall (1585-1660) of Woburn, Massachusetts
* Elling Eriksen Natvig (1820-1896) of Cottage Grove, Wisconsin - Will and Resignation of Executor
* John Norman (1660-1709) of Marblehead, Massachusetts
* Francis Nurse (1618-1695) of Salem, Massachusetts
* Amy (Champlin) Oatley (1824-1864) of Killingly, Connecticut -- Will
* Jonathan Oatley (1689-1755) of South Kingstown, R.I.
* John Paine (1660-1731) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will
* Thomas Paine (1633-1706) of Eastham, Mass. - Will
* Andrew Phillips (1661-1717) of Charlestown, Massachusetts
* Ebenezer Phillips (1695-1746) of Southborough, Massachusetts - Will
* Balthasar Pickel (1685-1765) of Hunterdon County, New Jersey
* Henry Pickel (1729-1765) of Readington, N.J.
* John Pierce (1673-1744) of Waltham, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Pierce (1712-1772) of Waltham, Massachusetts
* Thomas Pierce (1584-1667) of Charlestown, Massachusetts
* Amos Plimpton (1735-1808) of Medfield, Mass.
* John Plimpton (1649-1722) of Medfield, Mass.
* John Plimpton (1680-1730) of Medfield, Mass.
** Part 1 - Letter of Administration and Inventory
** Part 2 - Account and Request for Payment
** Part 3 - Warrant, Appraisal and Distribution
* John Plimpton (1708-1756) of Medfield, Mass.
** Inventory
** Account of Estate
** Division and Appraisal of Real Estate
** Account and Distribution of Widow's Personal Estate
** Warrant and Distribution of Widow's Real Estate
** Bond and Distribution of Real Estate
* Jacques Poillon (1681-1733) of Richmond, New York
* Nathaniel Potter (1637-1704) of Dartmouth, Mass.
* John Pray (1653-1733) of Smithfield, Rhode Island
* John Prescott (1604-1681) of Lancaster, Massachusetts
* Jonas Prescott (1648-1723) of Groton, Massachusetts
* 1751 Inventory of Jonas Prescott (1678-1750) Estate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
* 1750 Affidavit of Son Jonas Prescott in Jonas Prescott (1678-1750) Estate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
* Jonathan Prescott (1645-1721) of Concord, Massachusetts
* Samuel Prescott (1674-1750) of Acton, Massachusetts
* Richard Pray (1683-1755) of Scituate, Rhode Island
* Isaac Read (1704-1780) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* Thomas Read (1627-1701) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* George Reed (1627-1706) of Woburn, Massachusetts
* Thomas Rice (1626-1681) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* Edmund Rice (1663-1726) of Westborough, Massachusetts
* Samuel Rice (1634-1684) of Sudbury, Massachusetts
* Crispus Richards (1691-1763) of Lynn, Massachusetts
* Joseph Richards (1703-1748) of Southborough, Massachusetts
* John Richman (1724-1807) of Hilperton, Wiltshire -- Will
* Edward Richmond (1632-1696) of Little Compton, R.I.
* James Richmond (1821-1912) of Putnam, Connecticut - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
* Philip Row (1752-1817) of Tewksbury, N.J.
* George Ruth (1740-1812) of Cumru Township, Pennsylvania - 1812 Will
* Jonathan Sanderson (1646-1735) of Waltham, Massachusetts
* 1694 Inventory of Richard Sawtell (1611-1694) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* 1848 Petition of the widow of Aaron Seaver of Gardner, Massachusetts
* 1848 Petition of the widow of Aaron Seaver of Gardner, Massachusetts
* 1845 Affidavit of Edward Taylor of Sterling, Massachusetts Noting Death of Abigail (Sawyer) Seaver
* 1857 Affidavit of Sale of Real Estate of Abraham W. Seaver of Townsend, Mass.
* 1857 Affidavit of Sale of Real Estate of Abraham W. Seaver of Townsend, Mass.
* 1866 Guardianship Record of Alvin L. Seaver of Tewksbury, Massachusetts
* Amanuensis Monday -- 1773 Order to Pay Heirs of Andrew Sever Intestate Estate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
* 1876 Guardian's Petition for Annie Isabel Seaver (1857-1895) of Worcester County, Massachusetts
* Benjamin Seaver (1757-1816) of Westminster, Massachusetts
* Nomination of Guardian and Bond to Sell Real Estate for Minor Children of Benjamin Seaver (1757-1816)
* 1865 Will of Benjamin F. Seaver of Orange, New Jersey
* 1865 Will of Benjamin F. Seaver of Orange, New Jersey
* 1881 Executor's Petition for Eunice Seaver's Estate in Templeton, Massachusetts.
* Frank W. Seaver (1852-1922) of Leominster, Massachusetts - Petition for Administration
* 1918 Petition of Mrs. Frank Seaver to Appoint a Guardian For Minor Children
* 1918 Petition of Mrs. Frank Seaver to Appoint a Guardian For Minor Children
* Hattie (Hildreth) Seaver (1857-1920) of Leominster, Massachusetts -- Petition for Administration, Land Ownership Sale Petition, and Final Account
* 1860 List of Heirs of Horace Seaver of New York City
* 1853 Administratrix Petition for James M. Seaver's Estate in Sterling, Massachusetts.
* 1868 Will of James N. Sever (1793-1869) of Kingston, Massachusetts
* 1868 Will of James N. Sever (1793-1869) of Kingston, Massachusetts
** Part 1 - Deed Records
** Part 2 - Deed Records
** Part 3 - Deed Records
* 1881 Will of Joseph Seaver (1805-1885) in Rock Island, Illinois Probate Court Records
* 1814 Will of Mary (Chandler) Sever of Worcester, Massachusetts
* 1900 Judgment to Distribute Estate of Malina Seaver (1831-1898) of Stoughton, Wisconsin
* 1900 Judgment to Distribute Estate of Malina Seaver (1831-1898) of Stoughton, Wisconsin
* Nellie M. Seaver (1862-1931) of Leominster, Massachusetts - Will, Final Account, and Account Schedules
* Nicholas Sever (1690-1764) of Kingston, Massachusetts
* Norman Seaver (1734-1787) of Westminster, Massachusetts - Appraisal and Division and Inventory
* 1857 Will Of Otis Seaver of Townsend, Massachusetts
* 1877 Will of Patrick Seaver (1813-1877) of Smithfield, Richmond County, New York
* 1877 Will of Patrick Seaver (1813-1877) of Smithfield, Richmond County, New York
* 1805 Probate Records of Peter Johonnot Seaver (1770-1804) in Suffolk County, Massachusetts
* 1807 Order to Pay Creditors of Insolvent Estate of Peter Johonnot Seaver in Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
* 1911 Will of Robert A. Seaver of Manchester, New Hampshire
* Sarah (Warren) (Little) Sever (1692-1756) of Kingston, Massachusetts
* Sarah C. Seaver (1787-1872) of Chester Co. Pennsylvania - Will and Codicils
* Sarah Sever (1736-1809) of Kingston, Massachusetts -- Will
* Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) of Roxbury, Massachusetts -- Deed Records
** Part 1 - Deed Records
** Part 2 - Deed Records
* 1828 Petition for Administration of Intestate Estate of Susanna Seaver (1754-1828) of Newton, Massachusetts
* 1853 Will of Thomas Seaver of Walpole, New Hampshire
* 1853 Will of Thomas Seaver of Walpole, New Hampshire
* William Sever (1729-1809) of Kingston, Massachusetts
** Will of William Sever
** Division of Lands of William Sever
** Asset Account of William Sever
* 1839 Probate Record for Guardianship of William R. Seaver et al in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
* 1672 Will of William Shattack (1621-1672) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Ebenezer Slocum (1650-1715) of Jamestown, Rhode Island - Will
* Giles Slocum (1623-1683) of Portsmouth, Rhode Island -- Will
* Mary (Thurston) Slocum (1657-1732) of Jamestown, Rhode Island -- Will
* John Smalley (1644-1732) of Piscataway, New Jersey -- Will
* Alpheus B. Smith (1802-1840) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Insolvency Sale, Probate Papers 2, Administration Papers, Special Guardianship
* Daniel Smith (1642-1681) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will
* Devier J. Smith (1839-1894) of McCook, Nebraska:
** 1929 Petition for Determination of Heirship
** Hearing Order, Publisher's Affidavit, and Hearing Notice
** Hearing Decree
* Elizabeth (Arnold) (Hawkins) Smith (1685-1758) of Glocester, Rhode Island -- Will
* Henry Smith (1607-1687) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* 1672 Will of William Shattack (1621-1672) of Watertown, Massachusetts
* Giles Slocum (1623-1683) of Portsmouth, Rhode Island -- Will
* Mary (Thurston) Slocum (1657-1732) of Jamestown, Rhode Island -- Will
* John Smalley (1644-1732) of Piscataway, New Jersey -- Will
* Alpheus B. Smith (1802-1840) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Insolvency Sale, Probate Papers 2, Administration Papers, Special Guardianship
* Daniel Smith (1642-1681) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will
* Devier J. Smith (1839-1894) of McCook, Nebraska:
** 1929 Petition for Determination of Heirship
** Hearing Order, Publisher's Affidavit, and Hearing Notice
** Hearing Decree
* Elizabeth (Arnold) (Hawkins) Smith (1685-1758) of Glocester, Rhode Island -- Will
* Henry Smith (1607-1687) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will
* Henry Smith (1680-1743) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will, Inventory, Account, Widow's Dower Division, Division of Estate
* John Smith (1600-1669) of Lancaster, Massachusetts -- Will
* Ranslow Smith (1805-1875) of Andrew County, Missouri -- Will
* Elisabeth Snow (1702-1772) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Estate Papers
* Nicholas Snow (1600-1676) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jabez Snow (1670-1750) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jabez Snow (1696-1760) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will, Dower, Insolvency, Account and Dividend
* Jacob Soule (1687-1748) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts - Will
* Frederick Sovereen (1786-1875) of Windham, Ontario -- Will
* Benjamin Sowle (1719-1803) of Westport, Massachusetts -- Will
* 1700 Bond and Letter of Administration of the Estate of Nathaniel Sowle (1637-1699) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts
* Baltzer Spangler (1707-1770) of York, Pennsylvania -- Will
* Daniel Spangler (1781-1851) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania -- Will
* Mary Magdalena Spangler (1706-1784) of York, Pennsylvania -- Will
* Rudolf Spangler (1738-1811) of York, Pennsylvania -- Will
* George Stearns (1690-1760) of Waltham, Massachusetts -- Will
* James Stone (1702-1783) of Groton, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Tefft (1644-1725) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island -- Will
* Elizabeth (Jenckes) Tefft (1658-1740) of South Kingstown, R.I. -- Will
* 1719 Will of Nathaniel Tompkins (1650-1724) of Little Compton, Rhode Island
* Baltzer Spangler (1707-1770) of York, Pennsylvania -- Will
* Daniel Spangler (1781-1851) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania -- Will
* Mary Magdalena Spangler (1706-1784) of York, Pennsylvania -- Will
* Rudolf Spangler (1738-1811) of York, Pennsylvania -- Will
* George Stearns (1690-1760) of Waltham, Massachusetts -- Will
* James Stone (1702-1783) of Groton, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Tefft (1644-1725) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island -- Will
* Elizabeth (Jenckes) Tefft (1658-1740) of South Kingstown, R.I. -- Will
* 1719 Will of Nathaniel Tompkins (1650-1724) of Little Compton, Rhode Island
* Joseph Tripp (1644-1718) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jonathan Thurston (1659-1740) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts - Will
* Abraham Tucker (1653-1725) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Henry Tucker (1619-1694) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* John Underhill (1721-1793) of Chester, New Hampshire -- Will
* Jonathan Wade (1613-1683) of Ipswich, Massachusetts -- Will
* Nathaniel Wade (1648-1707) of Charlestown, Mass. - Will
* Nathaniel Wade (1709-1754) of Scituate, Rhode Island -- Will
* Reuben Waite (1656-1707) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* George Wakeman (1740-1814) of Ashtabula County, Ohio -- Will
* John Warren (1585-1667) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will
* 1684 Will of George Wheeler (1606-1687) of Concord, Massachusetts
* 1687 Estate Inventory of George Wheeler (1606-1687) of Concord, Massachusetts
* Humphrey White (1758-1814) of Glocester, Rhode Island - Guardianship of Children
* Jonathan White (1730-1804) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Jonathan White (1806-1850) of Killingly, Connecticut -- Will
* William White (1708-1780) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will and Inventory
* John Whitney (1621-1692) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will
* Samuel Whitney (1719-1782) of Westminster, Massachusetts -- Will
* William Whitney (1693-1720) of Weston, Massachusetts - Will
* Ephraim Wight (1646-1723) of Medfield, Mass. -- Will; Petition and Order to distribute
* Thomas Wight (1629-1690) of Medfield, Mass. -- Inventory; Bond and Order to Distribute
* Jacob Wilhelm (1705-1773) of Lancaster, Pennsylvania -- Will
* Benjamin Wing (1698-1782) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Matthew Wing (1674-1724) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Stephen Wing (1621-1710) of Sandwich, Mass. - Will
* Josiah Wood (1629-1691) of Charlestown, Massachusetts -- Will
* Josiah Wood (1687-1753) of Woburn, Mass. -- Non Compos Mentis Petition, Bonds for Estate, Inventory and Debt List, Estate Account and Petition and Citation
* John Woodcock (1606-1701) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts -- Will
* Ezekiel Worthen (1636-1716) of Salisbury, Massachusetts -- Will
* Ezekiel Worthen (1672-1755) of Chester, New Hampshire -- Will
* Abigail Young (1628-1692) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Probate Records
* John Young (1624-1691) of Eastham, Massachusetts - Probate Records
* John Young (1649-1718) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Probate Records
2) LAND RECORDS (alphabetical by last name)
* David Auble (1817-1894) of Sussex County NJ and Vigo County, Ind.
** 1844 Land Deed of David Auble in Sussex County, New Jersey
** 1846 Land Deed of David Auble in Sussex County, New Jersey
* Sarah (Knapp) Auble (1818-1903) of Vigo County, Ind.
** 1870 Deed of Manning Knapp to Sarah Auble - Terre Haute, Indiana
* Moses Brigham, Jr. (1754-1814) of Westborough, Mass.
** 1774 Deed of Moses Brigham Jr. of Westborough, Mass. Selling Land in Westborough to Jonathan Forbes
* Nathan Brigham (1693-1784) of Westborough, Mass.
** 1730 Deed of Land in Westborough, Massachusetts by Seth, Josiah and Thankfull Rice to Nathan Brigham
* Phineas Brigham (1755-1802) of Westborough, Mass.
** 1779 Deed of Phinehas Brigham of Westborough, Mass. Selling Land in Westborough to Jonathan Forbes
* Isaac Buck (1706-1780) of Middlesex County, Mass.
* 1756 Deed of Isaac and Ruth Buck to Joseph Graves - Southborough, Mass.
* David J. Carringer (1828-1902) in Louisa County, Iowa
* 1862 Deed of Catherine McConnel to David J. Carringer - Louisa County, Iowa
* 1864 Deed of D.J. and Rebecca Carringer to John H. Davis - Louisa County, Iowa
* 1881 Deed of David J. and Rebecca Carringer to Mary and Louisa M. Carringer in Louisa County, Iowa
* 1882 Deed of Mary and Louisa Carringer to Richard Richards in Louisa County, Iowa
* Abraham Dafoe (1755-1815) of Ontario, Canada
** 1791 Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Dafoe
** 1797 Upper Canada Land Petition of John, Daniel and Abraham Dafoe
* Thomas Dill (1755-1839) of Barnstable County, Mass.
** 1809 Deed of Thomas Dill to Ezekiel and Seth Dill - Eastham. Massachusetts
* Deborah Gates (1732-1822) of Mass.
** 1791 Deed of Widow Deborah Gates to Isaac Whitman -- Stow, Massachusetts
* Nathan Gates (1767-1830) of Worcester County, Mass.
** 1790 Deed of John Parker to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1796 Deed of Samuel Hoar to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1797 Deed of Samuel Sanderson to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1803 Quitclaim Deed of Nathan Gates to Heirs of Simon Gates - Gardner, Massachusetts
* Nathan Gates (1767-1830) of Worcester County, Mass.
** 1790 Deed of John Parker to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1796 Deed of Samuel Hoar to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1797 Deed of Samuel Sanderson to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1803 Quitclaim Deed of Nathan Gates to Heirs of Simon Gates - Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1804 Mortgage Deed of Daniel Gates to Elizabeth Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1807 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1808 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to Merari Spaulding in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1810 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to Jonathan Osgood in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1811 Deed of Nathan Gates to Jabez Fairbank in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1812 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Pierce - Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1812 Deed of John Peirce Jr. to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1816 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1816 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1818 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1819 Quitclaim Deed of Susanna, Nathan, Simon, and Daniel Gates to Reuben Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1824 Quitclaim Deed Nathan Gates to Jabez Fairbank in Gardner, Massachusetts
* Simon Gates (1739-1803) of Middlesex and Worcester Counties, Massachusetts.
** 1764 Deed of Simon Gates Buying Land from Joseph Brown in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
** 1764 Deed of Simon Gates Buying Land from Amos Gates in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
** 1807 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1808 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to Merari Spaulding in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1810 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to Jonathan Osgood in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1811 Deed of Nathan Gates to Jabez Fairbank in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1812 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Pierce - Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1812 Deed of John Peirce Jr. to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1816 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1816 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1818 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1819 Quitclaim Deed of Susanna, Nathan, Simon, and Daniel Gates to Reuben Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1824 Quitclaim Deed Nathan Gates to Jabez Fairbank in Gardner, Massachusetts
* Simon Gates (1667-1752) of Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
** 1764 Deed of Simon Gates Buying Land from Joseph Brown in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
** 1764 Deed of Simon Gates Buying Land from Amos Gates in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
** 1764 Deed of Simon Gates from Amos Gates in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
** 1765 Deed of Benjamin Pemberton Selling Land to Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1775 Deed of Simon Gates Buying Land from David Wilder in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1775 Deed of Simon Gates Selling Land to Josiah Kendall Jr. in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1778 Deed of Silas Marshall Selling Land to Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1765 Deed of Benjamin Pemberton Selling Land to Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1775 Deed of Simon Gates Buying Land from David Wilder in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1775 Deed of Simon Gates Selling Land to Josiah Kendall Jr. in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1778 Deed of Silas Marshall Selling Land to Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1779 Deed of Simon Gates from Samuel Conant Jr. in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1785 Deed of Nathan Miles Selling Land to John Palmer, Josiah Kendall and Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1787 Deed of Clark Stone Selling Land to Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1787 Deed of Ephriam Pratt Jr. Selling Land to Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1787 Quitclaim Deed of John Palmer, Josiah Kendall and Simon Gates to Nathan Miles in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1788 Deed of Simon Gates to Ephraim Pratt in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1785 Deed of Nathan Miles Selling Land to John Palmer, Josiah Kendall and Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1787 Deed of Clark Stone Selling Land to Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1787 Deed of Ephriam Pratt Jr. Selling Land to Simon Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1787 Quitclaim Deed of John Palmer, Josiah Kendall and Simon Gates to Nathan Miles in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1788 Deed of Simon Gates to Ephraim Pratt in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1790 Deed of Simon Gates to William Cogswell in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
** 1790 Deed of Simon Gates from Cyrus and Marcy Fairbank in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1791 Deed of Simon Gates to Isaiah Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1790 Deed of Simon Gates from Cyrus and Marcy Fairbank in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1791 Deed of Simon Gates to Isaiah Gates in Worcester County, Massachusetts
** 1796 Deed of Simon Gates to Lucas Dunn in Worcester County, Massachusetts
* Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1829) of Middlesex County, Mass.
** 1797 Deed of Jacob Batchelor to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1798 Deed of Isaac Kidder to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1807 Deed of Mary Barry to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
* Zachariah Hildreth (1783-1957) of Middlesex County, Mass.
** 1807 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1809 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
* John Phillips (1722-1800) of Worcester County, Mass.
** 1754 Deed of John Phillips to Peter Brewer - Southborough, Massachusetts
** 1758 Deed of John Phillips to Daniel Bixby - Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
* Amos Plimpton (1735-1808) of Norfolk County, Mass.
** 1798 Deed of Amos Plimpton to Harmon Guild - Medfeld, Mass.
* Hezekiah Sawtell (1703-1779) of Groton, Mass.
* Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1829) of Middlesex County, Mass.
** 1797 Deed of Jacob Batchelor to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1798 Deed of Isaac Kidder to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1807 Deed of Mary Barry to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
* Zachariah Hildreth (1783-1957) of Middlesex County, Mass.
** 1807 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1809 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1812 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1813 Deed of Shobal C. Allen to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1814 Deed of Abigail Wallis to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1816 Deed of Robert Jefts to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1824 Deed of Samuel Stone Jr. to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1828 Bond of Stow and Levi Hildreth with Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1828 Deed of Stow and Levi Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1813 Deed of Shobal C. Allen to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1814 Deed of Abigail Wallis to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1816 Deed of Robert Jefts to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1824 Deed of Samuel Stone Jr. to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
** 1828 Bond of Stow and Levi Hildreth with Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1828 Deed of Stow and Levi Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1832 Deed of Solomon Green et al to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1833 Deed of Stow Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1835 Deed of Samuel Warner to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1837 Deed of Otis Seaver to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1839 Deed of Aaron Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1839 Deed of James Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Aaron Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Aaron Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Mortgage Release of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Samuel D. Baldwin in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Deed of Samuel D. Baldwin to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Deed of James Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1845 Deed of Samuel Baldwin to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1847 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1847 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Milo Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1852 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Milo Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1852 Deed of Milo Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts** 1833 Deed of Stow Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1835 Deed of Samuel Warner to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1837 Deed of Otis Seaver to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1839 Deed of Aaron Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1839 Deed of James Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Aaron Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
** 1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Aaron Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Mortgage Release of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Samuel D. Baldwin in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Deed of Samuel D. Baldwin to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1843 Deed of James Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1845 Deed of Samuel Baldwin to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1847 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1847 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Milo Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
** 1852 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Milo Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
* John Hill (1707-1759) of Fairfield, Conn.
* Abraham Kemp (1795-1881) of Norfolk County, Ontario
* James Abraham Kemp (1831-1902) of Norfolk County, Ontario:
* Thomas Partridge (1758-1828) of Ohio
** 1754 Deed of John Phillips to Peter Brewer - Southborough, Massachusetts
** 1758 Deed of John Phillips to Daniel Bixby - Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
* Amos Plimpton (1735-1808) of Norfolk County, Mass.
** 1798 Deed of Amos Plimpton to Harmon Guild - Medfeld, Mass.
* Hezekiah Sawtell (1703-1779) of Groton, Mass.
* Josiah Sawtell (1768-1847) of Brookline N.H.
** 1784 Deed of Josiah Sawtell to Joseph Hale - Brookline, New Hampshire
** 1804 Deed of Josiah Sawtell to Samuel Hale - Brookline, New Hampshire
* Benjamin Seaver (1757-1816) of Westminster, Mass.
** 1806 Deed of Jarvis Peirce Selling 35 Acres of Land in Westminster, Massachusetts to Benjamin Seaver
** 1814 Deed of Luke Church Selling 49 Acres of Land in Hubbardston, Massachusetts to Benjamin Seaver
** 1815 Deed of Benjamin Sever Selling 26 Acres of Land in Hubbardston, Massachusetts to Sewell Barnes
* Benjamin Seaver (1791-1825) of Worcester County, Mass.
** 1859 Deposition of Luke Bigelow Concerning Benjamin Seaver Land - Westminster, Massachusetts
* Isaac Seaver (1823-1901) of Worcester County, Mass.
8* 1847 Deed of Samuel Munroe to Isaac Seaver 3rd - Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1858 Deed of Luke Bigelow to Isaac Seaver 3rd - Westminster, Massachusetts
** 1861 Deed of James R. Bruce to Isaac Seaver 3rd - Westminster, Massachusetts
** 1861 Deed of Isaac Seaver 3rd to James R. Bruce - Westminster, Massachusetts
* Isaac Seaver (1823-1901) of Worcester County, Mass.
8* 1847 Deed of Samuel Munroe to Isaac Seaver 3rd - Gardner, Massachusetts
** 1858 Deed of Luke Bigelow to Isaac Seaver 3rd - Westminster, Massachusetts
** 1861 Deed of James R. Bruce to Isaac Seaver 3rd - Westminster, Massachusetts
** 1861 Deed of Isaac Seaver 3rd to James R. Bruce - Westminster, Massachusetts
* Joseph Sever (1676-1754) of Framingham, Mass.
* Norman Sever (1734-1787) of Sudbury, Shrewsbury and Westminster, Mass.
** 1742 Deed of Robert Sever of Framingham, Mass. Selling Land in Sudbury To Isaac Read
* Robert Sever (1702-1752) of Framingham, Mass.
* Robert Sever (1702-1752) of Framingham, Mass.
** 1750 Deed of Robert Sever of Framingham, Mass. Buying Land in Narragansett No. 2 from Josiah Browne
* Unis Sever (1707-1773) of Sudbury, Mass.
** 1755 Deed of Unis Sever of Sudbury, Mass. Selling Land in Narragansett No. 2 to Ezra Taylor
* Aaron Smith (1765-1841) of Medfield, Mass.
* Alpheus Smith (1802-1840) of Norfolk County, Mass.
** 1826 Deed of Lebbeus Smith to Alpheus Smith - Medfield, Massachusetts** 1826 Deed of Alpheus B. Smith to Lois Smith - Medfield, Massachusetts
** 1834 Deed of Alpheus B. Smith to Simeon Richardson - Medfield, Massachusetts** 1827 Deed of John Treat to Amos Underhill - Aurora, New York
* Devier J. Smith (1839-1894) of Louisa County, Iowa
** 1867 Deed of Tobias Denny to Devier J. Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1868 Deed of Devier J. Smith to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1870 Deed of Devier and Abby Smith to D.B. McMurry - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1871 Deed of A.A. and Rebecca Hancock to Devier J. Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1871 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to A.H. Owens - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1872 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to Alexander John - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1873 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to C.S. Meeks - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1873 Deed of Devier J. Smith to A.D. Ackley - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1873 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to James McMonigal - Taylor county, Iowa
** 1874 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to William Walton - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1874 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to M.W. Wood - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1875 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to Bazzel Turner - Taylor county, Iowa
* Elizabeth (Dill) Smith (1791-1869) of Norfolk county, Mass.
** 1841 Deed of Elizabeth H. Smith to Lucy Butterfield - Medfield, Massachusetts
** 1841 Deed of Hinsdale Fisher to Lucy Butterfield - Medfield, Massachusetts
* Ranslow Smith (1805-1873) of Taylor County, Iowa and Andrew County, Mo.
** 1867 Deed of William Lewis Estate to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1869 Deed of Ranslow Smith to Harley Greenlee - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1869 Deed of Ranslow Smith to Devier J. Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1869 Deed of John and Esther Craven to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1869 Deed of John Craven to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
* Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907) of Windham, Norfolk County, Ontario
** 1841 Deed of Hinsdale Fisher to Lucy Butterfield - Medfield, Massachusetts
* Ranslow Smith (1805-1873) of Taylor County, Iowa and Andrew County, Mo.
** 1867 Deed of William Lewis Estate to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1869 Deed of Ranslow Smith to Harley Greenlee - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1869 Deed of Ranslow Smith to Devier J. Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1869 Deed of John and Esther Craven to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
** 1869 Deed of John Craven to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
* Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907) of Windham, Norfolk County, Ontario
* Amos Underhill (1772-1865) of Erie County, New York
** 1836 Deed of Amos Underhill to Lorin Philips - Aurora, New York
** 1856 Deed of Land from Amos Underhill to Deloss Underhill in Aurora, Erie County, New York
** 1860 Deed of Land from Amos Underhill to Delos Underhill in Aurora, Erie County, New York
** 1853 Deed of Samuel Vaux to Robert Bartlett - Erie County, New York
** 1853 Deed of James Vaux Heirs to William Bennett - Erie county, New York
** 1869 Deed of L.S. Munger to Samuel Vaux - Andrew County, Missouri
** 1880 Deed of Samuel Vaux to William H. Bulla - Andrew County, Missouri
* Jonathan White (1732-1804) of Bristol County, Mass.
** 1785 Deed of Sylvanus White to Jonathan White - Bristol county, Massachusetts
** 1788 Deed of Joseph Trip to Jonathan White - Dartmouth, Massachusetts
* Henry A. White (1848-1885) of Windham County, Conn.
** 1851 Deed of Henry A. White to Plina Mitchell in Killingly, Conn.
* Humphrey White (1758-1815) of Mass. and Rhode Island
** 1792 Deed of Stephen Gifford to Humphrey White - Bristol County, Massachusetts
** 1794 Deed of John Pray to Humphrey White in Glocester, R.I.
** 1794 Deed of Humphrey White to Eli Handy - Bristol County, Massachusetts
* Isaac Buck's Revolutionary War Pension File Affidavits
* Martin Carringer's Revolutionary War Pension File Documents
** Post 1 - Martin's Declaration
** Post 2 - Martin's Affidavit
** Post 3 - The Widow's Declaration
** Post 4- Court Declaration of Widow's Death (1851)
** Post 5 - Molly's 1839 Declaration and Family Record
** Post 6 - Son George's 1851 Declaration
** Post 7 - Allen Morrison's 1851 Declaration
** Post 8 - 1849 Declaration of Molly Carringer
* Joseph Champlin's Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit
* Thomas Dill's Revolutionary War Pension Declaration
* Thomas Dill's Revolutionary War Pension Application Property Statement
* James H. Dill Inquiry in Thomas Dill's Pension Application
* Elisha Ward's Affidavit in Thomas Dill's Pension Application
* Cornelius Feather (1777-1852) Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit
* 1878 Application for Widow's Claim and Widow's Brief of Rosannah Lanfear of Lorraine, New York for Bounty Land in the War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Files
** 1836 Deed of Amos Underhill to Lorin Philips - Aurora, New York
** 1856 Deed of Land from Amos Underhill to Deloss Underhill in Aurora, Erie County, New York
** 1860 Deed of Land from Amos Underhill to Delos Underhill in Aurora, Erie County, New York
* Samuel Vaux (1816-1880) of Erie County, N.Y. and Andrew County, Mo.
** 1845 Deed of Samuel Sprague to Samuel Vaux - Erie County, New York** 1853 Deed of Samuel Vaux to Robert Bartlett - Erie County, New York
** 1853 Deed of James Vaux Heirs to William Bennett - Erie county, New York
** 1869 Deed of L.S. Munger to Samuel Vaux - Andrew County, Missouri
** 1880 Deed of Samuel Vaux to William H. Bulla - Andrew County, Missouri
* John Wakeman (1660-1709) of Fairfield, Conn.
* Ruth (Rice) Ward (1712-1786) of Worcester County, Mass.
** 1785 Deed of Sylvanus White to Jonathan White - Bristol county, Massachusetts
** 1788 Deed of Joseph Trip to Jonathan White - Dartmouth, Massachusetts
* Henry A. White (1848-1885) of Windham County, Conn.
** 1851 Deed of Henry A. White to Plina Mitchell in Killingly, Conn.
* Humphrey White (1758-1815) of Mass. and Rhode Island
** 1792 Deed of Stephen Gifford to Humphrey White - Bristol County, Massachusetts
** 1794 Deed of John Pray to Humphrey White in Glocester, R.I.
** 1794 Deed of Humphrey White to Eli Handy - Bristol County, Massachusetts
* Isaac Buck's Revolutionary War Pension File Affidavits
* Martin Carringer's Revolutionary War Pension File Documents
** Post 1 - Martin's Declaration
** Post 2 - Martin's Affidavit
** Post 3 - The Widow's Declaration
** Post 4- Court Declaration of Widow's Death (1851)
** Post 5 - Molly's 1839 Declaration and Family Record
** Post 6 - Son George's 1851 Declaration
** Post 7 - Allen Morrison's 1851 Declaration
** Post 8 - 1849 Declaration of Molly Carringer
* Joseph Champlin's Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit
* Thomas Dill's Revolutionary War Pension Declaration
* Thomas Dill's Revolutionary War Pension Application Property Statement
* James H. Dill Inquiry in Thomas Dill's Pension Application
* Elisha Ward's Affidavit in Thomas Dill's Pension Application
* Cornelius Feather (1777-1852) Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit
* 1878 Application for Widow's Claim and Widow's Brief of Rosannah Lanfear of Lorraine, New York for Bounty Land in the War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Files
* Mary (Hazard) Oatley (widow of Joseph Oatley)
* Joseph Oatley's Marriage Deposition
* Peter Putman's Revolutionary War Affidavit
* Sarah Putman's Affidavit in Peter Putman's Pension File
* Mary Row's Affidavit in Philip Jacob Row's Pension File
* Marriage Contract of Ichabod Kirby and Rachel Allen
* Obituaries for Charles Auble (1849-1916)
* "Tribute Paid to Hero's Worth" - Kenneth L. Blanchard
* Jonathan Lewis Property Sales
* Obituary of Thomas Richmond (1848-1917)
* True Mortimer Seaver's Funeral Difficulties
* Obituary of George Smith (1812-1876) of Chicago, Illinois
* Obituary of Lyman Dwight Smith (1807-1889) of Dodge County, Wisconsin
* Obituary of Lydia (Griggs) Smith (1808-1889) of Dodge County, Wisconsin
Last updated: 23 December 2024
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Just one word…….WOW!!!!!!
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