Amanuensis Monday Posts

Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent   TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday."  John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

These are the records that I have transcribed to date (last modified 20 December 2023):

1)  PROBATE RECORDS (alphabetical by surname):

*  John Able (1758-1818) of Sussex County, New Jersey - Inventory

*  John Able (1780-1831) of Sussex County, New Jersey - Inventory

*  Peter Adams (1622-1690) of Medfield, Massachusetts - Bond and Distribution

*  Benjamin Allen (1662-1721) of Weston, Massachusetts

*  John Allen (1631-1711) of Sudbury, Massachusetts

*  Joseph Allen (1667-1735) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts

*  Walter Allen (1601-1681) of Charlestown, Massachusetts

*  James Allin (1614-1676) of Medfield, Massachusetts

Nathaniel Ambrose (1678-1745) of Chester, New Hampshire - Will

Stephen Atwood (1653-1722) of Eastham, Mass. - Will

 1719 Will of Daniel Bacon (1643-1720) of Salem, Massachusetts

John Barber (1617-1685) of Medfield, Mass. -- InventoryBond and Order

*  Moses Barber (1652-1733) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island

*  Susannah (West) Barber (1666-1756) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island

*  Ellis Barron (1600-1676) of Watertown, Massachusetts

*  Christopher Bartlett (1623-1670) of Newbury, Massachusetts

*  Christopher Bartlett (1655-1711) of Haverhill, Massachusetts

*  Thomas Bartlett (1594-1654) of Watertown, Massachusetts

*  Caleb Beck (1675-1733) of Schenectady, New York

*  Moses Brigham (1723-1769) of Westborough, Massachusetts -- Appraisal of Real Estate;  Order to Distribute Estate;  Account

*  Henry Brooks (1592-1683) of Woburn, Massachusetts

*  John Brooks (1623-1691) of Woburn, Massachusetts

George Brown (1651-1719) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will and Inventory

*  Samuel Brown (1686-1749) of Eastham, Mass. - Will,  Division of LandGuardianship of Children

*  Ephraim Buck (1646-1721) of Woburn, Massachusetts - Will

*  Job Card (1653-1739) of Charlestown, Rhode Island

*  Solomon Carpenter (1677-1750) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island

*  Edward Carr (1669-1712) of Jamestown, R.I.

*  Martin Carringer (1758-1835) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania

*  Henry Carringer (1800-1880) of Louisa County, Iowa -- Part 1Part 2 and Part 3

*  Joseph Carter (1604-1676) of Woburn, Mass.

*  Thomas Carter (1566-1652) of Charlestown, Mass. --  Will and Inventory

*  Christopher Champlin (1656-1732) Agreement with Elizabeth (Davol) Champlin of Westerly, Rhode Island

*  Elijah Champlin (1730-1779) of South Kingstown, Rhode Island

*  Joseph Champlin (1758-1850) of South Kingston, Rhode Island

*  Thomas Chase (1654-1734) of Newbury, Massachusetts

*  Arthur Clark (1620-1665) of Boston, Massachusetts

*  Ephraim Clark (1646-1694) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Bond and Order to Distribute

*  John Colby (1633-1674) of Amesbury, Massachusetts -- Will and Inventory

*  Ann Collins (1605-1691) of Lynn, Massachusetts

*  Henry Collins (1606-1687) of Lynn, Massachusetts

*  Henry and Ann (--?--) Collins - 1694 Agreement of Sons

*  Joseph Collins (1643-1724) of Lynn, Massachusetts

*  John Cooke (1607-1695) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts- Will and Inventory

*  Lawrence Copeland (1628-1699) of Braintree, Massachusetts

*  Griffin Crafts (1600-1689) of Roxbury, Massachusetts -- Will

*  Mercy (Kelsey) Cutter (1698-1760) of Woodbridge, N.J.

*  Richard Cutter (1682-1756) of Woodbridge, N.J.

*  Stephen Cutter (1745-1823) of Woodbridge, N.J.

*  William Cutter (1649-1723) of Cambridge, Mass.

*  Thomas Dill (1708-1761) of Eastham, Massachusetts
**  Part 1 -- Letter of Administration, Inventory of Estate
**  Part 2 -- Widow's Dower, Appraisal of Estate, Settlement
**  Part 3 -- Guardianship of Minor Children

*  Daniel Dinkel (1713-1755) of York, Pennsylvania

*  Roger Eastman (1612-1694) of Salisbury, Massachusetts

*  Henry Farwell (1605-1670) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts

*  Joseph Farwell (1641-1722) of Dunstable, Massachusetts

*  Cornelius Feather (1777-1851) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania - Proof of Contract
*  Cornelius Feather (1777-1851) of Mercer County, Pennsylvania - Petition

John Fisher (1634-1668) of Medfield, Mass. -- Will

*  John Freeman (1626-1719) of Eastham, Massachusetts
**  Part 1 - Will and Letter Testamentary 
**  Part 2 - Letters Testamentary and Inventory of Estate

*  Thomas Gach (1702-1770) of Woodbridge, N.J.

Henry Garnsey (1620-1692) of Dorchester, Massachusetts

*  John Garnsey (1648-1722) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts
**  Part 1 - Letters of Administration
**  Part 2 - Estate Inventory
**  Part 3 - Account of Estate
**  Part 4 - Order for Division of Personal Estate
**  Part 5 - Warrant and Division of Personal Estate
**  Part 6 - Warrant and Division of Real Estate

*  Amos Gates (1706-1783) of Stow, Massachusetts - Distribution to Widow

*  Simon Gates (1667-1752) of Stow, Massachusetts - Will

*  Simon Gates (1739-1803) of Gardner, Massachusetts:
**  Letter of Administration
**  Inventory of Estate
**  Warrant of Appraisal
**  Appraisal of Real Estate
**  Setting Off Widow's Dower
**  Setting Off Children's Portions
**  Decree of Partition
**  Administratrix Account

*  Robert Gifford (1660-1730) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts

*  Bridget (--?--) (Verry) Giles (1600-1680) of Salem, Massachusetts

Joseph Glezen (1640-1715) of Sudbury, Massachusetts -- Articles of Agreement

*  Jonathan Hubburd (1659-1728) of Concord, Massachusetts - Will

*  Samuel Hubbard (1687-1753) of Concord, Massachusetts

*  Jeffrey Jones (1635-1717) of Elizabethtown, N.J.

*  John Kenyon (1647-1732) of Westerly, R.I.

*  John Kenyon (1742-1831) of Sterling, Connecticut

*  Rebeckah Kerby (1681-1773) of Dartmouth, Mass.

*  Jonathan Keyes (1722-1781) of Westford, Massachusetts - Papers and Will

*  Joseph Keyes (1667-1757) of Westford, Massachusetts - Will

*  Solomon Keyes (1631-1702) of Chelmsford, Massachusetts

Nicholas King (1707-1776) Estate in York, Pennsylvania - Will and Letters Testamentary

*  Philip Jacob King (1738-1792) of York, Pennsylvania

*  Philip Jacob King (1764-1829) of York, Pennsylvania

*  Thomas King (1600-1676) of Marlborough, Massachusetts

*  David Kirby (1740-1832) of Westport, Massachusetts

*  Ichabod Kirby (1705-1793) of Dartmouth, Mass.

Rebekah (Potter Kerby (1681-1773) of Dartmouth, Mass.

*  1733 Will of Joseph Morse (1667-1733) of Marlborough, Massachusetts

*  Adam Mott (1596-1661) of Portsmouth, R.I.

*  John Mousall (1585-1660) of Woburn, Massachusetts

*  Elling Eriksen Natvig (1820-1896) of Cottage Grove, Wisconsin - Will and Resignation of Executor

*  John Norman (1660-1709) of Marblehead, Massachusetts

*  Francis Nurse (1618-1695) of Salem, Massachusetts

*  Amy (Champlin) Oatley (1824-1864) of Killingly, Connecticut -- Will

*  Jonathan Oatley (1689-1755) of South Kingstown, R.I.

John Paine (1660-1731) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Will

Thomas Paine (1633-1706) of Eastham, Mass. - Will

*  Andrew Phillips (1661-1717) of Charlestown, Massachusetts

*  Ebenezer Phillips (1695-1746) of Southborough, Massachusetts - Will

*  Balthasar Pickel (1685-1765) of Hunterdon County, New Jersey

*  Henry Pickel (1729-1765) of Readington, N.J.

John Pierce (1673-1744) of Waltham, Massachusetts -- Will

*  John Plimpton (1680-1730) of Medfield, Mass.
**  Part 1 - Letter of Administration and Inventory
**  Part 2 - Account and Request for Payment
**  Part 3 - Warrant, Appraisal and Distribution

*  John Plimpton (1708-1756) of Medfield, Mass.
**  Inventory
**  Account of Estate
**  Division and Appraisal of Real Estate
** Account and Distribution of Widow's Personal Estate
** Warrant and Distribution of Widow's Real Estate
** Bond and Distribution of Real Estate

*  Jacques Poillon (1681-1733) of Richmond, New York

*  Nathaniel Potter (1637-1704) of Dartmouth, Mass.

*  John Pray (1653-1733) of Smithfield, Rhode Island

*  John Prescott (1604-1681) of Lancaster, Massachusetts

*  Jonas Prescott (1648-1723) of Groton, Massachusetts

*  1751 Inventory of Jonas Prescott (1678-1750) Estate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
*  1750 Affidavit of Son Jonas Prescott in Jonas Prescott (1678-1750) Estate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts

*  Hattie (Hildreth) Seaver (1857-1920) of Leominster, Massachusetts -- 
Petition for Administration, Land Ownership Sale Petition, and Final Account

*  1860 List of Heirs of Horace Seaver of New York City

*  Joseph Seaver (1672-1754) of Framingham, Massachusetts - Deed Records
**  Part 1 - Deed Records
**  Part 2 - Deed Records
**  Part 3 - Deed Records

*  1881 Will of Joseph Seaver (1805-1885) in Rock Island, Illinois Probate Court Records

*  Nellie M. Seaver (1862-1931) of Leominster, Massachusetts - Will, Final Account, and Account Schedules

*  Nicholas Sever (1690-1764) of Kingston, Massachusetts

*  Norman Seaver (1734-1787) of Westminster, Massachusetts - Appraisal and Division and   Inventory

*  Sarah Sever (1736-1809) of Kingston, Massachusetts -- Will

*  Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) of Roxbury, Massachusetts -- Deed Records
**  Part 1 - Deed Records
**  Part 2 - Deed Records

*  William Sever (1729-1809) of Kingston, Massachusetts

**  Will of William Sever
**  Division of Lands of William Sever
**  Asset Account of William Sever

*  1839 Probate Record for Guardianship of William R. Seaver et al in Middlesex County, Massachusetts

 1672 Will of William Shattack (1621-1672) of Watertown, Massachusetts

Ebenezer Slocum (1650-1715) of Jamestown, Rhode Island - Will

*  Giles Slocum (1623-1683) of Portsmouth, Rhode Island -- Will

*  Mary (Thurston) Slocum (1657-1732) of Jamestown, Rhode Island -- Will

*  John Smalley (1644-1732) of Piscataway, New Jersey -- Will

*  Alpheus B. Smith (1802-1840) of Medfield, Massachusetts --  Insolvency Sale, Probate Papers 2,   Administration PapersSpecial Guardianship

*  Daniel Smith (1642-1681) of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Will

*  Devier J. Smith (1839-1894) of McCook, Nebraska:
** 1929 Petition for Determination of Heirship
** Hearing Order, Publisher's Affidavit, and Hearing Notice
** Hearing Decree

*  Elizabeth (Arnold) (Hawkins) Smith (1685-1758) of Glocester, Rhode Island -- Will

Henry Smith (1607-1687) of Medfield, Massachusetts -- Will 

*  Jacob Wilhelm (1705-1773) of Lancaster, Pennsylvania -- Will

*  Benjamin Wing (1698-1782) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will

*  Matthew Wing (1674-1724) of Dartmouth, Massachusetts -- Will

Stephen Wing (1621-1710) of Sandwich, Mass. - Will

*  Josiah Wood (1629-1691) of Charlestown, Massachusetts -- Will

*  Josiah Wood (1687-1753) of Woburn, Mass. --  Non Compos Mentis PetitionBonds for Estate,    Inventory and Debt ListEstate Account and Petition and Citation

*  John Woodcock (1606-1701) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts -- Will

*  Ezekiel Worthen (1636-1716) of Salisbury, Massachusetts -- Will

*  Ezekiel Worthen (1672-1755) of Chester, New Hampshire -- Will

Abigail Young (1628-1692) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Probate Records

John Young (1624-1691) of Eastham, Massachusetts - Probate Records

John Young (1649-1718) of Eastham, Massachusetts -- Probate Records

2)  LAND RECORDS (alphabetical by last name)

*  David Auble (1817-1894) of Sussex County NJ and Vigo County, Ind.
**  1844 Land Deed of David Auble in Sussex County, New Jersey
**  1846 Land Deed of David Auble in Sussex County, New Jersey

*  Sarah (Knapp) Auble (1818-1903) of Vigo County, Ind.
**  1870 Deed of Manning Knapp to Sarah Auble - Terre Haute, Indiana

*  Moses Brigham, Jr. (1754-1814) of Westborough, Mass.

*  Nathan Brigham (1693-1784) of Westborough, Mass.

*  Phineas Brigham (1755-1802) of Westborough, Mass.

*  Isaac Buck (1706-1780) of Middlesex County, Mass.
*  1756 Deed of Isaac and Ruth Buck to Joseph Graves - Southborough, Mass.

*  David J. Carringer (1828-1902) in Louisa County, Iowa
*  1862 Deed of Catherine McConnel to David J. Carringer - Louisa County, Iowa
*  1864 Deed of D.J. and Rebecca Carringer to John H. Davis - Louisa County, Iowa
*  1881 Deed of David J. and Rebecca Carringer to Mary and Louisa M. Carringer in Louisa County, Iowa
*  1882 Deed of Mary and Louisa Carringer to Richard Richards in Louisa County, Iowa

*  Abraham Dafoe (1755-1815) of Ontario, Canada
**  1791 Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Dafoe
**  1797 Upper Canada Land Petition of John, Daniel and Abraham Dafoe 

*  Thomas Dill (1755-1839) of Barnstable County, Mass.
**  1809 Deed of Thomas Dill to Ezekiel and Seth Dill - Eastham. Massachusetts

*  Deborah Gates (1732-1822) of Mass.
**  1804 Mortgage Deed of Daniel Gates to Elizabeth Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1807 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1808 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to Merari Spaulding in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1810 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to Jonathan Osgood in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1811 Deed of Nathan Gates to Jabez Fairbank in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1812 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Pierce - Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1812 Deed of John Peirce Jr. to Nathan Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1816 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1816 Mortgage Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1818 Deed of Nathan Gates to John Miles in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1819 Quitclaim Deed of Susanna, Nathan, Simon, and Daniel Gates to Reuben Gates in Gardner, Massachusetts
**  1824 Quitclaim Deed Nathan Gates to Jabez Fairbank in Gardner, Massachusetts

*  Simon Gates (1667-1752) of Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

*  Simon Gates (1739-1803) of Middlesex and Worcester Counties, Massachusetts.
**  1764 Deed of Simon Gates Buying Land from Joseph Brown in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
**  1764 Deed of Simon Gates Buying Land from Amos Gates in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
**  1796 Deed of Simon Gates to Lucas Dunn in Worcester County, Massachusetts

*  Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1829) of Middlesex County, Mass.
**   1797 Deed of Jacob Batchelor to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1798 Deed of Isaac Kidder to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1807 Deed of Mary Barry to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.

*  Zachariah Hildreth (1783-1957) of Middlesex County, Mass.
**  1807 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
**  1809 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
**  1812 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
**  1813 Deed of Shobal C. Allen to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
**  1814 Deed of Abigail Wallis to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
**  1816 Deed of Robert Jefts to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
**  1824 Deed of Samuel Stone Jr. to Zachariah Hildreth Jr. in Townsend, Mass.
**  1828 Bond of Stow and Levi Hildreth with Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1828 Deed of Stow and Levi Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1832 Deed of Solomon Green et al to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1833 Deed of Stow Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1835 Deed of Samuel Warner to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1837 Deed of Otis Seaver to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1839 Deed of Aaron Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1839 Deed of James Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Aaron Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.
**  1839 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Aaron Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1843 Mortgage Release of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1843 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Samuel D. Baldwin in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1843 Deed of Samuel D. Baldwin to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1843 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1843 Deed of James Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1845 Deed of Samuel Baldwin to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1847 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to James Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1847 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Milo Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1852 Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Milo Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts
**  1852 Deed of Milo Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Massachusetts

*  John Hill (1707-1759) of Fairfield, Conn.

*  Abraham Kemp (1795-1881) of Norfolk County, Ontario

*  James Abraham Kemp (1831-1902) of Norfolk County, Ontario:

*  Thomas Partridge (1758-1828) of Ohio

*  John Phillips (1722-1800) of Worcester County, Mass.
**  1754 Deed of John Phillips to Peter Brewer - Southborough, Massachusetts
**  1758 Deed of John Phillips to Daniel Bixby - Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

*  Amos Plimpton (1735-1808) of Norfolk County, Mass.
**  1798 Deed of Amos Plimpton to Harmon Guild - Medfeld, Mass.

*  Hezekiah Sawtell (1703-1779) of Groton, Mass.

*    Josiah Sawtell (1768-1847) of Brookline N.H.

**  1784 Deed of Josiah Sawtell to Joseph Hale - Brookline, New Hampshire
**  1804 Deed of Josiah Sawtell to Samuel Hale - Brookline, New Hampshire

*  Benjamin Seaver (1757-1816) of Westminster, Mass.

*  Benjamin Seaver (1791-1825) of Worcester County, Mass.  

*  Joseph Sever (1676-1754) of Framingham, Mass.

*  Norman Sever (1734-1787) of Sudbury, Shrewsbury and Westminster, Mass.
**  1742 Deed of Robert Sever of Framingham, Mass. Selling Land in Sudbury To Isaac Read

*  Robert Sever (1702-1752) of Framingham, Mass.

*  Alpheus Smith (1802-1840) of Norfolk County, Mass.
**  1826 Deed of Lebbeus Smith to Alpheus Smith - Medfield, Massachusetts
**  1826 Deed of Alpheus B. Smith to Lois Smith - Medfield, Massachusetts
**  1834 Deed of Alpheus B. Smith to Simeon Richardson - Medfield, Massachusetts**   1827 Deed of John Treat to Amos Underhill - Aurora, New York

*  Devier J. Smith (1839-1894) of Louisa County, Iowa
**  1867 Deed of Tobias Denny to Devier J. Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1868 Deed of Devier J. Smith to Ranslow Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1870 Deed of Devier and Abby Smith to D.B. McMurry - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1871 Deed of A.A. and Rebecca Hancock to Devier J. Smith - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1871 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to A.H. Owens - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1872 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to Alexander John - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1873 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to C.S. Meeks - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1873 Deed of Devier J. Smith to A.D. Ackley - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1873 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to James McMonigal - Taylor county, Iowa
**  1874 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to William Walton - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1874 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to M.W. Wood - Taylor County, Iowa
**  1875 Deed of Devier and Abbie Smith to Bazzel Turner - Taylor county, Iowa

*  Elizabeth (Dill) Smith (1791-1869) of Norfolk county, Mass.

*  Amos Underhill (1772-1865) of Erie County, New York
**  1836 Deed of Amos Underhill to Lorin Philips - Au
rora, New York
**  1856 Deed of Land from Amos Underhill to Deloss Underhill in Aurora, Erie County, New York
**  1860 Deed of Land from Amos Underhill to Delos Underhill in Aurora, Erie County, New York

*  Samuel Vaux (1816-1880) of Erie County, N.Y. and Andrew County, Mo.
**  1845 Deed of Samuel Sprague to Samuel Vaux - Erie County, New York
**  1853 Deed of Samuel Vaux to Robert Bartlett - Erie County, New York
**  1853 Deed of James Vaux Heirs to William Bennett - Erie county, New York
**  1869 Deed of L.S. Munger to Samuel Vaux - Andrew County, Missouri
**  1880 Deed of Samuel Vaux to William H. Bulla - Andrew County, Missouri

*  John Wakeman (1660-1709) of Fairfield, Conn. 
*  Ruth (Rice) Ward (1712-1786) of Worcester County, Mass.

*  Jonathan White (1732-1804) of Bristol County, Mass.
**  1785 Deed of Sylvanus White to Jonathan White - Bristol county, Massachusetts
**  1788 Deed of Joseph Trip to Jonathan White - Dartmouth, Massachusetts

*  Henry A. White (1848-1885) of Windham County, Conn.
**  1851 Deed of Henry A. White to Plina Mitchell in Killingly, Conn.
*  Humphrey White (1758-1815) of Mass. and Rhode Island
**  1792 Deed of Stephen Gifford to Humphrey White - Bristol County, Massachusetts
**  1794 Deed of John Pray to Humphrey White in Glocester, R.I.
**  1794 Deed of Humphrey White to Eli Handy - Bristol County, Massachusetts


*  Isaac Buck's Revolutionary War Pension File Affidavits

*  Martin Carringer's Revolutionary War Pension File Documents
**  Post 1 - Martin's Declaration
**  Post 2 - Martin's Affidavit
**  Post 3 - The Widow's Declaration
**  Post 4- Court Declaration of Widow's Death (1851)
**  Post 5 - Molly's 1839 Declaration and Family Record
**  Post 6 - Son George's 1851 Declaration
**  Post 7 - Allen Morrison's 1851 Declaration
**  Post 8 - 1849 Declaration of Molly Carringer

*  Joseph Champlin's Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit

*  Thomas Dill's Revolutionary War Pension Declaration
*  Thomas Dill's Revolutionary War Pension Application Property Statement
*  James H. Dill Inquiry in Thomas Dill's Pension Application
*  Elisha Ward's Affidavit in Thomas Dill's Pension Application

*  Cornelius Feather (1777-1852) Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit

1878 Application for Widow's Claim and Widow's Brief of Rosannah Lanfear of Lorraine, New York for Bounty Land in the War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Files

Mary (Hazard) Oatley (widow of Joseph Oatley)
*  Joseph Oatley's Marriage Deposition

*  Peter Putman's Revolutionary War Affidavit
*  Sarah Putman's Affidavit in Peter Putman's Pension File

*  Mary Row's Affidavit in Philip Jacob Row's Pension File


*  Marriage Contract of Ichabod Kirby and Rachel Allen


*  Obituaries for Charles Auble (1849-1916)

*  "Tribute Paid to Hero's Worth" - Kenneth L. Blanchard

*  Jonathan Lewis Property Sales

*  Obituary of Thomas Richmond (1848-1917)

*  True Mortimer Seaver's Funeral Difficulties

*  Obituary of George Smith (1812-1876) of Chicago, Illinois

*  Obituary of Lyman Dwight Smith (1807-1889) of Dodge County, Wisconsin

*  Obituary of Lydia (Griggs) Smith (1808-1889) of Dodge County, Wisconsin

Last updated:  23 December 2024