Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Linda's Christmas 2008 Gift From her Brother -- Post 759 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday

I can't help it, I can't do a wordless post! This is one of my favorite photographs:

At Christmas time 2008, we made our usual annual trek by car to the San Francisco Bay area to celebrate the holiday with daughter Lori and her two boys, Lucas and Logan, and to see Linda's brother, Paul, and his wife Deb.

This photo was taken on 23 December 2008 at Brother Paul's home in Sonoma County, California.  Paul was always very creative with his gifts to us, often giving Linda a framed photograph or print that reminded her of her family life in San Francisco.  

The picture in Paul's hands is the 1878 Centennial "bird's eye view" print of the city of San Francisco.  It graces our family room wall to this day.  I need to check it out to see if I can find the house that Elijah McKnew's family (Linda's great-grandparents) lived in at that time.

This is all part of our family history!


Note: The photo is on the website - click the URL below. Feedly isn't showing my images now.

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Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver

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