In the main body of the mortgage indenture (pages 858-861):
[page 858]
No. 70545
Know all men by these
presents that
me Alexander Sovereen , of the Township of Windham , in the
County of
Norfolk , and Province of Ontario , Farmer , and Eliza
Sovereen , of the same place ,
wife of the said Alexander Sovereen ,
are held and firmly bound unto Sarah Adelaide
Crabb wife of
Fredrick H. Crabb , of the City of London in the County of Midde-
sex and
Province of Ontario , Commercial Traveller , in the sum
of Seven Thousand Four
Hundred Dollars of lawful money
of Canada to be paid to the said Sarah Adelaide
Crabb or to other
certain attorney , executors , administrators and assigns for
which payment well
and truly to be made we bind ourselves
our heirs , executors and administrators and
every of them forever
firmly by these presents sealed with our seals . Dated this first
[page 859]
day of February , AD. 1888 .
Whereas the lands hereinafter described toge-
ther with
other lands are covered by a mortgage made by the
above bounden Alexander
Sovereen to the Hamilton Provident
and Loan Society for $ 3700 , and interest at seven
one half per centum ^per annum^ as therein mentioned . And whereas the
above bounden
Alexander Sovereen since the making of said
mortgage has been unable to meet the
payments of prin-
cipal and interest due thereon and a portion of the same have
made by the said Sarah Adelaide Crabb , and whereas
the above bounden Alexander
Sovereen in consideration of
the payments on said Mortgage made by the said Sarah Ade-
laide Crabb and of the assumption of the said mortgage by the
said Sarah Adelaide
Crabb he the said above bounden Alexander
Sovereen hath contracted and agreed with
the said Sarah Adelaide
Crabb for the absolute sale to her in fee simple free from all
incumbrances on or before the first day of February , A.D. 1890
or at such time as the
said in part recited mortgage and in-
terest shall have been fully paid by the said Sarah Adelaide
Crabb of the following parcels ^or tracts^ of land , viz :
All and singular those certain
parcels or tracts of
land and premises situate , lying and being in the Township
Windham , in the County of Norfolk , containing eighty nine
and one half acres more or
less , being composed of the Southerly
and great North Westerly part of the South Half
of Lot Number
Twenty - Two in the Eleventh Concession of said Township of
Windham ,
containing Seventy - Six and one half acres more
or less , and also of the Westerly
part of the Central part of Lot
Number Twenty - one in said Eleventh Concession of said
Township of Windham , containing by admeasurement Thirteen
acres more or less ,
which several mentioned parcels of land
are collectively bounded as follows : that is to
say : Commenc-
ing on the allowance for road in rear of said Eleventh Concession
at a
stone set twelve chains and twenty links Easterly from
the South - West angle of said
Lot Number Twenty - Two ;
thence North , fifteen degrees and forty minutes West
ten chains
and seventy - seven and one half links to a stone planted ; thence
South ,
twenty - eight degrees thirty minutes West , twelve chains
twenty links to the Westerly
limit of said Lot ; thence North , fif-
teen degrees forty minutes West , twenty - two
chains ninety-two
and one half links , more or less to the limit between the North
South halves of said Lot Number Twenty - Two ; thence
North , seventy - eight degrees
thirty minutes East , to the West
twenty - nine chains eighty links more or less to the Easterly
of said Lot ; thence North , fifteen degrees forty minutes
West , fifteen chains twenty
links more or less to the South - West
angle of the North fifty acres of said Lot Number
Twenty - One ,
[page 860]
thence North , seventy - eight degrees thirty minutes East , to the
Westerly limit of
the travelled road across said Lot ; thence South
about seven degrees West , along the
Western boundary of said trav-
elled road , to the allowance for road in rear of said
concession ; and
thence bounding thereon south , seventy - eight degrees thirty
West , nine chains thirty - seven links more or less to the place of
beginning ,
excepting from said parcels of land the school site of
one half acre as registered in No.
7413 .
And whereas it has been further agreed that should
the said Mortgage be paid by
the said Sarah Adelaide Crabb on
or before the first day of February , A.D. 1890 the above
Alexander Sovereen and Eliza Sovereen shall use occupy and en-
joy the lands
herein before mentioned for the unexpired portion of the
term between the payment of
the said mortgage and the ^said^ first day
of February , AD. 1890 paying therefore by way of
rent all taxes
wherewith the land may be assessed and charged . And further
that upon
the first day of February , AD. 1890 , if the said in
part recited Mortgage and interest
shall have been fully paid or
at such time as the same is paid in full by the said Sarah
Crabb and upon conveyance in fee simple free from all incum-
brances as
hereinbefore mentioned of the lands above mentioned from
the said Alexander over to
the said Sarah Adelaide Crabb the
said Sarah Adelaide Crabb shall immediately at the
time of
the delivery of said Conveyance by a good and sufficient instru-
ment in that behalf
demise and lease one half of the house and
one half of one barn erected on the lands
above mentioned together
with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said
above bounden
Alexander Soverer and Eliza Sovereen for the term of their natural
respectively without any remuneration therefor . And where
upon payment of the said
Mortgage the above bounden Eliza Sover-
een hath agreed to bar her dower in said
lands .
Now the condition of the above obligation is such
that if the said Sarah Adelaide
Crabb her heirs , executors , admin-
istrators and assigns shall and will pay or cause to
be paid to
the Hamilton Provident and Loan Society the said above in
part recited
mortgage and interest in full at such time or times
as the same may become due and
payable and will save harm-
less the above bounden Alexander Sovereen from all loss ,
costs ,dam-
age and expense to arise thereunder and therefrom and shall allow
the above
bounden Alexander Sovereen and Eliza Sovereen to occupy
the lands herein before
mentioned for the term hereinbefore mentioned upon
payment of the taxes and upon
conveyance in fee simple free from all
incumbrances of the lands hereinbefore
mentioned at the time or times
herein before mentioned shall demise and lease unto
the above
bounden Alexander Sovereen and Eliza Sovereen the one half of the house
one - half of the barn erected on said lands with the appurtenances
thereunto belonging
for the term of their natural lives respectively with
[Page 861]
out any remuneration therefor , then ^if^ the
above bounden Alexander Sov-
ereen , his heirs and assigns shall have paid all taxes as
mentioned , and shall by good and sufficient deed or deeds in fee
free from all incumbrances (in which the said Eliza
Sovereen shall be a party for the
purpose of barring her dower ) con-
vey and assure or cause to be conveyed or assured
unto the said
Sarah Adelaide Crabb her heirs and assigns for ever the lands
hereinbefore mentioned ^at the times mentioned^ then the above obligation to be void other
wise to be and
remain in full force and virtue .
Signed , sealed and delivered } A. Sovereen [Seal]
in the
presence of }. E. Sovereen [Seal]
sgd. D. MacGillivray }
Ontario } I , Donald MacGillivray , of the
Village of
County of Norfolk } Fredericksburg , in the County of Norfolk , Gen-
to wit : } tleman , make oath and say : 1 . That I was per-
sonally present and did see the within
Instrument and Duplicate
duly signed , sealed and executed by Alexander Sovereen
and Eliza
Sovereen the parties thereto . 2 . That the said Instrument and Du-
plicate were
executed at the Village of Fredericksburg . 3 . That
I know the said parties . 4 . That I
am a subscribing witness
to said Instrument and Duplicate .
Sworn before me at the
Village of Freder }
icksburg , in the County of Norfolk , this } sgd D. MacGillivray
30th day
of August , A.D. 1888 . } .
sgd. J. W. Shearer , J. P.
The source citation for this land deed is:
Norfolk County (Ontario) Registrar of Deeds, #70,545, mortgage bond of Alexander Sovereen and Eliza Sovereen to Sarah Adelaide Crabb, dated 30 August 1888, registered 22 September 1888; imaged, "Norfolk Land Records, 1887-1888, 1888-1890," FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 September 2024), pages 658-661, images 397-398 of 866; original records in Norfolk County (Ontario) Registrar of Deeds, Simcoe, Ontario, microfilmed and imaged by FamilySearch.
This is a Derivative Source (because it is a court clerk's transcription of the original mortgage bond) with Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the names of the mortgagor and mortgagee, the land involved, and the dates of the indenture and recording.
Sarah Adelaide Crabb, wife of Frederick Crabb, was the daughter of Alexander and Eliza Sovereen. She assumed the mortgage from her parents and permitted her parents to live on this land for their natural lives.
Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907) was born 22 November 1814 in Middleton township, Norfolk county, Ontario, the son of Frederick and Mary Jane (Hutchison) Sovereen. He died 15 August 1907 in Windham township, Norfolk county, Ontario. Alexander married Elizabeth Putman (1820-1895) on 3 March 1840 in Norfolk county, Ontario. She was the daughter of John Pieterse and Sarah (Martin) Putman. They had 14 children.
Alexander and Elizabeth (Putman) Sovereen are my 3rd great-grandparents. I am descended through their daughter Mary Jane Sovereen (1840-1874), who married James Abraham Kemp (1831-1902) in 1861.
Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver
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