Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WikiTree Announces "Cousin Bait" Toolkits

I received this press release from WikiTree today:

WikiTree Announces “Cousin Bait” Toolkits

Dec 4, 2012: WikiTree.com has released a special set of tools for genealogists who want to lure distant cousins to help grow their family history and share photos and memories.

Many Internet-savvy genealogists already recommend using WikiTree as a way to fish for new information. Blogger Valerie Craft wrote in her recent post Using WikiTree: The How and The Why: "[T]he biggest reason why you should use WikiTree: cousin bait. ... In my years doing genealogy, I've had the most success thanks to WikiTree."

WikiTree’s new toolkits are for those who want to bait the hooks.

Every ancestor profile has a toolkit that contains a customized set of easy-to-follow action items, such as:
  • Direct links to specific surname forums around the Internet where you can ask for help.
  • A way to create a “family mysteries” page for the surname in order to fish for specific information.
  • Asking a question about the person in WikiTree’s Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Q&A forum.
  • Socializing the profile on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
  • Sharing the person’s photo on Pinterest.
  • Increasing the profile’s ranking in Google with quick and easy steps.

Cousin Bait Toolkits are free for all WikiTree members, along with all other other features and functions. WikiTree membership is free and unlimited for all those who share the community’s mission to create a collaborative worldwide family tree and agree to abide by the Wiki Genealogist Honor Code.

About WikiTree: Growing since 2008, WikiTree.com is a 100% free shared family tree website that balances privacy and collaboration. Community members privately collaborate with close family members on modern family history and publicly collaborate with other genealogists on deep ancestry. Since all the private and public profiles are connected on the same system this process is helping to grow a single, worldwide family tree that will eventually connect us all and thereby make it free and easy for anyone to discover their roots. See http://www.WikiTree.com/

Contact: Elyse Doerflinger

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