Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Create a Genealogical Proverb

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

 It's Saturday Night again - 
time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!): 

1)  Did you watch the David Pogue Keynote address at RootsTech 2013 on Saturday, 23 March?  Remember his bit about creating a Chinese proverb?  One of the best was "The Pit is Always Smaller Than the Plum."

2)  Now it's your turn to create (or blatantly modify) a genealogical proverb.  Or two or three.  They can be serious, funny, or logical - no bounds here!

3)  Tell us about your genealogical proverb(s) in your own blog post, in Comments to this post, in a Facebook status or a Google+ stream post.

Here's mine:

ummm, blank wall...  "Genealogy without sources is mythology."  Hmm, that's already taken, but you get the point.

*  Genealogist who cite sources get gold star!

*  Prune your family tree to keep it healthy.

*  DNA of your ancestors makes you you-nique.

*   Solving family history mysteries is fun!

What can you come up with?

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver


Anonymous said...

Cite your sources or blight your research.

Genealogy is like sailing a boat; sometime you have to take another course.

C S Manske

JG in MD said...

In a library as in a garden, the weeds might be fragrant but they are not the flowers.

GeneGinny said...

Here's a link to my post:;postID=3820162708535100415

Unknown said...

There are always more cousins in the tree.