Thursday, June 30, 2016

Genealogy News for the Holiday Weekend

Here are some of the genealogy news items across my desk this week that might be of interest to you this weekend:

*  The 2016 Genealogy Roadshow schedule on PBS for Season 3 is complete.  You can watch the latest show videos online at

*  The Family Tree Webinar schedule for July is available on the Family Tree Webinar site (  These webinars are free to view live, and for a week after the live presentation.  After a week, you have to be a subscriber to see the archived webinars and download the syllabus material.  The July webinars include:

***  6 July:  Lisa Alzo on "Navigating Naturalization Records "
***  8 July:  Diane Southard on "Watch Geoff Live:"
***  13 July:  Shannon Combs-Bennett on "A Genealogist's Guide to Heraldry"
***  15 July:  Luana Darby on "Finding French Ancestors"
***  20 July:  Lisa Louise Cooke on "Organizing Your Online Life"
***  27 July:  Gena Philibert-Ortega on "Researching Women - Community Cookbooks and What They Tell Us About Our Ancestors"
***  30 July:  John Philip Colletta on "The Germanic French - Researching Alsatian and Lorrainian Families"

*  The Southern California Genealogical Society webinar schedule for the next month is available here.  You will have to register to view them live, and you will have to be an SCGS member to view them after the live presentation.  The three July-August webinars include:

*** 20 July:  Drew Smith on "Organizing Your Genealogy Research Process"
***  6 August:  George G. Morgan on "Five Reasons the Records Aren't in the Courthouse"
***  17 August:  Tessa Keough on "What's In a Name? Every Name Has a Story"

*  Here are some very useful YouTube Channels for genealogists:

* Channel
*  FamilySearch channel
*  BYU Family History Library Channel
*  Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems channel
*  Family Tree Magazine channel
*  DearMYRTLE's channel

*  Findmypast has 1 billion records available for FREE, including US and UK Census records, immigration records and naturalization records, from 29 June to 6 July 2016.  See

* has published a FREE six page guide titled "Follow Your Family Using Census Records" (  Download it or print it out.

*  Kenneth Marks has updated his list of 17,500 free historic newspaper links for Canada and the U.S. - see his blog post at

*  Evernote will restrict their Basic subscribers (free) to two devices only (computers, mobiles, etc.).  See

Have a great genealogy weekend!


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