Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Treasure Chest Tuesday -- 1796 Birth and Baptism Record of Elisabet Konig in York, Pennsylvania

This week's Tuesday Treasure is the 1796 birth and baptism record for Elisabet Konig in York, Pennsylvania:

The record for Elisabet Konig is on the left-hand page of the image above, 4th from the bottom:

The extracted information for this birth and baptism record is (translated to English):

Birth:  Mr 5 1796
Baptism:  My 2 1796
Child:  Elisabet
Parents:  Jacob Konig & Catharina 

The source citation for this birth/baptism record is:

Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1669-2013, digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), York County, York town, "Trinity United Church of Christ" manuscript (in German), unnumbered page, 1796, image 37, Elisabet Konig birth and baptism entry, 5 March and 2 May 1796.

This is a German language record book in the York Trinity Church record books.  There is also a typescript with the translated information in this collection of record books.  The record above is an Original Source record, with Primary Information for the name, birth and baptism of Elisabet, and Direct Evidence of those facts.

Elisabet Konig (Elizabeth King) is my 3rd great-grandmother, daughter of Philip Jacob and Catharina (Ruth) Konig of York, Pennsylvania.  Elizabeth married Daniel Spangler (1781-1851), and I descend through their daughter, Rebecca Spangler (1832-1901).


The URL for this post is:  https://www.geneamusings.com/2019/04/treasure-chest-tuesday-1796-birth-and.html

Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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